Love to dance,,attending parties,,hanging wid frnz
I d0n't care what pe0ple thInk 0r say ab0ut me,
i was'nt b0rn 0n this earth t0 PLZzZzZz any0ne...(///_^):D
**I set high standards && expect a lot
** I completely believe in god && feel like I dont have to answer to anyone but god
** No Im nowhere near perfect nor flawless
**I tend to do something wrong && make several mistakes. But im only a human
:-) I live my life to the fullest with no regrets.
:-) If you havent figured it out yet. Im no complicated
:-) But im different
:-) I trust everyone that comes along, until they give me a reason not to! :-) Impress me not many can do
:-) If you hate me, then do notify me, because i wou