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Entity Summarization with User Feedback
Qingxia Liu1, Yue Chen1, Gong Cheng1, Evgeny Kharlamov2,3, Junyou Li1, and Yuzhong Qu1
1 National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, China
2 Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway
3 Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
* RDF Dataset: T
¢ triple t(T: <subj, pred, obj>
* Entity Description: Desc(e)
¢ Desc(e) = {t(T: subj(t)=e or obj(t)=e}
¢ t(Desc(e): <e, prop, value>
* Entity Summarization: S(e, k)
¢ S?Desc(e) , |S|+k
2020.06 2
Entity Summarization
Rich Buckler
Gary Brosky
United States-themed
superheroes ^Solson Publications ̄
^1986 ̄
^1987 ̄
subject defunct
* Goal
¢ to satisfy users¨ information needs
* Limitations
¢ have large diff from user-created (F1<0.6)
=> do not meet users¨ expectations
¢ summaries are static
=> cannot adjust to users
2020.06 3
Entity Summarization Methods
A lack of mechanisms for improving an entity summary
when its quality could not satisfy users¨ information needs.
* Our proposal: cooperation between summarizer and user
¢ involve users in the summarization process
¢ ask users for feedback
¢ utilize user¨s feedback when computing summaries
2020.06 4
Adding User in the Loop
* Research Challenges
[C1] Cooperative process of 2 agents
C How to represent the process?
[C2] Combining results of actions of 2 agents
C How to represent interdependence between summary and feedback?
2020.06 5
Adding User in the Loop
* Cooperation Process
¢ Summarizer: presents (current) summary Si
¢ User: crosses off an irrelevant triple as negative feedback fi
¢ Summarizer: replaces it with a new triple ri ,
presents an improved summary Si+1
¢ User: ´ (repeated)
2020.06 6
Cross-Replace Scenario
replaced by
f0 r0
replaced by
S0 S1 S2
Solson Publications
* [C1] Representation of the Cross-Replace Scenario
¢ Markov Decision Process (MDP) based modeling
¢ Summarizer = reinforcement learning agent
2020.06 7
Our Approach: DRESSED
Solson Publications
- Label: ^Solson Publications ̄
- Key person: Rich Bucker
- Subject: United State-themed superheroes
- Extinction year: ^1987 ̄
- Founded by: Gary Brodsky
- Industry: Comics
- Name: ^Solson Publications ̄
- Founding year: ^1986 ̄
Current Summary
Candidate Facts
? agent: summarizer
? environment: Desc(e), user
* [C2] Representation of Triple Interdependence
¢ Policy Network
C Encoding triples
C Encoding sets of triples
C Encoding triple interdependence
and scoring candidates
C Selecting replacement triple
2020.06 8
Our Approach: DRESSED
* Policy Learning
¢ Learning task: to find a policy that maximize the expected reward
¢ REINFORCE: a standard policy gradient method in reinforcement learning
C to maximize the expected reward
2020.06 9
Our Approach: DRESSED
* Entity Summarization
(not utilize user feedback)
¢ FACES-E: rank triples and select top-k as summary
* Interactive Document Summarization
(Re-compute doc summaries utilizing user feedback)
C positive feedback
* Interactive Document Retrieval
(Re-rank retrieved documents based on user feedback)
C negative relevance feedback
C query-based
¢ PDGD -L, -N
C positive feedback
C SOTA online learning to rank
C utilize user feedback for model selection
(not as input of the model)
2020.06 10
Baselines Adapted for Evaluation
* Setting
¢ 24 participants
¢ train: Entity Summarization Benchmark (ESBM)
¢ test: re-sampled entities from
DBpedia and LinkedMDB
* Results
¢ DRESSED: in general best-performing
¢ with FACES-E and DRESSED
C users stop quickly: I < 4
C obtain reasonably good results: Q_stop > 4
C replacement triples selected by DRESSED
significantly better than the ones of FACES-E
2020.06 11
Experiment 1: User Study
? I = number of iterations
? Qrplc = user rating of suggested
replacements (1-5)
? Qstop = user rating of the final
summary after all iterations (1-5)
Experiment 2: Offline Evaluation
* Benchmarks
* Metrics
¢ NDCF: for summary sequence
C Normalized Discounted Cumulative F1
¢ NDCG: for replacement sequence
C Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain
* Results
? DRESSED outperforms
? all baselines
? on all datasets
? DRESSED significantly outperforms
? in most cases
2020.06 12
* Iterations
¢ DRESSED is consistently
above all the baselines
¢ DRESSED better exploits
early feedback to quickly
improve computed
2020.06 13
Experiment 2: Offline Evaluation
* Our Approach: DRESSED
¢ showed better performance than baselines
¢ has the potential to replace static entity cards
* Future Work
¢ cross-replace scenario
C can be extended to support other scenarios:
? multi-feedback, without replacement, positive feedback
¢ extend the scope of entity summary
C deal with paths, more complex structures, RDF sentence
2020.06 14
Conclusion and Future Work
* Contributions
¢ The first research effort to improve entity summarization with user feedback.
¢ A representation of entity summarization with iterative userfeedback.
C cross-replace scenario, MDP
¢ A representation of set of triples and their interdependence as a novel DNN.
C DRESSED, solve by RL
¢ The first empirical study of entity summarization with user feedback.
C based on real users and simulated users
¢ Deep Reinforced Entity Summarization with uSer fEedback
¢ GitHub Repository: nju-websoft/DRESSED
2020.06 15
Take-home Message
Thank you !
Questions ?
2020.06 16

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  • 1. Entity Summarization with User Feedback Qingxia Liu1, Yue Chen1, Gong Cheng1, Evgeny Kharlamov2,3, Junyou Li1, and Yuzhong Qu1 1 National Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, China 2 Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway 3 Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
  • 2. * RDF Dataset: T ¢ triple t(T: <subj, pred, obj> * Entity Description: Desc(e) ¢ Desc(e) = {t(T: subj(t)=e or obj(t)=e} ¢ t(Desc(e): <e, prop, value> * Entity Summarization: S(e, k) ¢ S?Desc(e) , |S|+k 2020.06 2 Entity Summarization Solson Publications Rich Buckler Organization Gary Brosky Brooklyn Company comics United States-themed superheroes ^Solson Publications ̄ ^1986 ̄ ^1987 ̄ type type headquarters industry label subject defunct founded founder keyPerson
  • 3. * Goal ¢ to satisfy users¨ information needs * Limitations ¢ have large diff from user-created (F1<0.6) => do not meet users¨ expectations ¢ summaries are static => cannot adjust to users 2020.06 3 Entity Summarization Methods A lack of mechanisms for improving an entity summary when its quality could not satisfy users¨ information needs.
  • 4. * Our proposal: cooperation between summarizer and user ¢ involve users in the summarization process ¢ ask users for feedback ¢ utilize user¨s feedback when computing summaries 2020.06 4 Adding User in the Loop Summarizer Summarizer User
  • 5. * Research Challenges [C1] Cooperative process of 2 agents C How to represent the process? [C2] Combining results of actions of 2 agents C How to represent interdependence between summary and feedback? 2020.06 5 Adding User in the Loop Summarizer Summarizer User
  • 6. * Cooperation Process ¢ Summarizer: presents (current) summary Si ¢ User: crosses off an irrelevant triple as negative feedback fi ¢ Summarizer: replaces it with a new triple ri , presents an improved summary Si+1 ¢ User: ´ (repeated) 2020.06 6 Cross-Replace Scenario f1 r1 replaced by f0 r0 replaced by S0 S1 S2 Solson Publications
  • 7. * [C1] Representation of the Cross-Replace Scenario ¢ Markov Decision Process (MDP) based modeling ¢ Summarizer = reinforcement learning agent 2020.06 7 Our Approach: DRESSED Solson Publications - Label: ^Solson Publications ̄ - Key person: Rich Bucker - Subject: United State-themed superheroes - Extinction year: ^1987 ̄ - Founded by: Gary Brodsky - Industry: Comics - Name: ^Solson Publications ̄ - Founding year: ^1986 ̄ ´ Feedback Replace Current Summary Candidate Facts Setting: ? agent: summarizer ? environment: Desc(e), user
  • 8. * [C2] Representation of Triple Interdependence ¢ Policy Network C Encoding triples C Encoding sets of triples C Encoding triple interdependence and scoring candidates C Selecting replacement triple 2020.06 8 Our Approach: DRESSED
  • 9. * Policy Learning ¢ Learning task: to find a policy that maximize the expected reward ¢ REINFORCE: a standard policy gradient method in reinforcement learning C to maximize the expected reward 2020.06 9 Our Approach: DRESSED
  • 10. * Entity Summarization (not utilize user feedback) ¢ FACES-E: rank triples and select top-k as summary * Interactive Document Summarization (Re-compute doc summaries utilizing user feedback) ¢ IPS C positive feedback * Interactive Document Retrieval (Re-rank retrieved documents based on user feedback) ¢ NRF C negative relevance feedback C query-based ¢ PDGD -L, -N C positive feedback C SOTA online learning to rank C utilize user feedback for model selection (not as input of the model) 2020.06 10 Baselines Adapted for Evaluation query model generate update model generate update
  • 11. * Setting ¢ 24 participants ¢ train: Entity Summarization Benchmark (ESBM) ¢ test: re-sampled entities from DBpedia and LinkedMDB * Results ¢ DRESSED: in general best-performing ¢ with FACES-E and DRESSED C users stop quickly: I < 4 C obtain reasonably good results: Q_stop > 4 C replacement triples selected by DRESSED significantly better than the ones of FACES-E 2020.06 11 Experiment 1: User Study Metrics: ? I = number of iterations ? Qrplc = user rating of suggested replacements (1-5) ? Qstop = user rating of the final summary after all iterations (1-5)
  • 12. Experiment 2: Offline Evaluation * Benchmarks ¢ ESBM (ESBM-D, ESBM-L), FED * Metrics ¢ NDCF: for summary sequence C Normalized Discounted Cumulative F1 ¢ NDCG: for replacement sequence C Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain * Results ? DRESSED outperforms ? all baselines ? on all datasets ? DRESSED significantly outperforms ? in most cases 2020.06 12
  • 13. * Iterations ¢ DRESSED is consistently above all the baselines ¢ DRESSED better exploits early feedback to quickly improve computed summaries 2020.06 13 Experiment 2: Offline Evaluation
  • 14. * Our Approach: DRESSED ¢ showed better performance than baselines ¢ has the potential to replace static entity cards * Future Work ¢ cross-replace scenario C can be extended to support other scenarios: ? multi-feedback, without replacement, positive feedback ¢ extend the scope of entity summary C deal with paths, more complex structures, RDF sentence 2020.06 14 Conclusion and Future Work
  • 15. * Contributions ¢ The first research effort to improve entity summarization with user feedback. ¢ A representation of entity summarization with iterative userfeedback. C cross-replace scenario, MDP ¢ A representation of set of triples and their interdependence as a novel DNN. C DRESSED, solve by RL ¢ The first empirical study of entity summarization with user feedback. C based on real users and simulated users * DRESSED ¢ Deep Reinforced Entity Summarization with uSer fEedback ¢ GitHub Repository: nju-websoft/DRESSED 2020.06 15 Take-home Message
  • 16. Thank you ! Questions ? 2020.06 16