This document summarizes a paper on packet filtering as a basic network security tool. It defines packet filtering as controlling network access by analyzing packets and allowing or blocking them based on header information like source/destination addresses and ports. It then discusses how packet filters work by examining these header fields, provides an example Linux configuration, and outlines some limitations like inability to inspect payloads or track connection state. It concludes by describing common applications of packet filtering like ingress/egress rules to block spoofed addresses and unoffered services.
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Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
? SANS Institute 2000 - 2002 As part of GIAC practical repository. Author retains full rights.
The Packet Filter:
A Basic Network Security Tool
Author: Dan Strom
What is a packet filter?
According to the webopedia, packet filtering is ^controlling access to a
network by analyzing the incoming and outgoing packets and letting them pass or halting
them based on the IP address of the source and destination. Packet filtering is one
technique, among many, for implementing security firewalls. ̄i
Packet filtering is both a
tool and a technique that is a basic building block of network security. It is a tool in that it
is an instrument that aids in accomplishing a task. It is a technique because it is a method
of accomplishing a task.
In the context of a TCP/IP network, a packet filter watches each individual IP datagram,
decodes the header information of in-bound and out-bound traffic and then either blocks
the datagram from passing or allows the datagram to pass based upon the contents of the
source address, destination address, source port, destination port and/or connection status.
This is based upon certain criteria defined to the packet filtering tool. The leading IP
routers, including Cisco, Bay, and Lucent, can be configured to filter IP datagrams. Many
operating systems can be configured for packet filtering. Packet filtering can be added to
*nix operating systems. Support for packet filtering via ipchains is included by default in
the Linux kernel. Windows NT and Windows 2000 support packet filtering. Virtually all
commercial firewalls support packet filtering. Some commercial firewalls also have the
capability of filtering packets based upon the state of previous packets (stateful
Why use a packet filter?
Packet filtering generally is inexpensive to implement. However it must be understood
that a packet filtering device does not provide the same level of security as an application
or proxy firewall. All except the most trivial of IP networks is composed of IP subnets
and contain routers. Each router is a potential filtering point. Because the cost of the
router has already been absorbed, additional cost for packet filtering is not required.
Packet filtering is appropriate where there are modest security requirements. The internal
(private) networks of many organizations are not highly segmented. Highly sophisticated
firewalls are not necessary for isolating one part of the organization from another.
However it is prudent to provide some sort of protection of the production network from
a lab or experimental network. A packet filtering device is a very appropriate measure for
providing isolation of one subnet from another.
How does a packet filter work?
All packet filters function in the same general fashion. Operating at the network layer and
transport layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack, every packet is examined as it enters the
protocol stack. The network and transport headers are examined closely for the following
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Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
? SANS Institute 2000 - 2002 As part of GIAC practical repository. Author retains full rights.
? protocol (IP header, network layer) C In the IP header, byte 9 (remember the byte
count begins with zero) identifies the protocol of the packet. Most filter devices
have the capability to differentiate between TCP, UPD, and ICMP.
? source address (IP header, network layer) C The source address is the 32-bit IP
address of the host which created the packet.
? destination address (IP header, network layer) C The destination address is the
32-bit IP address of the host the packet is destined for.
? source port (TCP or UDP header, transport layer) C Each end of a TCP or UDP
network connection is bound to a port. TCP ports are separate and distinct from
UDP ports. Ports numbered below 1024 are reserved C they have a specifically
defined use. Ports numbered above 1024 (inclusive) are known as ephemeral
ports. They can be used however a vendor chooses. For a list of ^well known ̄
ports, refer to RFP1700. The source port is a pseudo-randomly assigned
ephemeral port number. Thus it is often not very useful to filter on the source
? destination port (TCP or UDP header, transport layer) C The destination port
number indicates a port that the packet is sent to. Each service on the destination
host listens to a port. Some well-known ports that might be filtered are 20/TCP
and 21/TCP - ftp connection/data, 23/TCP - telnet, 80/TCP - http, and 53/TCP -
DNS zone transfers.
? connection status (TCP header, transport layer) C The connection status tells
whether the packet is the first packet of the network session. The ACK bit in the
TCP header is set to ^false ̄ or 0 if this is the first packet in the session. It is
simple to disallow a host from establishing a connection by rejecting or discarding
any packets which have the ACK bit set to ^false ̄ or 0.
The filtering device compares the values of these fields to rules that have been defined,
and based upon the values and the rules the packet is either passed or discarded. Many
filters also allow additional criteria from the link layer to be defined, such as the network
interface where the filtering is to occur.
Packet filter example
Suppose that you want to create a simple packet-filtering only firewall based upon Linux.
You have two network interface cards installed and configured for the two IP subnets.
You have packet forwarding enabled between the network interfaces. At this point, you
have a Linux-based router. Now you are ready to make it into a packet-filter firewall.
(Further information on creating the firewall can be found in the Linux IPCHAINS-
HOWTO document.) Supposing that this is your primary firewall between your internal
network and the Internet, then you might want to allow only www connections
originating internally and reject all else. Your ipchains configuration might look
something like this:
ipchains CA int-ext Cp tcp Cdport www Cj ACCEPT
ipchains CA int-ext Cj REJECT
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Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
? SANS Institute 2000 - 2002 As part of GIAC practical repository. Author retains full rights.
The first line adds the ability for connections on port 80 (www) to be accepted and pass
from the internal interface to the external interface. It is added to the int-ext chain
(sometimes this is referred to as the access control list).
Line two is the catch-all. It rejects all other packets.
Although this example is extremely simplified, it illustrates a couple of points. First, for a
packet to pass, it must be explicitly defined. Second, it is a good idea to have a ^catch-
all ̄ rule which rejects all packets not explicitly allowed.
Limitations of packet filters
Packet filters do not inspect the payload of the packet. They do not read the data and
make decisions based on the contents. Dangerous forms of permissible traffic may pass
through the filter undetected. A virus in an e-mail attachment will pass if SMTP/POP
connections are allowed.
Packet filters are not stateful. They do not remember a packet once it has passed.
Conversation streams cannot be reconstructed to determine if a connection attempt is
malicious. As a result, an assault based upon some packet fragmentation scheme, is
difficult to prevent using a packet filter only.
Packet filtering does not deal well with the quirks of certain protocols. FTP is a good
example of this. The FTP command stream is established on port 21/TCP and the data
stream is on port 20/TCP. The client uses random high TCP ports. The data connection
from the ftp server has a source port of 20 and tries to connect to a high destination port
number. There are ways around this, but the best all-around solution seems to be an FTP
proxy server.
Applications of packet filtering
A packet filtering device can be the first-line of defense in the network and used to block
in-bound packets of specific types from ever reaching the protected network. This is
known as ingress filtering. Although not a robust firewall, it can be used to reduce the
load on the proxy or application firewall. The following diagram illustrates a simple
example of using the packet filter and proxy or application firewall.
In this illustration, the protected network is connected to the Internet (I) via a router (R)
and a firewall (FW). If, for instance, the protected network does not offer any DNS
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Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
? SANS Institute 2000 - 2002 As part of GIAC practical repository. Author retains full rights.
services to the Internet, then the router can be configured to block in-bound TCP and
UPD traffic to port 53. This eliminates extraneous requests for DNS servicing on a
network that does not offer DNS. The firewall should still be configured to disallow ports
53/UDP and 53/TCP, but because the router is filtering, there will not be any DNS
requests or zone transfer requests hitting the firewall. This same approach should be used
for other protocols also. A general philosophy on ingress filtering would be to block all
ports that are not being used to supply services to the Internet.
The flip side of ingress filtering is egress filtering. Just as ingress filtering blocks in-
bound traffic, egress filtering filters traffic leaving the network. Egress filtering might be
used, for instance, to limit the connections that may be established by a mail server on the
protected network to hosts on the Internet. In this case, connections might be restricted to
port 25/TCP. Another use of egress filtering might be to limit users on the protected
network so they can only access http (port 80/TCP) on the Internet.
One of the most important uses of ingress and egress filtering is in combating denial of
service attacks. RFC2827 specifies best current practices for ingress filtering with respect
to denial of service attacks that employ IP source address spoofing. ICSA and The SANS
Institute have also issued recommendations for ingress and egress filtering to fight DoS
attacks. The following guidelines should be adhered to:
Ingress C Inbound filtering
1. Block packets destined for services that are not being offered to the Internet.
2. Block addresses that have a source IP address of:
a. Illegal addresses C e.g. (CIDR notation)
b. Broadcast address C
c. RFC1918 reserved addresses C Private networks use these. There
should not be any traffic attempting to access your network with these
as source addresses. The IANA reserved blocks are: - - -
d. Multicast, if multicast is not being used.
e. Loopback C
f. ICMP broadcast per RFC 2644 C This will keep a site from being used
as a smurf amplifier.
g. UDP echo
3. Block packets from outside the filtering device with a source IP address the
same as your internal networks. This blocks packets with spoofed IP
addresses. This means that you must know what address space is used
Egress C Outbound filtering
1. Block traffic with an invalid source IP address. This keeps a denial of service
attack using IP address spoofing from originating on the internal network. The
filter should only allow traffic to leave your network with a source IP address
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Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
Key fingerprint = AF19 FA27 2F94 998D FDB5 DE3D F8B5 06E4 A169 4E46
? SANS Institute 2000 - 2002 As part of GIAC practical repository. Author retains full rights.
that is valid on your internal networks. The purpose here is to keep a denial of
service attack from originating on the private network.
This article has addressed packet filtering.
1. We saw that packet filtering is a means to impose control on the types of traffic
permitted to pass from one IP network to another.
2. We noted that there are good reasons to use a packet filter.
3. The packet filter examines the header of the packet and makes a determination of
whether to pass or reject the packet based upon the contents of the header.
4. Packet filters have limitations.
5. Finally, applications of packet filters were discussed and some guidelines for
combating denial of service attacks were set forth.
Boran, Sean. ^IT Security Cookbook. ̄ 19 Sept. 2000. URL: (21 Sept. 2000).
Carnahan, Lisa J. and Wack, John P. ^Keeping Your Site Comfortably Secure: An
Introduction to Internet Firewalls. ̄ 9 February 1995. URL: (21 Sept. 2000).
CERT Coordination Center. ^Packet Filtering for Firewall Systems. ̄ 12 February 1999.
URL: (19 Aug 2000).
Chapman, D. Brent. ^Network (In)Security Through IP Packet Filtering. ̄ 1992. URL: (19 Aug 2000).
Ferguson, P. and Senie, D. ^RFC 2827: Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of
Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing. ̄ May 2000. URL: (21 Sept 2000).
McCown, J.D. ^Applying Filtering Router Technology to DdoS Mitigation. ̄ URL: (21 Sept 2000).
Russell, Rusty. ^Linux IPCHAINS-HOWTO. ̄ V1.0.8. 4, July, 2000. URL: (21 Sept. 2000).
SANS Institute. ^Help Defeat Denial of Service Attacks: Step-by Step. ̄ V 1.41, 23
March 2000. URL: (21 Sept 2000).
SANS Institute. ^How To Eliminate The Ten Most Critical Internet Security Threats. ̄
V1.27. September 2000. URL: (21 Sept 2000).
7. Last Updated: July 17th, 2015
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