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BY : William Shakespeare
NAME : Abhay kumar
 Marcellus and Flavius criticize the commoners for
celebrating Caesar's recent military defeat of Pompey
since they feel it's actually a sad day.
 During a victory march, a soothsayer warns Caesar to
"Beware the Ides of March" (March 15); Caesar ignores
 A race is run, wherein Marc Antony, in the course of
competing, touches Caesar's wife Calpurnia in hopes of
curing her infertility.油
油油During the race, Cassius tries to convince BrutusDuring the race, Cassius tries to convince Brutus
that Caesar has become too powerful and toothat Caesar has become too powerful and too
 Brutus neither agrees nor disagrees.Brutus neither agrees nor disagrees.
 Caesar confers with Antony that he fears Cassius isCaesar confers with Antony that he fears Cassius is
evil and worth fearing.油evil and worth fearing.油
 油油At the third offering, Caesar collapsed and foamedAt the third offering, Caesar collapsed and foamed
at the mouth from epilepsy.at the mouth from epilepsy.
 Afterwards, Caesar exiled/executed Flavius andAfterwards, Caesar exiled/executed Flavius and
Marcellus for pulling scarves off of Caesar's imagesMarcellus for pulling scarves off of Caesar's images
 Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to join too.Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to join too.
 Brutus, unable to sleep, tells himself that he fearsBrutus, unable to sleep, tells himself that he fears
Caesar will become a tyrant if crowned king.油Caesar will become a tyrant if crowned king.油
 油油At Caesar's house, Calphurnia begs Caesar to stayAt Caesar's house, Calphurnia begs Caesar to stay
home for fear of danger (based on a forebodinghome for fear of danger (based on a foreboding
dream and the night's storm).dream and the night's storm).
 Holy priests pluck the entrails of an animal and findHoly priests pluck the entrails of an animal and find
no heart in it, another bad sign.油no heart in it, another bad sign.油
油油Caesar declares he will stay home, to calm hisCaesar declares he will stay home, to calm his
wive's fears.wive's fears.
 Decius, though, convinces Caesar to come to theDecius, though, convinces Caesar to come to the
Julius caesar
 At the Senate, Trebonius leads Antony away fromAt the Senate, Trebonius leads Antony away from
Caesar, then the conspirators murder Caesar.Caesar, then the conspirators murder Caesar.
 They cover themselves in his blood and go to theThey cover themselves in his blood and go to the
streets crying, "Peace, freedom, and liberty."streets crying, "Peace, freedom, and liberty."
 Antony comes back and mourns Caesar's murder.Antony comes back and mourns Caesar's murder.
 Antony pretends to support the clan, yet yearns for greatAntony pretends to support the clan, yet yearns for great
havoc to occur as a result of the death.油havoc to occur as a result of the death.油
 Brutus explains to the crowd that they killed CaesarBrutus explains to the crowd that they killed Caesar
because he was too ambitious.because he was too ambitious.
 Antony replies with reverse psychology to incite theAntony replies with reverse psychology to incite the
commoners to riot in grief over Caesar's murder.commoners to riot in grief over Caesar's murder.
 Antony forms a triumvirate with Octavius Caesar andAntony forms a triumvirate with Octavius Caesar and
Lepidus, to rule Rome. However, Brutus and Cassius areLepidus, to rule Rome. However, Brutus and Cassius are
raising an army to defy them.raising an army to defy them.
 Brutus learns that his wife Portia kills herself byBrutus learns that his wife Portia kills herself by
swallowing hot coals.swallowing hot coals.
 Messala tells Brutus that the triumvirate has killed 100Messala tells Brutus that the triumvirate has killed 100
 Titinius, Messala, Brutus, and Cassius decide to confrontTitinius, Messala, Brutus, and Cassius decide to confront
Antony's army at Phillipi.Antony's army at Phillipi.
 At Brutus' tent, the ghost of Caesar comes and tellsAt Brutus' tent, the ghost of Caesar comes and tells
Brutus he will see him at Phillipi.Brutus he will see him at Phillipi.
 The battle indeed ensues at Phillipi.The battle indeed ensues at Phillipi.
 Cassius confers to Messala that it is his birthday andCassius confers to Messala that it is his birthday and
that he fears defeat.that he fears defeat.
 In a twist, Brutus overthrows Octavius and Cassius'In a twist, Brutus overthrows Octavius and Cassius'
army, defeating part of Antony's army.army, defeating part of Antony's army.
 Titinius, in grief over Cassius' death, kills himself withTitinius, in grief over Cassius' death, kills himself with
Cassius's sword. The battle turns again, this time againstCassius's sword. The battle turns again, this time against
Brutus' army.Brutus' army.
 Cato is killed and Lucilius is captured, while pretendingCato is killed and Lucilius is captured, while pretending
to be Brutus.油to be Brutus.油
 油油Brutus finally convinces Strato to hold the sword whileBrutus finally convinces Strato to hold the sword while
he (Brutus) runs onto it and dies.he (Brutus) runs onto it and dies.
 Thus, Antony and Octavius prevail, while Cassius andThus, Antony and Octavius prevail, while Cassius and
Brutus both commit suicide, assumedly partly in griefBrutus both commit suicide, assumedly partly in grief
over murdering Caesar.over murdering Caesar.
Julius caesar
Julius caesar

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Julius caesar

  • 1. JULIUS CAESAR BY : William Shakespeare NAME : Abhay kumar
  • 2. Marcellus and Flavius criticize the commoners for celebrating Caesar's recent military defeat of Pompey since they feel it's actually a sad day. During a victory march, a soothsayer warns Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March" (March 15); Caesar ignores him. A race is run, wherein Marc Antony, in the course of competing, touches Caesar's wife Calpurnia in hopes of curing her infertility.油 油
  • 3. 油油During the race, Cassius tries to convince BrutusDuring the race, Cassius tries to convince Brutus that Caesar has become too powerful and toothat Caesar has become too powerful and too popular.popular. Brutus neither agrees nor disagrees.Brutus neither agrees nor disagrees. Caesar confers with Antony that he fears Cassius isCaesar confers with Antony that he fears Cassius is evil and worth fearing.油evil and worth fearing.油 油油At the third offering, Caesar collapsed and foamedAt the third offering, Caesar collapsed and foamed at the mouth from epilepsy.at the mouth from epilepsy. Afterwards, Caesar exiled/executed Flavius andAfterwards, Caesar exiled/executed Flavius and Marcellus for pulling scarves off of Caesar's imagesMarcellus for pulling scarves off of Caesar's images (statues).油(statues).油
  • 5. Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to join too.Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to join too. Brutus, unable to sleep, tells himself that he fearsBrutus, unable to sleep, tells himself that he fears Caesar will become a tyrant if crowned king.油Caesar will become a tyrant if crowned king.油 油油At Caesar's house, Calphurnia begs Caesar to stayAt Caesar's house, Calphurnia begs Caesar to stay home for fear of danger (based on a forebodinghome for fear of danger (based on a foreboding dream and the night's storm).dream and the night's storm). Holy priests pluck the entrails of an animal and findHoly priests pluck the entrails of an animal and find no heart in it, another bad sign.油no heart in it, another bad sign.油 油油Caesar declares he will stay home, to calm hisCaesar declares he will stay home, to calm his wive's fears.wive's fears. Decius, though, convinces Caesar to come to theDecius, though, convinces Caesar to come to the senate.油senate.油
  • 7. At the Senate, Trebonius leads Antony away fromAt the Senate, Trebonius leads Antony away from Caesar, then the conspirators murder Caesar.Caesar, then the conspirators murder Caesar. They cover themselves in his blood and go to theThey cover themselves in his blood and go to the streets crying, "Peace, freedom, and liberty."streets crying, "Peace, freedom, and liberty." Antony comes back and mourns Caesar's murder.Antony comes back and mourns Caesar's murder. Antony pretends to support the clan, yet yearns for greatAntony pretends to support the clan, yet yearns for great havoc to occur as a result of the death.油havoc to occur as a result of the death.油 Brutus explains to the crowd that they killed CaesarBrutus explains to the crowd that they killed Caesar because he was too ambitious.because he was too ambitious. Antony replies with reverse psychology to incite theAntony replies with reverse psychology to incite the commoners to riot in grief over Caesar's murder.commoners to riot in grief over Caesar's murder.
  • 8. Antony forms a triumvirate with Octavius Caesar andAntony forms a triumvirate with Octavius Caesar and Lepidus, to rule Rome. However, Brutus and Cassius areLepidus, to rule Rome. However, Brutus and Cassius are raising an army to defy them.raising an army to defy them. Brutus learns that his wife Portia kills herself byBrutus learns that his wife Portia kills herself by swallowing hot coals.swallowing hot coals. Messala tells Brutus that the triumvirate has killed 100Messala tells Brutus that the triumvirate has killed 100 senators.senators. Titinius, Messala, Brutus, and Cassius decide to confrontTitinius, Messala, Brutus, and Cassius decide to confront Antony's army at Phillipi.Antony's army at Phillipi. At Brutus' tent, the ghost of Caesar comes and tellsAt Brutus' tent, the ghost of Caesar comes and tells Brutus he will see him at Phillipi.Brutus he will see him at Phillipi. The battle indeed ensues at Phillipi.The battle indeed ensues at Phillipi. Cassius confers to Messala that it is his birthday andCassius confers to Messala that it is his birthday and that he fears defeat.that he fears defeat.
  • 9. In a twist, Brutus overthrows Octavius and Cassius'In a twist, Brutus overthrows Octavius and Cassius' army, defeating part of Antony's army.army, defeating part of Antony's army. Titinius, in grief over Cassius' death, kills himself withTitinius, in grief over Cassius' death, kills himself with Cassius's sword. The battle turns again, this time againstCassius's sword. The battle turns again, this time against Brutus' army.Brutus' army. Cato is killed and Lucilius is captured, while pretendingCato is killed and Lucilius is captured, while pretending to be Brutus.油to be Brutus.油
  • 10. 油油Brutus finally convinces Strato to hold the sword whileBrutus finally convinces Strato to hold the sword while he (Brutus) runs onto it and dies.he (Brutus) runs onto it and dies. Thus, Antony and Octavius prevail, while Cassius andThus, Antony and Octavius prevail, while Cassius and Brutus both commit suicide, assumedly partly in griefBrutus both commit suicide, assumedly partly in grief over murdering Caesar.over murdering Caesar.