my favrets singers are abida parveen and munni begum
[U] & [Me]
i gEt adDicTeD to peOpleE
i DOnt LeaVE peoplE if TheyY dont gO away
world is beautful if everything inside u is beautiful
world is a crowded place StillL somE of USSs feelLL alonEE
i aM notT able ToO expResS love FeeLings
BuTT i havE stRong FeeLings for theE people in mY lifE
i WanT to be veri famouSS
somehow :D :D
i wanT everYthinG
I Am very talkative
i aM a silent PerSSon
about girls i dunt know wat to sayY
buT the greatest enemy and the greatest friend boTh are girlss
i aMM a veRy opEn persOn u cAn aSk me eveRything i wiIL neVeer miNd but i am very reserve canT not aSk u everRy thinG
StilLL morE to comeeEe keeEp v