I aM nOt wHAt I AppEars tO bE.
I aM WHat I tHInk Of MysELf.
I dOn't WaNt tO bE sOMeoNe.
I wANt tO bE aNd ReMain mYselF.
I dON't gIve AnYOne thE sTaTus oF My rOLe MOdel.
I aM thE RolE moDeL oF MysELf.
I dOn'T CaRe oF thE WOrlD.
I dOn'T FolLOw OtHerS StaNDarD.
I SEtuP mY OwN StaNDarD.
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Those who know me, know me well and those who don't can go to hell.
No matter what they tell us
No matter what they do
No matter what they teach us
What we believe is true
I can't deny what I believe
I can't be what I'm not