I was sitting "By Myself" So"Numb"and "Powerless ". I wanted to"BleedItOut"" From The Inside" .I watched the"Blackbirds" flying through .Once in the"Shadow Of The Day" I Wanted to"Runaway"."Cr awling"Â towards my"NewDivide" I was "One Step Closer"to"TheCatalyst" of my life ."In The End" with "No Roads Left" and "Nobody Listening" I came to"LINKIN PARK" . I found "My Reason " to live. The loneliness in me;They "Burn It Down".Theworldwas "Pushing Me Away" "From The Inside" but i found "A Place for My Head" .I found new life when i had"GivenUp" .They admired me to"Leave Out All the Rest" and keep my "Hands Held High" . "Waiting For The End" that never came;they took me to "Road To Revolution"