Fight till the last ...
In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There r some tat u wonder if they evr think bout u. And then ther r some u wish u never had to think bout again. But u do.
There's so many diffrnt ways to b connctd to pple.There r pple u feel tis unspoken connection to, evn though ders not evn a word for it. Den thr r pple you've known forever, who know u in tis way tat othr pple can't, bcoz de hv seen u change, nd de hv let u change
Yes I hve changed for all those ppl who knw me now and those who hav known me for years.And tats the fact of life we all change sumtyms for d good sumtyms for the worst.