犂犂む犂む歓 犂む犂萎犂犁犂犂犂鉦完犂む犂む歓犂迦犂 犂犂む犂む歓犂犂逗欺犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂犂犂迦款犂犁 犂犁犂萎苅犂犂犁犂犁犂犁犂.. 犂犁犂犁犂犂逗寛犁犂 犂犂逗寒犁犂犂逗寛犁犂 犂犂橿犂 犂犂逗堪犂逗慣犂犁犂犂橿 犂犂園寒犁犂犁 犂犂萎犂犁犂犂犂橿犂犁 犂犂迦犂迦官犂犂逗欺 犂犂萎歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犁 犂犂萎歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂 犂朽歓犂犂鉦完犂犂鉦苅犁 犂犂犁犂園 犂犂む堪犁犂犁犂犁犂.....If u can solve ur problem then what is the need of worrying?
If u cannot solve it then what is d use of worrying?
Think again..
No one can walk out from their own story..
"Don't Accept Other's Defini