愆 惡 惡惠 惡擯 惠惘愕 悋慍 惘悴 悋慍 悽惆 惘悴 惡惆惠惘 悋愕惠. 惠悋惘惠惘 忰惴 愆惡 忰惴 拆愆 悋慍 惡惘悛惆 悛惠悋惡 悋愕惠
I am a flexible, down to earth, easygoing person - I have a very big heart. I love my friends and also my enemies because I think they are keys to my problems and I learn more from them.
I love being rejected because it gives me a challenge and an opportunity to fight battles.
I love action and adventure. I always give 100%. I am the person who sees ideas through to their conclusion. and I accept any challenge.
Life is certainly a great teacher and shows you more than a hundred books.
The truth ma