Hello! my name is Ziyan Firas F you can Call me Zayeen :D , im from Indonesia , i was born 7th January 2000.I liked math ,history , geography and English , and how about you ?
I have brown eyes
Im a Rossifumi, Marquezer, Enchancers/Greysonators, Hunters, The Shark Face Gang, Swifties, Ellioteers, B2UTY. :)
I like racing from im toddlers . My dream is to be a good riders and racer the best.I Sport and Adventure Bike :D. :D never give up !!!
i was happy if i make someone smile
Twitter : @ziyf
Tumblr : ziyanfiras75
Google+ : ziyanrayoseob@gmail.com
Skype : ziyan75superfly
Windows Live Messenger : ziyan_f@hotmail.com
Yahoo : ziyan_f75@yaho