Hi <3 Assalamualaikum
Hello there. So you know my name, I'm Izzatul 'Ayyuni. Loves chocolate and fluffy stuffs. Have perfect family. Fabulous life. Single and not available. Dreaming to go to Paris. Heart Allah, Rasulullah, my mum and dad, my family, my friends, and my crush. Do laughing , stalking and pranking. Anti backstabbers. Me, black and silver, foods and drinks .
Trust me , i'm wierd ;)
Friendship come first. So if you hurt/backstab/do-bad-things-to my friend, I'll stab you till death.
So please. Don't get mad if I won't accept your friend request, or remove you, or hates you , or whatsoever. Baby it comes naturally. But I won't hate you for no reason kay. I already love you act