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Ukraine Ukraine
Strategic Communication and Reputation Management
Seasoned PR professional with 20 years of corporate and agency experience. Advised and coached senior government officials and executives. Created and led the communication function at several large companies. Created education courses in communication for professionals and executives. Built and managed successful agency teams. Specialties: communication function development, strategic communications, executive communications, crisis communications, reputation audit, reputation management, communication strategy, media relations, CSR, employee relations, writing, social media, media training and executive coaching, PR education
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亊从 仆舒于亳亳 于舒仂亞仂 仄仆舒 亞仂于仂亳亳?
亊从 仆舒于亳亳 于舒仂亞仂 仄仆舒 亞仂于仂亳亳? 亊从 仆舒于亳亳 于舒仂亞仂 仄仆舒 亞仂于仂亳亳?
亊从 仆舒于亳亳 于舒仂亞仂 仄仆舒 亞仂于仂亳亳?
Breakthrough Communications (in Ukrainian)
Breakthrough Communications (in Ukrainian)Breakthrough Communications (in Ukrainian)
Breakthrough Communications (in Ukrainian)
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