The document provides guidelines for authors contributing to the annual publication "The Year in Review" produced by the Section of International Law of the American Bar Association. It outlines requirements for submissions including formatting them as a U.S. law journal article, inclusion of proper citations, and a maximum length of 7,000 words or less per committee contribution. The deadline for committee editors to submit all articles is December 1, 2015.
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2015 Year-in-Review Guidelines for Contributing Authors
3. extermination, murder, deportation, and forced transfer of nonSerb civilians. The 3
controversy surrounds Krajišnik’s acquittal on charges of genocide and complicity in genocide.
The judgment noted the crimes alleged met “the requirements of the actus reus for genocide” 4
but held that the evidence did not show that the crime of genocide formed part of a common
objective of the joint criminal enterprise, nor that “any of these acts were committed with the 5
intent to destroy, in part, the BosnianMuslim or BosnianCroat ethnic group, as such.” 6
Example of Correct Citation for Commercial, Policy & Political Developments –
Provide a Citation to Public Resources:
On December 13, 2005, Trinidad and Tobago became the first member state of the Caribbean
Community and Common Market, CARICOM, to ratify the Caribbean Treaty on Mutual Legal 7
Assistance in Serious Criminal Matters (the Treaty), a Caribbean Single Market and Economy
(CSME) instrument signed on July 6, 2005. To date, the Treaty has attracted nine 8 9
signatories. The Treaty’s entry into force is contingent on ratification by five states. The 10 11
purpose of the Treaty is to increase cooperation in mutual legal assistance among Caribbean
countries in respect of serious criminal matters and to combat criminal activity. 12
Second Example of Correct Citation for Commercial, Policy & Political
Developments – Provide a Citation to Public Resources:
The Australian Mergers and Acquisitions market has been very strong in 2006, to a large
extent fuelled by a boom in private equity activity. The retail and energy sectors have been 13
the largest source of M&A work to date. The unsuccessful U.S. $13.7 billion proposal to
acquire Coles Myer by a private equity consortium led by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co was
perhaps the highest profile of this year, though the U.S. $6.08 billion merger of Suncorp 14
Prosecutor v. Krajišnik, Case: IT0039T, Judgement, (Sept. 27, 2006), available at
Id. ¶ 867.
Id. ¶ 1091.
Id. ¶ 867.
The regional grouping of the Caribbean Community and Common Market, established under the Treaty of
Chaguaramas, dated July 4, 1973, came into being on August 1, 1973, and is comprised of Antigua and
Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St.
Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. See Treaty
Establishing the Caribbean Community, opened for signature July 4, 1973, 946 U.N.T.S. 17, 12 I.L.M. 1033
(entered into force Aug. 1, 1973), available at
[hereinafter Treaty of Chaguaramas].
See Lillian CrawfordAbbensetts et al., International Legal Development in Review: 2004, Regional and
Comparative Law, 39 INT’L LAW. 591, 59294 (2005); Lillian CrawfordAbbensetts, et al., International Legal
Development in Review: 2005, Regional and Comparative Law, 40 INT’L LAW. 541, 54254 (2006).
See Caribbean Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Serious Criminal Matters, July 6, 2005, available at [hereinafter Caribbean Mutual Assistance Treaty].
Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname,
and Trinidad and Tobago. See Status of Acceptance and Incorporation of CSME Related Legal Instruments
(Jan. 2006), Caribbean Community Secretariat, Georgetown, Guyana, available at
Caribbean Mutual Assistance Treaty, supra note 10, art. 28.
Id. art. 2.
See Michael Smith, Australia M&A Wave Builds as Buyout Firms Circle, REUTERS, Jan. 23, 2007,
Raphael Minder and Sundeep Tucker, Coles Myer Rejects KKRled Approach, FT.COM, Sept. 6, 2006,
4. Group, Australia's sixth largest bank, with insurance group Promina was just one example of
the very robust market. 15
Please keep a copy of the attribution pages of your nonU.S. sources so that if necessary, they
may be provided to the SMU Editorial Staff so that citations may be formulated and/or
corrected as needed.
Word processing format
● Microsoft Word Office 2003 or 2007
● Top, Bottom, Left, Right: 1”. Gutter: 0”
● Header, Footer: 0.5”
● Font: Times New Roman in the main text and footnotes with full justification.
● 12 point font double spaced in main text with no superscripts except for the footnote
reference. 12 point font single spaced in the footnotes with no superscripts.
● Use two spaces in between sentences, after colons, and after “Part I,” “A,” etc.
● Indent all paragraphs: 0.5”.
● Paginate: Bottom center, 11 point type.
● Block all quotations that are 50 or more words, single space, indent left and right 0.5”.
● Bullets: single space within bullets, double space between bullets, indent left and right
0.5”. For all case names (in text, but not footnotes): use italics—do not underline.
● Place commas and periods within quotation marks. Use curly quotation marks.
Title: Titles must be in all caps and in bold font (2 spaces after).
There is a uniform style for the titles of The YIR articles. The title of each article is simply the
name of the committee, e.g., INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS;
● First footnote (author’s ID) use an asterisk.
● 12point, fully justified. (Footnote number: 12 point, not superscript). Spacing: 0.5 tab
after footnote number. Single space each footnote.
● Italicize: partial case names (i.e., subsequent reference), “infra,” “supra,” and “id.” Also
italicize “see” or “see also” unless used in a middle of a sentence.
● Do not italicize full case names (i.e., first reference) in footnotes.
● Use “See” before citations unless you are citing to a direct quotation.
● The Year in Review 2014: Environment, Energy & Resource Law
Australia's competition regulator clears 20 bln aud Suncorp/Promina merger, FINANZNACHRICHTEN.DE,
Dec. 20, 2007,