P - Panga 爬爬爬爬
U - Unity 爬踸爬む┥
N - Nakhra 爬爬爬萎┥
J - Jawani 爬爬朽┥爬爬
A - Anakh 爬爬爬爬
B - Botal 爬爰爬む┣
I - Ik Hor Botal
i don't break rules made by others ....................
i make my own ones........@@_______well about me______when u meet me u got to no hw i am____________????????
more obt me..-------
It's rather difficult to describe oneself and plus I don't want to write one of those paragraphs after paragraphs of personality traits.
All i can say is i always like to be simple and positive....believe in being unpretentious...like to hang out with friendz n havin a fundoo time...In short I love life and all the surprises it c