Loves to joke
Suave and caring
Brave and fearless
Firm and has leadership qualities
Knows how to console others
Too generous and egoistic
Takes high pride of oneself
Thirsty for praises
Extraordinary spirit
Easily angered
Angry when provok
In This Secular Existance Perfection is an Illusion.
*WelL ThE ReAL Me*
pLeAsE dOnT jUdGe mE bY mY fAcE,
mY rELigiOn,nOr mY rAcE.
DoNt jUdGe mE bY wAt i wEaR,
oR hOw i loOk oR dO mY sTyLes.
PleAsE loOk a lOt mOrE dEePeR.
WaY dOwN dEep iNsiDe.
BeHiNd mY aCtIoNs,
tHe sEcReT liE.
BeHiNd mY sMiLe,
I sOftLy tHiNk aNd tRy.
PleAsE loOk a littLe dEePeR,
aNd mAyBe yOu wiLL sEe,
tHe oNL