😱 There is more to Wi-Fi than you really know:
🤾🏻♂️ We will disrupt the WWW space with a Syndicate in the LLL space
#️⃣ Hashtag Marketing 😊 Emoji Marketing 📶 WiFi Marketing
Do you know that there is a hidden power in your Wi-Fi hotspot that can potentially change everyone's future in terms of your mobile presence?
Every hotspot has its own SSID, which is its name. You can check the number of Wi-Fi hotspots surrounding you as well as their SSID's from your laptop, tablet, or smart phone, and most of the SSIDs show up today would be dull, uninteresting and not so impressive, right?
By repurposing the SSIDs in your WiFi hot spots, we will crate a new WiFi Skyline that can change qu...