My dream is to be an Example of successful Muslim engineer to serve ISLAM and muslims.
ThaT's My prOf!Le
if u me ,,,,,,,,, thxXx ,,,,,,,() & i u 2,,,,, but if u hate me ,,,,,,,,,,,,(¬),,,,,,,,then ,forgave u............... テ 辰ツ m7md)
テ 畊!G! --> 曰 仄s頂臓 4 畉v畛 曰 テ 畊辰摘!n$徴ip $!流G テ !畊摘徴 畊奪 dakarnes, P摘
Cめ江畊!摘 畊$ , Green ,Blue
Cめ江畊!摘 畊奪 憧 徴e畊e I Pleases ALLah
I lOvE AllaH
IlOvE MoHaMeD RaSoL AllaH I loVe mY frIenDs