친구들 안녕핬입니까!!!!!
let me introduce myself...ã…….ã……
name : u-land
nickname : uland, 현, enfys, serenula.
age : 17 yo
religion : muslim
address : under the sky..... hehehe
activities : nothing special, just reading the fantasy novel, writing fanfiction, hope sungmin, wooyoung, junho, etc. will come to my house (ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹), singing like crazy people, design, photo editing, eating, and the important one is breath.
group : CELNIX ( 셀리아 닉시)
position : as leader in that group. (but, it is just an ordinary group that never famous. 하하하... we are just dreaming about that.)
likes : pray, music, all about food, cooking, sungmin, k-pop, etc.