that's wat they caLL me
and i gEt useD into it...
Thats why i intr0duced myself as:
YELA (w/ smile. :)
I'm human. :D
W/ an XX Chr0m0s0mes.Ü
just a typicaL kind..
Getting all expREssi0ns fr0m my hyp0thalamus..:D
i smyl a lot..
But i laugh m0re..
I'm silent in s0me times
but i talk much in many times :D
i'm sad wen s0methngs' wr0ng
i cry wen it became w0rSE. :(
i get hurt by w0rds
i get disapP0inteD by acti0ns
i get mad Wen there's unreas0nable sitUAtions
(then i ch0ose to be aloNe and quiet,often..
Cauti0n:d0n't talk to me oN those times.Pls!Just bear w/ me.
S0rry for the inc0nvinience.HahaÜ)
i usually:
>think/imagine (day/night dreamer :D)
>take a nap then wen i woke up i realiz