Topic 4 The Socialist ResponsewesleybatchellerThis document discusses responses to capitalism from reformers, unions, and socialists in the 19th century. It covers Robert Owen and Charles Fourier's utopian socialist ideas to address social problems through cooperative communities. Workers organized unions to advocate for better pay and conditions. Karl Marx critiqued earlier reformers, proposing scientific socialism and arguing that history is defined by class struggle between the bourgeoisie and proletariat that would ultimately lead to revolution.
Swo coordinated responseSouth West ObservatoryThe document discusses the work of the South West Observatory (SWO) in coordinating Local Economic Assessments (LEAs) across authorities in the region. Specifically:
1) SWO has helped authorities achieve consensus on a set of core indicators for LEAs and provided this data.
2) SWO led a joint commission to map Functional Economic Market Areas for 15 authorities and regional bodies.
3) The SWO LEA Evidence Coordinator shares information to encourage consistent and collaborative assessments across the region.
Referentiecase A.S. Watson | ICreativeICreative"Facturatie middels XML is nirwana" - case A.S. Watson, klant ICreative.
A.S. Watson ontvangt op jaarbasis honderduizenden facturen die in de 'oude' situatie vaak handmatig moesten worden geaccordeerd. "Facturatie middels XML is nirwana" aldus Rob Wiecherink, manager AP. Lees hier de referentiecase.
Unit 3 Topic 2 The PhilosopheswesleybatchellerThe Enlightenment promoted the use of reason and science to understand the world, influenced by thinkers like Locke and Newton. It advocated for religious tolerance in Britain and spread ideas through print culture. Voltaire, Diderot, and Beccaria used their writings to promote tolerance and reform unjust laws. Adam Smith advocated for free markets and criticized mercantilism. Montesquieu's ideas of separation of powers and checks and balances influenced the U.S. Constitution. Rousseau believed people were originally good but corrupted by society. Though most Enlightenment thinkers did not advocate for women's rights, salons run by women and works by Wollstonecraft began expanding women's role.
Es3H LMinerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids that have a definite chemical composition and crystal structure. The key properties used to identify minerals are streak, luster, cleavage or fracture, density, and hardness. Streak is the color of the powdered mineral, luster describes the surface reflection or shine, cleavage and fracture refer to how the mineral breaks, density is a mineral's weight compared to water, and hardness tests how easily a mineral can be scratched. These physical properties allow minerals to be distinguished from one another.
Economics Demystified: South West Characteristics & ChallengesSouth West ObservatoryChief Economist Nigel Jump delivers a presentation on the characteristics of and the challenges posed by the South West Economy. This presentation looks at world economic conditions including relative growth rates, trade shares and looks at the impact of the UK recession to date.
Moodle and Beyond Presentation and NWALLT/SWALLT Conferencembucy21The document contains links to various photos available under Creative Commons licenses, as well as placeholders indicating photos that require a decompressor to view. It introduces photos but does not provide any other text.
Anthony Plumridge: Key SectorsSouth West ObservatoryAnthony Plumridge, Principal Lecturer, School of Economics, University of the West of England, Bristol, talks to the SWO Future Skills seminar on key sectors in the region and West of England Area.
2014 GreatIdeas Presentation ES 3_9_14eschonherThe document summarizes a presentation by Jacqualine Price Osafo and Erik Schonher on membership marketing strategies. It discusses acquiring new members through awareness, recruitment, and engagement tactics. It also covers renewing and retaining existing members through effective communication, onboarding processes, and multiple renewal contact attempts. Data from the Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report is presented comparing membership trends and effective practices across different association types.
Monster.comPearson North AmericaEric Winegardner, VP of Client Adoptions for "Placement and Recruiting Issues to Confront Our Surging Enrollments"
Introdução à história da naturopatiaMonitoria Contabil S/CEste documento fornece um resumo da história da naturopatia ao longo dos tempos, começando pelos povos tradicionais que tinham práticas de saúde naturais, passando pela civilização romana que se tornou decadente com o tempo, e culminando com as contribuições de Hipócrates na Grécia, considerado o pai da medicina.
Radionica - Organizacijska kultura kao temelj motivacije i radnog učinka Marino MilošInteraktivna radionica o vezi između propagiranih 'vrijednosti tvrtke' (zapisanih u viziji i misiji) i realnosti 'na terenu' (što se u stvari 'nagrađuje'?). Uz korištenje jednog primjera namjera je osvijestiti HR menadžerima činjenicu da je temelj motivacije (pogotovo one intrinzične) upravo poticajna i pozitivna organizacijska kultura, a za čiju izgradnju i očuvanje (pogotovo u recesiji) su upravo oni odgovorni.
Beastie BowwiisslaurenlauraThe Beastie Boys are an American hip hop group from New York that began as a hardcore punk band in 1982. They are considered postmodern because they sample extensively from various other songs, sometimes up to 17 songs in a single track, and have been sampled by other postmodern artists as well. Their style mixes different music genres to create their own unique sound.
Flipping Your ClassChristine WellsThis document discusses flipped learning and how to implement it in the classroom. It defines flipped learning as making content available online for students to learn at their own pace outside of class. This frees up class time for teachers to work directly with students and for increased interaction and feedback. Potential downsides include students not engaging with pre-class content and not all students preferring this learning style. The document provides examples of tools that can be used to create digital content and instructions for how to create videos and digital essays for flipped learning.
Meet The Officers - Sp2010UMAatCalThe document profiles the board members of the Undergraduate Marketing Association (UMA) at an unnamed university. It provides each board member's name, year, major or intended major, hometown, reasons for joining UMA, opportunities gained from UMA, interests and hobbies, guilty pleasures, favorite pickup lines, and uncommon facts. There are 15 board members profiled in total.
Demo slideshow1mbucy21The document discusses various examples of photo manipulation by media organizations and discusses the ethics around manipulating photos. It provides examples of tabloids combining photos from different times to misleadingly portray events. It also discusses magazines adding or altering bodies in photos and questions where to draw the line. The document concludes by discussing steganography, or hiding secret messages within other media like photos by manipulating pixel values.
Cdu Laser Ii Ppt TrainingProjections, IncSoutheastern Freight Lines provides instructions for drivers on how to use the Cab Display Unit (CDU) in their trucks. The CDU allows drivers to send and read messages, change settings, log on and off shifts, complete deliveries and pickups, and record delays or trailer changes. Drivers use the CDU's keys and touchscreen to navigate menus, scan paperwork, enter location details, and more to manage their deliveries and document their workday. The CDU is critical for communication between drivers and dispatch.
Memoria 2011-AnesvadAnesvadEl documento resume los proyectos aprobados por la Fundación Anesvad en 2011. En total se aprobaron 83 proyectos con una inversión total de 11.780.330,94 euros. La mayoría de los proyectos (42) se llevaron a cabo en América Latina, con una inversión de 6.351.213,04 euros. Los principales países receptores de proyectos fueron Perú, República Dominicana, Nicaragua y Bolivia.
Patricia and diana drama and role plays in the efl classroomdescobar241. Drama and role plays are very important for children acquiring their first language and can also benefit older language learners acquiring a second language. Drama allows students to practice language in context and explore different cultural traditions.
2. Using drama in the classroom has many advantages. It improves students' speaking fluency, pronunciation, and ability to work cooperatively. Through role plays, students can reduce anxiety around speaking and explore solutions to real-world problems.
3. Warm-up activities through storytelling and drama help build trust and lower inhibitions among students. Overall, drama creates an engaging environment for meaningful language practice.
2014 GreatIdeas Presentation ES 3_9_14eschonherThe document summarizes a presentation by Jacqualine Price Osafo and Erik Schonher on membership marketing strategies. It discusses acquiring new members through awareness, recruitment, and engagement tactics. It also covers renewing and retaining existing members through effective communication, onboarding processes, and multiple renewal contact attempts. Data from the Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report is presented comparing membership trends and effective practices across different association types.
Monster.comPearson North AmericaEric Winegardner, VP of Client Adoptions for "Placement and Recruiting Issues to Confront Our Surging Enrollments"
Introdução à história da naturopatiaMonitoria Contabil S/CEste documento fornece um resumo da história da naturopatia ao longo dos tempos, começando pelos povos tradicionais que tinham práticas de saúde naturais, passando pela civilização romana que se tornou decadente com o tempo, e culminando com as contribuições de Hipócrates na Grécia, considerado o pai da medicina.
Radionica - Organizacijska kultura kao temelj motivacije i radnog učinka Marino MilošInteraktivna radionica o vezi između propagiranih 'vrijednosti tvrtke' (zapisanih u viziji i misiji) i realnosti 'na terenu' (što se u stvari 'nagrađuje'?). Uz korištenje jednog primjera namjera je osvijestiti HR menadžerima činjenicu da je temelj motivacije (pogotovo one intrinzične) upravo poticajna i pozitivna organizacijska kultura, a za čiju izgradnju i očuvanje (pogotovo u recesiji) su upravo oni odgovorni.
Beastie BowwiisslaurenlauraThe Beastie Boys are an American hip hop group from New York that began as a hardcore punk band in 1982. They are considered postmodern because they sample extensively from various other songs, sometimes up to 17 songs in a single track, and have been sampled by other postmodern artists as well. Their style mixes different music genres to create their own unique sound.
Flipping Your ClassChristine WellsThis document discusses flipped learning and how to implement it in the classroom. It defines flipped learning as making content available online for students to learn at their own pace outside of class. This frees up class time for teachers to work directly with students and for increased interaction and feedback. Potential downsides include students not engaging with pre-class content and not all students preferring this learning style. The document provides examples of tools that can be used to create digital content and instructions for how to create videos and digital essays for flipped learning.
Meet The Officers - Sp2010UMAatCalThe document profiles the board members of the Undergraduate Marketing Association (UMA) at an unnamed university. It provides each board member's name, year, major or intended major, hometown, reasons for joining UMA, opportunities gained from UMA, interests and hobbies, guilty pleasures, favorite pickup lines, and uncommon facts. There are 15 board members profiled in total.
Demo slideshow1mbucy21The document discusses various examples of photo manipulation by media organizations and discusses the ethics around manipulating photos. It provides examples of tabloids combining photos from different times to misleadingly portray events. It also discusses magazines adding or altering bodies in photos and questions where to draw the line. The document concludes by discussing steganography, or hiding secret messages within other media like photos by manipulating pixel values.
Cdu Laser Ii Ppt TrainingProjections, IncSoutheastern Freight Lines provides instructions for drivers on how to use the Cab Display Unit (CDU) in their trucks. The CDU allows drivers to send and read messages, change settings, log on and off shifts, complete deliveries and pickups, and record delays or trailer changes. Drivers use the CDU's keys and touchscreen to navigate menus, scan paperwork, enter location details, and more to manage their deliveries and document their workday. The CDU is critical for communication between drivers and dispatch.
Memoria 2011-AnesvadAnesvadEl documento resume los proyectos aprobados por la Fundación Anesvad en 2011. En total se aprobaron 83 proyectos con una inversión total de 11.780.330,94 euros. La mayoría de los proyectos (42) se llevaron a cabo en América Latina, con una inversión de 6.351.213,04 euros. Los principales países receptores de proyectos fueron Perú, República Dominicana, Nicaragua y Bolivia.
Patricia and diana drama and role plays in the efl classroomdescobar241. Drama and role plays are very important for children acquiring their first language and can also benefit older language learners acquiring a second language. Drama allows students to practice language in context and explore different cultural traditions.
2. Using drama in the classroom has many advantages. It improves students' speaking fluency, pronunciation, and ability to work cooperatively. Through role plays, students can reduce anxiety around speaking and explore solutions to real-world problems.
3. Warm-up activities through storytelling and drama help build trust and lower inhibitions among students. Overall, drama creates an engaging environment for meaningful language practice.