sometimes I can be crazy..
crazy teen..
Its normal right?? hha :D
Im naughty.. stubborn.. n sometimes like a childish.. sociable?? not too much.. hhe.. :D
# I hear i forget..
# I see i know..
# I do i understand..
# its IMPOSSIBLE 2 please everyone, stay true 2 be yourself & be u.. ok ok ok..
#Time passes..Memories fade.. Feelings change..People leave..But hearts never forget..
#Games will be played, hearts will be broken, tears will fall, people will change and rumours will be spread... but life will always go on.. hha :D
ok laa, ok laa.. terimakasihthankyou ladies n gentleman..
:D In addition :D please respect each other when commented or chatting, behave yourself, or I will BLOCK u?