Бизнес иммиграция в Великобританию по визе ПредпринимательOleg Korzun, CCIMa presentation in Russian on a Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa to immigrate to the UK
Лучший брокер по коммерческой недвижимости. Конкурс «Грани успеха - 2010». metrospheraЛучший брокер по коммерческой недвижимости.
Конкурс «Грани успеха - 2010».
VI Камский Форум профессионалов рынка недвижимости.
2015 Дмитрий Калаев, директор Акселератора ФРИИ: Кто есть кто в стартап-сообщ...SpbStartupDay Интервью: Кто есть кто в стартап-сообществе и когда у нас станет так же хорошо как в Долине
- Дмитрий Калаев, директор Акселератора ФРИИ
- Евгений Шульгин, дизайнер, основатель движения Усабрь
international trade presentationkote abashidzeThere are three principal differences between how economists and noneconomists view international trade: 1) Economists see all forms of trade as equally advantageous, while noneconomists favor trading within one's own group. 2) Economists believe imports and exports are both good for the economy, while noneconomists favor exports. 3) Economists believe a country's trade balance depends on many factors like savings and investment, while noneconomists focus on competitiveness. Economists view trade as increasing efficiency through specialization and comparative advantage, while noneconomists emphasize tribal rivalries.
Aspects of International Tradetutor2u1. International trade allows countries to specialize based on comparative advantage, which increases total global output. When countries specialize and trade according to their comparative advantages, this leads to gains from trade.
2. Trade is important for development as it provides foreign exchange, finances imports of capital goods, increases demand and employment, and can increase incomes. However, trade also carries risks like volatile export prices and structural unemployment.
3. Comparative advantage exists when a country can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than other countries. When countries specialize and trade according to their comparative advantages, total global output increases.
Internal tradeBandri NikhilThis document discusses different types of internal trade in India. It defines internal trade as the buying and selling of goods and services within a country. It then describes different types of internal traders like wholesalers and retailers. Wholesalers buy goods in bulk from producers and sell in smaller quantities to retailers. Retailers sell goods to ultimate consumers. There are different types of retailers like itinerant retailers who move from place to place and fixed shop retailers ranging from small general stores to large departmental stores and supermarkets.
AustraliavhclassAustralia is an island continent consisting of 6 states and 2 territories. It has a diverse population, with the original inhabitants being the Aboriginal people who speak over 150 languages. Some of Australia's major cities are Sydney, the largest city built on a harbor; Brisbane, the fastest growing city known for its beaches and theme parks; and Canberra, the capital located in the Australian Capital Territory. The interior Outback has red dirt and hot weather, and is home to iconic places like Uluru. Australia is also known for unique animals like kangaroos, wombats, and platypuses. The Aboriginal people have inhabited the land for thousands of years and have a rich cultural heritage.
International TradeShaurya DhalwalkarThis Presentation includes the various Advantages & Disadvantages of International Trade. Protectionism Vs Free Trade.
International tradeOnline International trade occurs between countries due to differences in factors of production and limited mobility between countries. There are three main reasons for international trade: diversity of production conditions between countries, increasing returns to scale, and differences in tastes for goods. International trade has advantages like increased world output, variety of goods and services, and economic growth. However, it also has disadvantages such as economic and political interdependence and depletion of national reserves. Countries employ protectionist policies and trade barriers like tariffs, quotas, and embargoes to protect domestic industries and employment.
Prolic4 aus.pptprolche4AUSAustralia is an island continent located in the Southern Hemisphere between the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is the sixth largest country by land area and is home to over 22 million people, including the indigenous Aboriginal population that has lived there for over 40,000 years. Some of Australia's major cities include Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth. Australia has a diverse landscape that includes the Outback interior, the Great Barrier Reef, and iconic landmarks like Uluru. Culturally, Australia is known for its native wildlife like kangaroos and koalas, as well as influences from its history as a British colony and popular exports in film, music and sports.
Australiakhial-h- Australia has a population of over 23 million people and is the 6th largest country by area. Its capital is Canberra.
- Originally inhabited by Aboriginal Australians for thousands of years, Britain established a penal colony in Australia in the late 18th century. Australia became a federation of British colonies in 1901.
- Australia has a diverse landscape, with deserts, forests, and mountains. Iconic Australian animals include kangaroos and koalas. Famous landmarks include the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, and Sydney Harbour.
Australian Powerpointmegamama55I used to live in Australia and this is a powerpoint presentation I did for my communication class on some popular tourist attractions in Australia.
Economics - ЭкономикаMr IntenglishThis document discusses different types of economies, including market economies and command economies. It mentions macroeconomics and microeconomics. It also discusses factors of production such as land, capital, entrepreneurship, and labor, as well as historical economic systems like feudalism, mercantilism and capitalism that societies have based their economic traditions on.
International TradeEthel Group 7
AGUILA, Don George Kinsee M.
DINGLASAN, Rydg Chrejt V.
MANTUANO, Dannah Francesca B.
OLAN, Elona Mathel B.
PAALA, Kaycee Ericka B.
A2D - Macecon
International trade pptAndrea MendozaInternational trade involves the exchange of goods and services between countries. It provides benefits like job creation, increased consumption, and economic growth. However, it also faces problems from trade barriers like tariffs and quotas imposed by governments. International organizations like the World Trade Organization seek to reduce trade barriers and help resolve trade disputes between nations to further global trade.
Power point australia1eres2Australia is a large island continent with diverse landscapes ranging from the Outback to coastal regions. The population is concentrated along the eastern and southern coasts near major cities like Sydney. While Australia has a predominantly European cultural identity, it also recognizes its Indigenous population and increasing Asian influences. The economy relies on exports of natural resources and tourism, though it was impacted by the global financial crisis. Overall, Australia maintains a highly developed economy and stable democratic government within a diverse, multicultural society.
International Tradetutor2uThis document discusses international trade and comparative advantage. It begins by introducing Paul Krugman's support for free trade and comparative advantage. It then discusses concepts like specialization based on comparative advantage, gains from trade including increased competition and economic growth. The document uses an example to illustrate how two countries can both benefit from specializing in different goods based on their relative costs of production. It acknowledges some of the assumptions and limitations of comparative advantage theory. Finally, it discusses patterns of exports for different countries and how the UK's comparative advantage has shifted over time.
Профайл компании trade hub Profile company tradehubVita KravchukВ декабре 2014 года была создана и запущена ТМ “платформа Trade hub” с целью создать технологию выхода украинских СМБ-компаний на глобальные рынки и объединить игроков b2b-рынка: сервисные и финансовые компании, торговые площадки, медиа, закупщиков и поставщиков, которым интересен выход на зарубежные рынки с использованием цифровых технологий.
Aspects of International Tradetutor2u1. International trade allows countries to specialize based on comparative advantage, which increases total global output. When countries specialize and trade according to their comparative advantages, this leads to gains from trade.
2. Trade is important for development as it provides foreign exchange, finances imports of capital goods, increases demand and employment, and can increase incomes. However, trade also carries risks like volatile export prices and structural unemployment.
3. Comparative advantage exists when a country can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than other countries. When countries specialize and trade according to their comparative advantages, total global output increases.
Internal tradeBandri NikhilThis document discusses different types of internal trade in India. It defines internal trade as the buying and selling of goods and services within a country. It then describes different types of internal traders like wholesalers and retailers. Wholesalers buy goods in bulk from producers and sell in smaller quantities to retailers. Retailers sell goods to ultimate consumers. There are different types of retailers like itinerant retailers who move from place to place and fixed shop retailers ranging from small general stores to large departmental stores and supermarkets.
AustraliavhclassAustralia is an island continent consisting of 6 states and 2 territories. It has a diverse population, with the original inhabitants being the Aboriginal people who speak over 150 languages. Some of Australia's major cities are Sydney, the largest city built on a harbor; Brisbane, the fastest growing city known for its beaches and theme parks; and Canberra, the capital located in the Australian Capital Territory. The interior Outback has red dirt and hot weather, and is home to iconic places like Uluru. Australia is also known for unique animals like kangaroos, wombats, and platypuses. The Aboriginal people have inhabited the land for thousands of years and have a rich cultural heritage.
International TradeShaurya DhalwalkarThis Presentation includes the various Advantages & Disadvantages of International Trade. Protectionism Vs Free Trade.
International tradeOnline International trade occurs between countries due to differences in factors of production and limited mobility between countries. There are three main reasons for international trade: diversity of production conditions between countries, increasing returns to scale, and differences in tastes for goods. International trade has advantages like increased world output, variety of goods and services, and economic growth. However, it also has disadvantages such as economic and political interdependence and depletion of national reserves. Countries employ protectionist policies and trade barriers like tariffs, quotas, and embargoes to protect domestic industries and employment.
Prolic4 aus.pptprolche4AUSAustralia is an island continent located in the Southern Hemisphere between the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is the sixth largest country by land area and is home to over 22 million people, including the indigenous Aboriginal population that has lived there for over 40,000 years. Some of Australia's major cities include Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth. Australia has a diverse landscape that includes the Outback interior, the Great Barrier Reef, and iconic landmarks like Uluru. Culturally, Australia is known for its native wildlife like kangaroos and koalas, as well as influences from its history as a British colony and popular exports in film, music and sports.
Australiakhial-h- Australia has a population of over 23 million people and is the 6th largest country by area. Its capital is Canberra.
- Originally inhabited by Aboriginal Australians for thousands of years, Britain established a penal colony in Australia in the late 18th century. Australia became a federation of British colonies in 1901.
- Australia has a diverse landscape, with deserts, forests, and mountains. Iconic Australian animals include kangaroos and koalas. Famous landmarks include the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, and Sydney Harbour.
Australian Powerpointmegamama55I used to live in Australia and this is a powerpoint presentation I did for my communication class on some popular tourist attractions in Australia.
Economics - ЭкономикаMr IntenglishThis document discusses different types of economies, including market economies and command economies. It mentions macroeconomics and microeconomics. It also discusses factors of production such as land, capital, entrepreneurship, and labor, as well as historical economic systems like feudalism, mercantilism and capitalism that societies have based their economic traditions on.
International TradeEthel Group 7
AGUILA, Don George Kinsee M.
DINGLASAN, Rydg Chrejt V.
MANTUANO, Dannah Francesca B.
OLAN, Elona Mathel B.
PAALA, Kaycee Ericka B.
A2D - Macecon
International trade pptAndrea MendozaInternational trade involves the exchange of goods and services between countries. It provides benefits like job creation, increased consumption, and economic growth. However, it also faces problems from trade barriers like tariffs and quotas imposed by governments. International organizations like the World Trade Organization seek to reduce trade barriers and help resolve trade disputes between nations to further global trade.
Power point australia1eres2Australia is a large island continent with diverse landscapes ranging from the Outback to coastal regions. The population is concentrated along the eastern and southern coasts near major cities like Sydney. While Australia has a predominantly European cultural identity, it also recognizes its Indigenous population and increasing Asian influences. The economy relies on exports of natural resources and tourism, though it was impacted by the global financial crisis. Overall, Australia maintains a highly developed economy and stable democratic government within a diverse, multicultural society.
International Tradetutor2uThis document discusses international trade and comparative advantage. It begins by introducing Paul Krugman's support for free trade and comparative advantage. It then discusses concepts like specialization based on comparative advantage, gains from trade including increased competition and economic growth. The document uses an example to illustrate how two countries can both benefit from specializing in different goods based on their relative costs of production. It acknowledges some of the assumptions and limitations of comparative advantage theory. Finally, it discusses patterns of exports for different countries and how the UK's comparative advantage has shifted over time.
Профайл компании trade hub Profile company tradehubVita KravchukВ декабре 2014 года была создана и запущена ТМ “платформа Trade hub” с целью создать технологию выхода украинских СМБ-компаний на глобальные рынки и объединить игроков b2b-рынка: сервисные и финансовые компании, торговые площадки, медиа, закупщиков и поставщиков, которым интересен выход на зарубежные рынки с использованием цифровых технологий.
Digital-инструменты, помогающие выйти на глобальные рынкиEvgeniy SarantsovDigital-инструменты, помогающие выйти на глобальные рынки
В презентации Вы найдете цифровую стратегию выхода на глобальные рынки, а также самые полезные и успешные Digital-технологии, идеальные для выхода на глобальные рынки.
Куда сейчас вкладывают инвесторы в сфере ИТPavel CherkashinПрезентация о том, на какие технологии сейчас смотрят инвесторы в сфере информационных технологий и Интернет в России, а также практический опыт автора по инвестированию в российские интернет стартапы
Инструменты поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса: Сеть Евро Инфо Консультацион...pavelvkИнструменты поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса: Сеть Евро Инфо Консультационных Центров
Новый IT для нового enterprise / Александр Титов (Экспресс 42)OnticoМир меняется, и корпорации меняются следом за миром. GE собирается зарабатывать на данных и создает консорциумы, банки спят и видят обузданный ими блокчейн, Microsoft добавляет Docker в свою операционную систему.
Что же происходит, какие закономерности стоят за этими событиями? Почему web стал ближе к enterprise, и как enterprise догнать web?
В этом докладе я попробую рассказать, как начать строить новый IT в рамках старого enterprise, как при этом надо действовать. Каких ошибок можно избежать, какие новые возможности вы получите.
Доклад основан на 7-летнем опыте внедрения DevOps практик и технологий в компаниях разного размера.
Российский рынок ЮЗЭДО с точки зрения конечных пользователей Корус Консалтинг СНГСергей Мальцев, Руководитель департамента корпоративных отношений, J’son & Partners Consulting
Конференция «Оптимизация бизнес-процессов межкорпоративного документооборота»
Организатор: ООО «КОРУС Консалтинг СНГ», http://www.esphere.ru/
Дата проведения: 24 апреля 2015 года
Место проведения: Санкт-Петербург, пл. Победы, д. 1, отель Park Inn by Radisson, Пулковская
20.07.2013 Чебоксары STTОлег ПаладьевЦентр поддержки экспорта Чувашской Республики (далее- Центр) сообщает о том, что Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет при поддержке Центра проводит набор слушателей на бесплатные курсы повышения квалификации с 16 по 24 июля 2013 года по направлению «Разработка стратегии внешнеэкономической деятельности на предприятии» с выдачей документа государственного образца.
В качестве лекторов на курсах выступят известные и авторитетные эксперты в области ведения и организации внешнеэкономической деятельности на предприятии. Курсы повышения квалификации будут проходить в удобное для Вас время. Руководители и специалисты экспортно-ориентированных предприятий получат практические советы по следующим вопросам:
- как организовать внешнеэкономическую деятельность на предприятии;
- какие изменения и нововведения произошли в сфере таможенного регулирования;
- как организовать эффективную работу маркетинговой и логистической службы при работе с иностранными компаниями;
- что нужно сделать, чтобы обеспечить качество менеджмента на предприятии и др.
Также мы готовы рассмотреть и остальные, интересующие Вас, вопросы. Программу мероприятия Вы можете найти во вложенном файле.
Заинтересованных субъектов малого и среднего и предпринимательства Чувашской Республики просим прислать заявку на адрес электронной почты mail@ved21.ru или обратиться по телефону (8352) 62-22-25.
Программа курсов повышения квалификации
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стратегическое управление интернет проектомDenis Zapirkin1 из 3 презентаций о развитии бизнеса. Денис Запиркин в сотрудничестве с Нетологией. 1 часть: стратегическое управление интернет проектом.
Intel и РВК: "Хобби или индустрия?"IntelRussiaПрезентация результатов исследовательского проекта Intel и РВК: "Хобби или индустрия?"
8 декабря, 2015 г.
Продвижение бизнеса на международных рынкахBDAматериалы по итогам семинара «Международные продажи и маркетинг на торговых площадках в сети Интернет»
ЭкспертВадим Тылик, предприниматель, президент "Дальневосточной Ассоциации Качества Рекламы и Маркетинга"
информация по теме семинара. читать
Специфика фулфилмента онлайн0продажBDAматериалы по итогам семинара «Международные продажи и маркетинг на торговых площадках в сети Интернет»
Эксперт: Вячеслав Кузнецов, директор филиала АО «ДХЛ Интернешнл» в г.Новосибирск
Экспорт товаров и онлайн-торговля (подготовлено компанией DHL)BDAматериалы по итогам семинара «Международные продажи и маркетинг на торговых площадках в сети Интернет»
1. «Практические инструменты экспортной работы на международных рынках»BDAСеминар «Практические инструменты экспортной работы на международных рынках»
Организатор: Центра координации поддержки экспортно-ориентированных предприятий Новосибирской области
Новые возможности для экспортёровBDAсекция «Экспортные ниши в промышленном секторе на рынках ЕАЭС. Приоритеты для промышленного сотрудничества» #ВДА оператор
2. 1
• Более 12 лет на рынке
• Наша миссия — создание современных инструментов
электронной коммерции b2b, которые были бы полезны не
только предприятиям, но и могли бы способствовать
развитию общества в целом.
• Девиз нашей команды — оперативность, профессионализм и
постоянная готовность к диалогу.
• Мы — независимая ЭТП
О нас
3. 2
• ШОС. Проект ЕЕЭТП площадки внесен в перечень проектов,
реализуемых в рамках деятельности ДС ШОС.
• БРИКС. Участники Экспертного диалога БРИКС по
электронной торговле.
О нас
9. 8
О нас
Конференц-зал № 1 (3 этаж)
20 ноября в 10:00
Практические шаги по развитию международной
электронной торговли b2b в экономическом поясе
БРИКС и ШОС на основе единого электронного
информационно-коммерческого пространства"
Круглый стол
21. 20
О нас
Конференц-зал № 1 (3 этаж)
20 ноября в 10:00
Практические шаги по развитию международной
электронной торговли b2b в экономическом поясе
БРИКС и ШОС на основе единого электронного
информационно-коммерческого пространства"
Круглый стол