I'm just like <3 Ordinary Girl <3
My full name is ''Yolanda Regina'',and you can call me 'yolan'.
I was born on September 12,1993 in Kotabumi.
I have no sister and one brother,his name Ahmad Gamal.
Now,he's a student of SMA TARUNA TUNAS BANGSA.
My father is a farmer,his name is Mr. Silfan Komidi.
My mother is a teacher,her name is Mrs. Susana Rita.
My hometown is located in North Lampung, it is called Desa Tanjung Raja.
I was a student at LBPP LIA Bandar Lampung,from EL-1 until INT-4.
I was graduated from SDN.2 Tanjung raja,then i continue to SMPN.8 Bandar Lampung,next i has been graduated from SMAN.6 Bandar Lampung.
And now,i'm continue studying at IAIN RADEN INTAN LAMPUNG major