Developing and programming Web Applications., Content Management system: Joomla 1.5, 1.6, .7 and 2.5. JomSocial, Vertumart, JComment, Sobi/Sobi Pro, Joomfish, So many others. RSFirewall, Yii Framework, Wordpress, Drupal 6, Ubercart, CCK, CCK Views, So many others, Moodle LMS, HTACCESS Files, MVC Design Pattern.
Framework 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 4, simFish Game Engine, Views Animation, SQLite application, Alerts, Notifications and Gadgets.
Red Hat
Linux (Red Hat) Commands line Regular use, HTTP Configuration, PHP Configuration, Install Modules (yum) and remove it, PageSpeed, Varnish, FFMPEJ.
Android, JQueryMobile Library, WML, DRM (Digital write Management): forward lock...