A. Stepiska, (2007), Violence on television in the U.S. Old problem, new consequences, (in:) The Modern Terrorism and Its Forms, edited by S. Wojciechowski, Pozna, pp. 129148.
The document discusses the effects of television violence on children. It finds that most American households have at least one TV, and many children have TVs in their bedrooms. On average, children watch 3-5 hours of TV per day, which contains a high level of violence. Television misleads children by showing violence as rewarded and without consequences. It can increase children's aggressiveness and fearfulness. The document recommends that parents monitor their children's viewing, limit screen time, and discuss what they watch to help counter the negative effects of media violence.
Is Television Harmful for Children (last part)Joseph Hsu
This document discusses whether television causes violence and references several sources on this topic. It notes that TV is often blamed for acts of violence like the Columbine shooting and was argued as a cause of violence in a 1981 court case. Graphs are shown comparing crime and violent crime rates to the number of TV sets in households over time, and it concludes that education may be a solution.
Television violence how effects on children Monwar Anik
The document outlines the effects of television violence on child psychology. It notes that children watch an average of 4 hours of TV per day, which exposes them to violent content in 60% of programs. Research shows this can have psychological effects like increasing aggressive behavior. Examples of violent content shown include suicide, murder, and drug addiction. The document suggests remedies like monitoring what children watch, watching with them, and changing the channel during violent scenes.
A presentation that we made on our research for the Academic Writing course. The research was about the effects that TV violence has on children and ways to reduce it. Have a look. And if you'd also need the research paper, contact me on my facebook account.
Negative Effects Of Television On Childrenguest10029d4f
This document discusses the negative effects of television on children. It lists several sources that describe these harmful effects, such as increased aggression, difficulty concentrating, and unhealthy habits. The document also notes that excessive television can displace other activities that are more beneficial to children's development, such as outdoor play and reading. Solutions for limiting television's negative impacts are suggested.
Watching TV can have both positive and negative effects on children. It can expose them to new ideas and culture but excessive viewing has been linked to issues like obesity, lack of creativity, and increased aggressive behavior. Studies show that the average American child will see thousands of violent acts by age 18 from TV and high amounts of daily TV viewing in teenage boys correlates with more acts of violence later in life. It is important for parents to monitor TV time and encourage other activities that develop children in healthier ways.
This document summarizes a marketing research project on the impact of television on children aged 6-8. The research was conducted in Panchkula and studied 80 children. The findings show that most children watch TV before and after school. Many children reported having nightmares from certain shows. Most families debated what shows children can watch and enforced rules around TV viewing. The analysis found that around half of families had 2 children, and most watched an average of 3.5 hours of TV per day. This level of viewing can negatively impact children's behavior, body image, gender roles, and reading skills. The document suggests parents limit TV time and discuss shows to mitigate these impacts.
Media violence refers to the depiction or dissemination of violent or explicit material through various media sources that is considered harmful to viewers. Children in particular spend more time exposed to media than in school, witnessing thousands of acts of violence by age 18. Research shows that viewing media violence is correlated with increased aggressive behavior in youth and may lead to real-world violence. While video games, films, television, and music often contain graphic depictions of violence, determining appropriate restrictions to curb harmful effects while protecting free expression is an ongoing debate.
A. Stepiska, (2010), Women in international TV news, (in:)The participation of women in the media and in politics an international dimension, edited by I. Andruszkiewicz, A. Balczyska Kosman,Pozna, pp. 169177.
Wizerunek polityka lokalnego i rola rodk坦w masowego przekazu w jego ksztato...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2006), Wizerunek polityka lokalnego i rola rodk坦w masowego przekazu w jego ksztatowaniu [Image of a local politician and a role of the mass media in a process of creating an image], rodkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, No. 2, pp. 151164.
Wizerunek panstwa - dzialania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencjiAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2009), Wizerunek pastwa dziaania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencji [Image of a country: Public Relations not only for the period of the EU Presidency], (in:) Przewodnictwo pastwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej dowiadczenia partner坦w, propozycje dla Polski [EU council Presidency partners' experience, suggestions for Poland], edited by Z. Czach坦r i M. J. Tomaszyk, Pozna, p. 159170.
The Polish EU presidency in the Polish press: Did we actually notice it?Agnieszka Stpiska
The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a quantitative content analysis of the Polish print media. Sharing the codebook and procedures with an international team, we were able to gain a broad perspective on the media coverage of the first Polish EU presidency. In particular, we focused on: (1) the number of items covering events
related to the presidency, (2) the prominence of the topic, (3) genres, (4) main topics, (5) authors of news, (6) authors of opinions, and (7) the way Polish journalists evaluated Polands performance during the EU presidency. The findings showed that although Polish print press reported the first Polish EU presidency, the topics
prominence was not very high. Media organizations rather rarely presented the topic on the front page and they did not change their regular editorial policy. Most of the news items, as well as opinions and comments, were written by staff members. Furthermore, journalists seemed to be more interested in the opinions of national politicians, rather than experts. As a result, the framework of the coverage was predominantly domestic. Journalists working for daily newspapers focused mostly on providing news and their own interpretations of the reported events. On the contrary weekly magazines provided comments and interviews, but again, most of the opinions were expressed by their own journalists and editors.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, L. Pokrzycka, J. Nowak, (2102), The Journalists and Journalism of Poland (in:) The Global Journalist in the 21stCentury, edited by D. H. Weaver, L. Willnat, New York and London: Routledge, pp. 255266.
The Global Flow of Information and Propaganda. Terrorist Attacks on the USA, ...Agnieszka Stpiska
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 fulfilled the criteria of a major media event due to the mass media's need for unusual and dramatic news stories. The attacks received unprecedented 24/7 coverage by media outlets around the world. This extensive coverage transformed the attacks into a global media spectacle and turning point that demonstrated the mass media's role in political communication and potential to influence policymakers. The attacks also highlighted the mass media's process of selecting stories that meet criteria like surprise, negativity, prominence, and continuity to maintain audience attention.
The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audienceAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audience, (in:) News in Europe, Europe on News, edited by A. Stpiska, Berlin, pp. 143 158.
Style autoprezentacyjne polskich kandydat坦w na eurodeputowanych. Wybory do Pa...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Style autoprezentacyjne polskich kandydat坦w na eurodeputowanych. Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2004 [Styles of self presentation of Polish candidates for the European Parliament in 2004], (in:) Europejskie wybory Polak坦w. Referendum i wybory do ParlamentuEuropejskiego [European elections in Poland. Referendum and the European Parliament elections], edited by D. Piontek, Pozna, pp. 163182.
Three generations of polish Journalists. Professional roles and identitiesAgnieszka Stpiska
This paper provides an update of empirical data on the professional features, values and standards of Polish journalists. The study illustrates clear differences between three generations of journalists: those who have been working for media organizations for several decades now; those who entered the profession immediately following the political transformation of the late 1980s;
and those who recently graduated from university. Interestingly, both the youngest and the oldest journalists seem to share some professional approaches. Namely they believe that journalists should not be just news disseminators, but should also provide solutions to the problems of
ordinary people. On the other hand, journalists who entered the profession two decades ago seem to be more interested in a watchdog role for the media. Since their professional career started during the political transformation period or soon after, they still perceive themselves as
adversaries of public officials.
Spoeczne oczekiwania a autostereotyp dziennikarzy polskich w XXI wiekuAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2011), Spoeczne oczekiwania a autostereotyp dziennikarzy polskich w XXI wieku [Social expectations and autostereotypes of Polish journalists in the 21stcentury] (in:)Stereotypy w obszarze spoecznym i politycznym [Stereotypes in a social and political sphere], edited by B. Pajk Patkowska, Pozna, pp. 3346.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Polski dziennikarz niezale甜ny altruista? [Polish journalist: an independent altruist?] (in:) Etyka w mediach, vol. 5, Nowe media stare idee, [Ethics in media, vol. 5, New media old ideas], edited by W. Machura, Pozna Opole, pp. 3546.
Kariera, kontrola, su甜ba spoeczna postawy r坦甜nych pokole polskich dzienn...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2011), Kariera, kontrola, su甜ba spoeczna postawy r坦甜nychpokole polskich dziennikarzy [Career, control, or public service attitudes of three generations of Polish journalists] (in:) Studia nad dziennikarstwem[Journalism studies], edited by I. Hoffman, Lublin, pp. 4362.
Dziennikarze w Polsce wartoci, priorytety i standardy zawodoweAgnieszka Stpiska
Niniejszy artyku zawiera wyniki bada ankietowych przeprowadzonych w grupie dziennikarzy pracujcych w mediach o zasigu og坦lnokrajowym. Celem bada byo zdobycie wiedzy o wartociach, standardach zawodowych i priorytetach polskich dziennikarzy. Std te甜 obok pyta dotyczcych profilu demograficznego dziennikarzy oraz autonomii dziennikarzy w ankiecie zawarte zostay pytania o: sta甜 pracy, form zatrudnienia, przynale甜no do organizacji i
stowarzysze dziennikarskich, najwa甜niejsze aspekty pracy, poziom zadowolenia zawodowego oraz o zadania medi坦w i dziennikarzy wzgldem spoeczestwa. Wyniki bada ukazay m. in. wysoki poziom wyksztacenia zdecydowanej wikszoci dziennikarzy, postpujce odmadzanie redakcji niski poziom przynale甜noci do organizacji dziennikarskich oraz istotne zmiany w strukturze
zatrudnienia i ich konsekwencje dla sposobu, w jaki dziennikarze oceniaj swoje miejsce pracy.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Dziennikarze polscy midzy mitem czwartej wadzy a wiadomoci misji [Polish journalists: between a myth of fourth estate and a public service], (w:) Media czwarta wadza? [Media a fourth estate?], edited by R. Kowalczyk and W. Machura, Pozna Opole 2010, pp. 5566.
Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanejAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2011), Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanej [Polish press coverage of the Russian Georgian conflict in 2008], Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, No. 1-2, pp. 5975.
Debaty prezydenckie 2010. Komunikacja przez pryzmat wartosciAgnieszka Stpiska
The paper intends to present the results of an analysis of the messages formulated
by the two leading candidates in the presidential elections of 2010, Bronisaw Komorowski and Jaros続aw Kaczy単ski. The paper is interdisciplinary as it combines a politological analysis of the context of the presidential debates and a linguistic analysis of the content of the messages. The conclusions of the research corroborate the fact
that both candidates referred to a different repertoire of values that evoked different axiological fields a high one in Kaczy単skis statements and a lower one in the case of Komorowski. The linguistic analysis also indicated that the linguistic image each candidate was building clearly specified the range of potential voters. Finally, both candidates used the debate to form their own image only in two dimensions: I as a political leader and I as a president-to-be while both Komorowski and Kaczy単ski neglected
the personal dimension of their image during the debates.
Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnychAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnych [What Poland in what Europe? Analysis of referendum campaign on TV], (in:) Europejskie wybory Polak坦w.Referendum i wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego [European elections in Poland. Referendum and the European Parliament elections], edited by D. Piontek, Pozna, pp. 133148.
A. Stepiska, (2010), Women in international TV news, (in:)The participation of women in the media and in politics an international dimension, edited by I. Andruszkiewicz, A. Balczyska Kosman,Pozna, pp. 169177.
Wizerunek polityka lokalnego i rola rodk坦w masowego przekazu w jego ksztato...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2006), Wizerunek polityka lokalnego i rola rodk坦w masowego przekazu w jego ksztatowaniu [Image of a local politician and a role of the mass media in a process of creating an image], rodkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, No. 2, pp. 151164.
Wizerunek panstwa - dzialania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencjiAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2009), Wizerunek pastwa dziaania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencji [Image of a country: Public Relations not only for the period of the EU Presidency], (in:) Przewodnictwo pastwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej dowiadczenia partner坦w, propozycje dla Polski [EU council Presidency partners' experience, suggestions for Poland], edited by Z. Czach坦r i M. J. Tomaszyk, Pozna, p. 159170.
The Polish EU presidency in the Polish press: Did we actually notice it?Agnieszka Stpiska
The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a quantitative content analysis of the Polish print media. Sharing the codebook and procedures with an international team, we were able to gain a broad perspective on the media coverage of the first Polish EU presidency. In particular, we focused on: (1) the number of items covering events
related to the presidency, (2) the prominence of the topic, (3) genres, (4) main topics, (5) authors of news, (6) authors of opinions, and (7) the way Polish journalists evaluated Polands performance during the EU presidency. The findings showed that although Polish print press reported the first Polish EU presidency, the topics
prominence was not very high. Media organizations rather rarely presented the topic on the front page and they did not change their regular editorial policy. Most of the news items, as well as opinions and comments, were written by staff members. Furthermore, journalists seemed to be more interested in the opinions of national politicians, rather than experts. As a result, the framework of the coverage was predominantly domestic. Journalists working for daily newspapers focused mostly on providing news and their own interpretations of the reported events. On the contrary weekly magazines provided comments and interviews, but again, most of the opinions were expressed by their own journalists and editors.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, L. Pokrzycka, J. Nowak, (2102), The Journalists and Journalism of Poland (in:) The Global Journalist in the 21stCentury, edited by D. H. Weaver, L. Willnat, New York and London: Routledge, pp. 255266.
The Global Flow of Information and Propaganda. Terrorist Attacks on the USA, ...Agnieszka Stpiska
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 fulfilled the criteria of a major media event due to the mass media's need for unusual and dramatic news stories. The attacks received unprecedented 24/7 coverage by media outlets around the world. This extensive coverage transformed the attacks into a global media spectacle and turning point that demonstrated the mass media's role in political communication and potential to influence policymakers. The attacks also highlighted the mass media's process of selecting stories that meet criteria like surprise, negativity, prominence, and continuity to maintain audience attention.
The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audienceAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audience, (in:) News in Europe, Europe on News, edited by A. Stpiska, Berlin, pp. 143 158.
Style autoprezentacyjne polskich kandydat坦w na eurodeputowanych. Wybory do Pa...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Style autoprezentacyjne polskich kandydat坦w na eurodeputowanych. Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2004 [Styles of self presentation of Polish candidates for the European Parliament in 2004], (in:) Europejskie wybory Polak坦w. Referendum i wybory do ParlamentuEuropejskiego [European elections in Poland. Referendum and the European Parliament elections], edited by D. Piontek, Pozna, pp. 163182.
Three generations of polish Journalists. Professional roles and identitiesAgnieszka Stpiska
This paper provides an update of empirical data on the professional features, values and standards of Polish journalists. The study illustrates clear differences between three generations of journalists: those who have been working for media organizations for several decades now; those who entered the profession immediately following the political transformation of the late 1980s;
and those who recently graduated from university. Interestingly, both the youngest and the oldest journalists seem to share some professional approaches. Namely they believe that journalists should not be just news disseminators, but should also provide solutions to the problems of
ordinary people. On the other hand, journalists who entered the profession two decades ago seem to be more interested in a watchdog role for the media. Since their professional career started during the political transformation period or soon after, they still perceive themselves as
adversaries of public officials.
Spoeczne oczekiwania a autostereotyp dziennikarzy polskich w XXI wiekuAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2011), Spoeczne oczekiwania a autostereotyp dziennikarzy polskich w XXI wieku [Social expectations and autostereotypes of Polish journalists in the 21stcentury] (in:)Stereotypy w obszarze spoecznym i politycznym [Stereotypes in a social and political sphere], edited by B. Pajk Patkowska, Pozna, pp. 3346.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Polski dziennikarz niezale甜ny altruista? [Polish journalist: an independent altruist?] (in:) Etyka w mediach, vol. 5, Nowe media stare idee, [Ethics in media, vol. 5, New media old ideas], edited by W. Machura, Pozna Opole, pp. 3546.
Kariera, kontrola, su甜ba spoeczna postawy r坦甜nych pokole polskich dzienn...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2011), Kariera, kontrola, su甜ba spoeczna postawy r坦甜nychpokole polskich dziennikarzy [Career, control, or public service attitudes of three generations of Polish journalists] (in:) Studia nad dziennikarstwem[Journalism studies], edited by I. Hoffman, Lublin, pp. 4362.
Dziennikarze w Polsce wartoci, priorytety i standardy zawodoweAgnieszka Stpiska
Niniejszy artyku zawiera wyniki bada ankietowych przeprowadzonych w grupie dziennikarzy pracujcych w mediach o zasigu og坦lnokrajowym. Celem bada byo zdobycie wiedzy o wartociach, standardach zawodowych i priorytetach polskich dziennikarzy. Std te甜 obok pyta dotyczcych profilu demograficznego dziennikarzy oraz autonomii dziennikarzy w ankiecie zawarte zostay pytania o: sta甜 pracy, form zatrudnienia, przynale甜no do organizacji i
stowarzysze dziennikarskich, najwa甜niejsze aspekty pracy, poziom zadowolenia zawodowego oraz o zadania medi坦w i dziennikarzy wzgldem spoeczestwa. Wyniki bada ukazay m. in. wysoki poziom wyksztacenia zdecydowanej wikszoci dziennikarzy, postpujce odmadzanie redakcji niski poziom przynale甜noci do organizacji dziennikarskich oraz istotne zmiany w strukturze
zatrudnienia i ich konsekwencje dla sposobu, w jaki dziennikarze oceniaj swoje miejsce pracy.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Dziennikarze polscy midzy mitem czwartej wadzy a wiadomoci misji [Polish journalists: between a myth of fourth estate and a public service], (w:) Media czwarta wadza? [Media a fourth estate?], edited by R. Kowalczyk and W. Machura, Pozna Opole 2010, pp. 5566.
Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanejAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2011), Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanej [Polish press coverage of the Russian Georgian conflict in 2008], Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, No. 1-2, pp. 5975.
Debaty prezydenckie 2010. Komunikacja przez pryzmat wartosciAgnieszka Stpiska
The paper intends to present the results of an analysis of the messages formulated
by the two leading candidates in the presidential elections of 2010, Bronisaw Komorowski and Jaros続aw Kaczy単ski. The paper is interdisciplinary as it combines a politological analysis of the context of the presidential debates and a linguistic analysis of the content of the messages. The conclusions of the research corroborate the fact
that both candidates referred to a different repertoire of values that evoked different axiological fields a high one in Kaczy単skis statements and a lower one in the case of Komorowski. The linguistic analysis also indicated that the linguistic image each candidate was building clearly specified the range of potential voters. Finally, both candidates used the debate to form their own image only in two dimensions: I as a political leader and I as a president-to-be while both Komorowski and Kaczy単ski neglected
the personal dimension of their image during the debates.
Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnychAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnych [What Poland in what Europe? Analysis of referendum campaign on TV], (in:) Europejskie wybory Polak坦w.Referendum i wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego [European elections in Poland. Referendum and the European Parliament elections], edited by D. Piontek, Pozna, pp. 133148.