I kn0w that 2+2=4, And you can't please everyb0dy, I know why we have sky, sun, m00n, and stars, I kn0w there's tw0 sides to a st0ry, I d0n't kn0w why we d0 the way of the w0rld, I d0n't know h0w t0 play the pian0, And i can't explain anything on biology, I d0n't kn0w why pe0ple can be s0 hyp0critical, I d0n't kn0w my purp0se in life yet, But i d0 kn0w that you'll want y0ur childh00d as soon as it leaves y0u, I know what it feels like to be hurt, And i kn0w when i need to wipe the slate clean, I kn0w that pe0ple will make a l0t 0f mistakes they will regret, I kn0w i will s0meday share my stories with a l0ved 0ne, Yet, i d0n't know what life has in st0re for me! _________8888888_____8888888__