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Adam Visser
Passionate for Programming
 Active Technical Requirements
Standardized UIparadigms
 Security Driven Code
 Data Structuresand Algorithms
 Full WebStack Programming
 Server Side CodeSpecialization
 System Administration
 Web Sockets
 MVC Expertise
 Passionate about Coding
Standardsand Paradigms
Growbotix LLC, Phoenix Co-Founder
December 2013  Present
 Hybrid MongoDB/MySQL data storage
integration allowing for mass micro services
 Designing/Building of Embedded hardware JSON
Message interface on top of RabbitMQ allowing
for reading of data and interacting with hardware
physical space
 Open Source Python Based Arduino Project
revival, restructure, and absorption
 Active tutoring and lecturing of peers on
company and workload structure, design,
implementation, plans, and goals
 Designing/Building of Django Channels Web
Socket cloud based micro services connecting
users to their systems at their home/farm
 Designing/Building of AngularJS SPA for
monitoring and analytics of fruit/vegetable
physical environment
 Designing/Building of Wireless Mesh Network
allowing connection of embedded hardware
across large distances
 Designing/Building of Event integration between
micro services at site and online allowing for
notification of failed physical systems
 Historical tracking and reporting through hybrid
MongoDB/MySQL storage systems allowing
farmers to legitimize their organic farms in the
eyes of the FDA
Autodesk, San Francisco  Cloud Security Tools
June 2015  Present
 Integration of storage systems, including (but not
limited to) MySQL, MongoDB, LDAP/AD into
Python/PHP server side controllers
 Responsible for Use Case gathering for project
 Building out JSON based APIs for use with
AngularJS and QlikView front ends
 Developing Semantic UI/Foundation/Bootstrap
UI/UX layouts for 5 separate projects
 Leveraged AngularJS to build out client side ticket
analytics tools
Programming Languages
Favorite Frameworks
 Semantic UI
671 S 20th St
Richmond, CA 94804
(231) 660-1842
University Of Advancing Technology,
Phoenix AZ Computer Science
Graduation still TBD, Attended from 2009-2012
Computer Science Degree that is a handful of
credits from being completed due to family
troubles. Classes taken in Artificial Life
Programming, Data Algorithms, and various
programming languages.
N. Muskegon Public High School, Muskegon
MI  High School Diploma
Graduation year of 2009
Public education with vocational classes
including C++ and HTML/CSS programming.
National Honor Society Member.
Phoenix NAP, Phoenix  NOC Engineer
May 2014  June 2015
 Configuration of network interfaces of Hardware
Firewalls, Operating Systems, and Network
Switches including (but not limited to):
OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Debian, BSD, CentOS, Arch,
Brocade, Dell Sonic Wall
 Active troubleshooting of browser updates
breaking UI/UX of clientele web apps
 Infrastructure installation/configuration
including (but not limited to) datacenter
hardware, operating systems, firewalls, varnish
cache services, LAMP stack, CPanel/Plesk control
 client LAMP stack infrastructure migration onto
updated hardware and operating systems.
Consultant, Phoenix
December 2013  April 2014
 Tutoring of both peers and clientele of
programming concepts, principles, languages and
frameworks in Java, Python and HTML/CSS/JS
 WordPress Plugins allowing integration of
Foundation, Real Estate Listings, Asset
Management, and brand UI/UX
 Design/Build a JSON API and Admin interface for
a coupon and event share mobile app
 Day to Day client acquisition and maintenance
 Migration of Client infrastructure from Microsoft
to Google services including (but not limited to)
emails attachments, calendar appointments, and
browser bookmarks
 Refreshing of client technology infrastructure
both in office and online. Operating System
Refreshes, Workstation optimizations, etc.
CookWheelWrightGroup, Phoenix  FullStack
Febuary 2012  December 2013
 Configuration of both clientele and business
LAMP stack
 Management of taking client approved site mock
ups and converting into pixel perfect responsive
 Assessment of client goals and expectations to
determine deadlines, goals, expectations, and
prices of client contracts
 Client communication and management to
maintain contract during progression of projects
 Integration of JavaScript Frameworks to allow for
improved UI/UX based on mock ups
Additional Frameworks
Ziptopia  June 2016
During the interview process with ZipCar I was given a programming challenge similar to the traveling salesman
paradigm. As there was already a coder who had a degree in philosophy and was able to bang out a theoretical
best fairly quickly, I opted to go another route: DATA MINE. So currently I am data mining a fake world using a
json API I built to collect data on the people that are waiting, and traveling. This data is correlated between
destinations and current locations to determine a deeper meaning of how each building in the fake world acts upon
the people in it.
Battle Ship Web App  June 2016
I was given a coding challenge to create a simple version of the game battleship in an online web app form. Since
Django Channels will be coming shipped with Django soon, I opted to take the opportunity to solidify my
knowledge of the framework. As of right now I am building a web app which will allow users to connect to my
server via a web socket, and battle an AI navy general.
Autodesk Internal Team Website  January 2016
After being moved onto a new team within Autodesk I was tasked with creating an internal website to act as a
place to get info on my new team. As there was already a WordPress website in place, and the people managing the
website would need a simple CMS, I opted to keep WordPress. I am not a fan of WordPress but I am proud to say
that my work was highly smiled upon in this project.
Autodesk Secure Development Life Cycle Data Collection Interface  January 2016
One of the initiatives that I was involved in at Autodesk was to properly track the security properties of the various
product development within Autodesk. In most cases we were taking in data from Checkmarx, App Scan, and
Qualys which was put in by the project managers. Once the data had been input and saved to a MySQL database,
QlikView was later able to pull the data out to display in an easy to understand format.
Animal Squad Longboards - December 2015  Present
A project with the intension of creating affordable parts for open sourcing to a community of electric last mile long
board builders. Arduino programming is used to transmit signal from a controller to the electric long board. We
have to build breadboard prototypes that work with the ardunio and its modules to reliably transmit and then
interpret this signal.
Avnet Tech Games - 2011
Avnet is a technical company that holds competitions for skills relating to the IT industry. I competed in building
an android app that would function as the only game piece needed for a game of charades.
Business Professionals of America Competition - 2009
Taking vocational classes in high school allowed me to create a team and compete at the state level for skills
related to building a website. We had to build a website that would show off a product and present it to judges.
Iwanttogotonotredame.com - 2009
A friend of mine had the idea to request donations in order to help pay for school. I built the website that was used
to tell her story and collect these donations. It was featured in the local news.
Garrys Mod Server Site - 2007
As a young man I played a video game with friends that required a lot of mods in order to get the most fun out of it.
I built the website that we used to keep track of what mods we would want on our server.

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  • 1. Adam Visser Passionate for Programming Skills Active Technical Requirements gathering AcquiringCommunity Standardized UIparadigms Security Driven Code Data Structuresand Algorithms Full WebStack Programming Server Side CodeSpecialization System Administration JSON/REST APIs Web Sockets ResponsiveUI MVC Expertise Passionate about Coding Standardsand Paradigms Experience Growbotix LLC, Phoenix Co-Founder December 2013 Present Hybrid MongoDB/MySQL data storage integration allowing for mass micro services configuration Designing/Building of Embedded hardware JSON Message interface on top of RabbitMQ allowing for reading of data and interacting with hardware physical space Open Source Python Based Arduino Project revival, restructure, and absorption Active tutoring and lecturing of peers on company and workload structure, design, implementation, plans, and goals Designing/Building of Django Channels Web Socket cloud based micro services connecting users to their systems at their home/farm Designing/Building of AngularJS SPA for monitoring and analytics of fruit/vegetable physical environment Designing/Building of Wireless Mesh Network allowing connection of embedded hardware across large distances Designing/Building of Event integration between micro services at site and online allowing for notification of failed physical systems Historical tracking and reporting through hybrid MongoDB/MySQL storage systems allowing farmers to legitimize their organic farms in the eyes of the FDA Autodesk, San Francisco Cloud Security Tools Engineer June 2015 Present Integration of storage systems, including (but not limited to) MySQL, MongoDB, LDAP/AD into Python/PHP server side controllers Responsible for Use Case gathering for project plans Building out JSON based APIs for use with AngularJS and QlikView front ends Developing Semantic UI/Foundation/Bootstrap UI/UX layouts for 5 separate projects Leveraged AngularJS to build out client side ticket analytics tools Programming Languages Python C/C++ Java C# HTML/CSS/JavaScript PHP Favorite Frameworks AngularJS Tornado Laravel Semantic UI QT Arduino RaspberryPIGPIO 671 S 20th St Richmond, CA 94804 (231) 660-1842 adamvissers@gmail.com http://adamvisser.me
  • 2. Education University Of Advancing Technology, Phoenix AZ Computer Science Graduation still TBD, Attended from 2009-2012 Computer Science Degree that is a handful of credits from being completed due to family troubles. Classes taken in Artificial Life Programming, Data Algorithms, and various programming languages. N. Muskegon Public High School, Muskegon MI High School Diploma Graduation year of 2009 Public education with vocational classes including C++ and HTML/CSS programming. National Honor Society Member. Phoenix NAP, Phoenix NOC Engineer May 2014 June 2015 Configuration of network interfaces of Hardware Firewalls, Operating Systems, and Network Switches including (but not limited to): OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Debian, BSD, CentOS, Arch, Brocade, Dell Sonic Wall Active troubleshooting of browser updates breaking UI/UX of clientele web apps Infrastructure installation/configuration including (but not limited to) datacenter hardware, operating systems, firewalls, varnish cache services, LAMP stack, CPanel/Plesk control panels client LAMP stack infrastructure migration onto updated hardware and operating systems. Consultant, Phoenix December 2013 April 2014 Tutoring of both peers and clientele of programming concepts, principles, languages and frameworks in Java, Python and HTML/CSS/JS WordPress Plugins allowing integration of Foundation, Real Estate Listings, Asset Management, and brand UI/UX Design/Build a JSON API and Admin interface for a coupon and event share mobile app Day to Day client acquisition and maintenance duties Migration of Client infrastructure from Microsoft to Google services including (but not limited to) emails attachments, calendar appointments, and browser bookmarks Refreshing of client technology infrastructure both in office and online. Operating System Refreshes, Workstation optimizations, etc. CookWheelWrightGroup, Phoenix FullStack Engineer Febuary 2012 December 2013 Configuration of both clientele and business LAMP stack Management of taking client approved site mock ups and converting into pixel perfect responsive websites Assessment of client goals and expectations to determine deadlines, goals, expectations, and prices of client contracts Client communication and management to maintain contract during progression of projects Integration of JavaScript Frameworks to allow for improved UI/UX based on mock ups Additional Frameworks Bootstrap Codeigniter WordPress Android Boost Paninni Spring Hibernate XNA Django Web2Py OpenGL CUDA
  • 3. Projects Ziptopia June 2016 During the interview process with ZipCar I was given a programming challenge similar to the traveling salesman paradigm. As there was already a coder who had a degree in philosophy and was able to bang out a theoretical best fairly quickly, I opted to go another route: DATA MINE. So currently I am data mining a fake world using a json API I built to collect data on the people that are waiting, and traveling. This data is correlated between destinations and current locations to determine a deeper meaning of how each building in the fake world acts upon the people in it. Battle Ship Web App June 2016 I was given a coding challenge to create a simple version of the game battleship in an online web app form. Since Django Channels will be coming shipped with Django soon, I opted to take the opportunity to solidify my knowledge of the framework. As of right now I am building a web app which will allow users to connect to my server via a web socket, and battle an AI navy general. Autodesk Internal Team Website January 2016 After being moved onto a new team within Autodesk I was tasked with creating an internal website to act as a place to get info on my new team. As there was already a WordPress website in place, and the people managing the website would need a simple CMS, I opted to keep WordPress. I am not a fan of WordPress but I am proud to say that my work was highly smiled upon in this project. Autodesk Secure Development Life Cycle Data Collection Interface January 2016 One of the initiatives that I was involved in at Autodesk was to properly track the security properties of the various product development within Autodesk. In most cases we were taking in data from Checkmarx, App Scan, and Qualys which was put in by the project managers. Once the data had been input and saved to a MySQL database, QlikView was later able to pull the data out to display in an easy to understand format. Animal Squad Longboards - December 2015 Present A project with the intension of creating affordable parts for open sourcing to a community of electric last mile long board builders. Arduino programming is used to transmit signal from a controller to the electric long board. We have to build breadboard prototypes that work with the ardunio and its modules to reliably transmit and then interpret this signal. Avnet Tech Games - 2011 Avnet is a technical company that holds competitions for skills relating to the IT industry. I competed in building an android app that would function as the only game piece needed for a game of charades. Business Professionals of America Competition - 2009 Taking vocational classes in high school allowed me to create a team and compete at the state level for skills related to building a website. We had to build a website that would show off a product and present it to judges. Iwanttogotonotredame.com - 2009 A friend of mine had the idea to request donations in order to help pay for school. I built the website that was used to tell her story and collect these donations. It was featured in the local news. Garrys Mod Server Site - 2007 As a young man I played a video game with friends that required a lot of mods in order to get the most fun out of it. I built the website that we used to keep track of what mods we would want on our server.