This is report's 2018 from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of PT Integral Mulia Cipta (IMC). Our CSR program has already assisted more than one thousand Organic Coconut Sugar farmers throughout our certification area.
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PT Integral Mulia Cipta (IMC) - Company Profile
3. IMC’s carefully selected Organic Coconut Sugar originates from the lush Javanese
landscape of the Indonesian archipelago. Being a fully integrated producer of coconut
derivatives, we grow our own trees, preserve their natural surroundings, support and
train our farmers, and harvest the fruits of their labour for delivery or packaging.
At IMC, We believe that passion and excellence make the perfect blend. Our process is
grounded in the romance of artisan agriculture and benchmarked to premium standards
of production and quality control.
Our passion to share and promote the wide range of locally grown organic and healthy
produce, serves as the cornerstone of our business model. Endorsed by several decades’
worth of invaluable experience in the coconut industry, We at IMC are proud to
represent the legacy of Indonesia’s rich farming heritage in the global marketplace.
4. Our Family
The Company
The Farmers
Farmer’s Welfare
Our Pride
Focus on Health
Keraton Organic Coconut Sugar
Our Production Snapshot
Our Certifications
Our Promise
Internal Control System (ICS) Team
World Class Packaging Facility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Content Page
6. Our Family
The Company
Originating from the lush Javanese landscape of the Indonesian archipelago,
Keraton possesses a rich and ever-expanding farming heritage
- Access to large areas of natural coconut plantations -
- Highly trained and well equipped for modern farming quality -
- Supports sustainable practices that reduce our environmental footprints -
- Follows strict procedures in accordance to Good Agricultural Practices by FAO -
8. As a fully integrated producer of Organic Coconut Sugar,
We manage the entire supply chain which includes the following:
- Training our farmers and ICS Team
- Formulation of operating procedures and farming systems
- Certification of our farmers and processes
- Collection of quality coconut sap by our farmers
- Processing of coconut sap into Organic Coconut Sugar
- Monitoring all aspects of macro-farming system.
This includes land cultivation to tree-maintenance and
quality control of initial production process*.
- Packaging in our state-of-the-art facility
- Tracking of product source down to the specific tree for post-sales servicing
- Marketing to the global market
- Delivery to our esteemed customers
* Initial production processes include nectar selection,
collection, cooking and transportation.
9. Our farmers are the heart and soul of IMC.
Together, they form the foundation of our company.
- We are fully aligned with the guidelines of Fair Trade and together with our exposure -
to the global market, we have helped elevate our farmers’ livelihood substantially.
- Our community involvement projects aim to improve their education, -
housing standards and medical facilities.
- We pledge to constantly provide them with the skills, equipment and knowledge -
required to stay relevant in the supply chain of the modern food industry.
Our Family
The Farmers
11. - Often in today’s modern market, -
growers are neglected when they are given only a tiny fraction of the value chain.
- IMC aims to not only showcase our farmers to the global market -
but also reward them fairly for their efforts.
- As a fully integrated and committed producer, we have streamlined operations, -
allowing for a higher percentage of the value chain to go to our farmers.
- On top of remuneration, IMC is also devoted to elevating the farmers community. -
Our Family
Farmer’s Welfare
13. - Growing awareness and adoption by the global market on healthy diets. -
- Recognizes the ‘Gap’ in today’s food industry for -
organic, healthy, vegan, gluten-free, natural, raw-food and snack options.
- Well-versed in the coconut industry since 1960s, -
IMC aims to fill the ‘Gap’ and promote the wonders of our Superfood - the Coconut.
Our Pride
Focus on Health
14. Organic
Devoid of any chemicals or additives like pesticides.
Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be
safe. In more than 60 countries around the world,
including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the
European Union, there are significant restrictions or
outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs.
Low Glycemic Impact - The glycemic
index measures the effects of
carbohydrates on your blood sugar.
Coconut sugar ranks just 35 on this
index, while regular table sugar
ranks about 68. Foods high on the
glycemic index cause your blood
sugar to spike, which can lead to a
sugar rush and subsequent crash.
Fast spikes in blood sugar can also
cause your insulin levels to soar in a
short period of time, and this can
have serious consequences for
15. Diabetic Friendly
With a low Glycemic Index of approximately 35 as
compared to other sweeteners, (Honey: ~50, Cane
Sugar: ~68, Maple Syrup: ~54)
our organic coconut sugar allows for slower sugar
release into the blood stream to avoid sugar spikes for
diabetic / pre-diabetic conditions.
Source: American Diabetes Association
Perfect Replacement
Can be used as a perfect 1:1 perfect for cane/brown
sugar in all culinary use with a pleasant caramel aroma.
Excellent Source of Vitamins & Minerals
Every teaspoon of coconut sugar contains essential
vitamins like Vitamin B Complex and minerals like
potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and others
that are NOT found in refined sugar.
Vitamin B Complex - Coconut sap is rich in vitamins,
including 12 of the essential B vitamins, and coconut
sugar inherits this benefit. Of all the B vitamins, coconut
sugar is highest in inositol (vitamin B8), which is needed
for the formation of healthy cells and has also been used
to treat anxiety and sadness. Coconut sugar is also high
in thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, choline, pyridoxal,
para-aminobezoic acid, pantothenic acid and nicotinic
acid. It even contains trace amounts of vitamin B12,
which is seldom found in plants. All of these B vitamins
aid cellular metabolism and provide us with energy.
100 grams of coconut sugar provide us with 34.2
milligrams of glutamic acid (an essential
neurotransmitter needed for proper brain function), 11.2
milligrams of aspartic acid (promotes metabolism
function and is used to treat depression), 15.4 milligrams
of threonine (maintains protein balance in the body) and
8.2 milligrams of serine (aids brain and nervous system
function), as well as lower amounts of other essential
and non-essential amino acids. These amino acids,
being components of proteins, are needed for cell
growth and repair, metabolism function and the
production of hormones and enzymes.
16. Sustainability
Coconut tree produces an average of 50-75% more
sugar per acre than sugar cane and is reported as one
of the more sustainable sweeteners in the world.
Rich in Amino Acids
Contains the same 16 amino acids as coconut sap.
Every 100 grams of coconut sugar provide us with:
~34.2 mg of glutamic acid (an essential
neurotransmitter for brain functions)
~11.2 mg of aspartic acid (improves metabolism)
~15.4 mg of threonine (maintains body protein balance)
Earth Friendly - The United Nations' Food and
Agriculture Organization named coconut palm sugar the
most sustainable sweetener in the world in 2014. The
trees use minimal amounts of water and fuel, especially
compared to sugar cane production, and produce for
about 20 years. It has no artificial ingredients and is not
chemically altered in any way.
17. Nutrient Content - Coconut sugar offers more vitamins
and minerals than white table sugar. It contains traces of
vitamin C, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium,
calcium, zinc, iron and copper. Coconut sugar also
provides small amounts of phytonutrients, such as
polyphenols, flavonoids and anthocyanidin, and
antioxidants. You'll also find the B vitamin inositol, often
used as a mood booster, in coconut sugar.
Source: Elemental content (ppm or mg/li) of 3 sources of edible sugar.
(Analyzed by PCA-PTAL,Sept.11,2000) (Secretaria, 2003)
(ppm or mg/li)
Nitrogen 2,020 100 0
Phosphorus 790 30 0.7
Potassium 10,30 650 25
Calcium 60 240 60
Magnesium 290 70 10
Sodium 450 20 10
Chloride 4,700 180 100
Sulfur 260 130 20
Boron 6.3 0 0
Zinc 21.2 2 1.2
Manganese 1.3 2 0
Iron 21.9 12.6 1.2
Copper 2.3 0.6 0.6
18. Our involvement in the production cycle starts from
selection through to the final packaging stage.
Our Pride
Our Production Snapshot
19. - Careful selection of bearing trees with healthy unopened inflorescence. -
- The matured unopened inflorescence will be bent downwards for 1 week -
to allow nectar to flow for tapping.
20. - Nectar collected is measured immediately to ensure they conform -
to the required acidity level.
- Nectar is carefully collected and stored in sterilized containers. -
We only produce our sugar from nectar and not from blocks.
21. - Collected nectar is cooked over traditional ovens to remove any bacteria and moisture. -
- The solution will be sieved and further evaporated to syrup form. -
- Upon crystallization, wok is removed from the oven and -
continued to be stirred until sugar granules is formed.
22. - Granulated sugar is stirred and ground further with coconut husks -
to improve consistency. More moisture is released through heat retained in the wok.
23. - The sugar granules will be sieved over industrial food grade strainers to produce uniform particles. -
- After sieving, it will be transferred in food grade stainless-steel trays to be dried. -
24. - Multiple sieving and magnetic traps are used to ensure -
no foreign material is present in the final product.
- Product will then be carefully weighed and sealed under stringent conditions. -
25. Our Pride
Our Certifications
IMC Organic Coconut Sugar is certified with the following:
Fair-Trade ? Gluten-Free ? Low Glycemic
USDA Organic EU Organic NON-GMO Project
Halal Kosher Vegan
ISO 22000
Food Safety
27. Our Promise
Internal Control System (ICS) Team
- Our belief in quality assurance goes beyond implementing sound procedures and practices. -
In setting up our in-house Internal Control System (ICS) team, we have a close relationship with
our farmers by getting our hands on the ground and working with them daily.
- Our ICS team works hand in hand with our farmers to understand any of their difficulties. -
This enables an ongoing two-way dialogue between IMC and our farmers to
improve our production process.
- With a small ratio of 1 ICS manager to every 20 farmers, our managers are able to ensure -
all productions are carried out in accordance with Good Farming Practice guidelines.
This is achieved through constant training and communication with our farmers.
28. Our Promise
- IMC recognizes that consumers are becoming more conscious of their food sources. -
We adopted a traceability process which enables us to trace every pack of sugar back to its
originating tree.
29. Advantages of our traceability process
- Using a completely auditable system, our traceability standards allows us to locate -
every pack of sugar back to its packing lot, production batch, farmer and tree.
- Accurate identification and isolation of any problems that arise through the production -
cycle to be rectified quickly.
- Traceability promotes accountability and responsibility among our farmers, spurring -
them to deliver only products of the highest qualtiy.
30. Our Promise
World Class Packaging Facility
- IMC packs in a state-of-the-art facility located in Jakarta, Indonesia with the -
highest standards of certifications for processing.
- Regular QC inspections via random sampling in our lab include: -
product consistency, seal integrity tests and leak detection.
32. IMC is a fully integrated producer of Organic Coconut Sugar, controlling the entire
production cycle from pre-collection to processing to delivery.
We are committed to our farmers and seek to maximize the rewards due to them
through our integrated operations.
We are able to maintain a single, consistent standard of the highest quality throughout
our production.
We take pride to be a symbol of quality, integrity and a leading brand of the market.
This is IMC and this is our assurance.