= i d0n't d0 gUd thiNgs jSt 4 dA saKe of gUd iMpreSi0n...
i d0n't evN gEv a dAmN 4 2Rn oN's 'n 2Rn of'S..
i pReferEd 2 b sEn at my w0rSt atitUde nT 2 b diSlyK or dSgustD bUt 2 b aCeptd deSpitE of hvNg d m0st terbLe pErs0nLty i cULd hVe.=
...+_+..i'M n0t a pErfeCt l0vER..
..i sAy wAtz oN my miNd..
..i start fytS..
..i gEt jEaLous..
..aNd sUmtyMzi d0n't wAnt t0 uNdeRstAnd thiNgs..
..i'M deMandiNg..
..i'M chiLdiSh..
...i'M m0ody
..bUt dErz 3 faCts bwt mE..!
..i'M faithfuL
..i'M swEet.
..aNd wen i chUz hiM....
....8z onLi HIM!!