I am a teacher in the University and staff member of Wahdabank., I like to communicate with others to get an important information and to highlight our thoughts,ideas , opinions and so on.......
I am a teacher in the University of Garyounis - Benghazi - Libya, and I work in Wahda Bank in Training Department.
慍悋惘 惡悋 惶惆惠 悋愀悋 悋忰悴悋惘悸:((惡惘悋 悋惆悋..
悋 惆 悒悋 悋忰悴悋惘..
悖惷悋悗悋 悋悋惆 悴悋悗悋 悋惡愆悋惘
悋悋.. 悋悴惘悋.. 悋愕惠愆惆悋..
惡悋 惆惡惡悋 愀惡悸
惶忰惠 悖悴愕悋惆悋 惷惆 悋忰惘悋惘..