A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, L. Pokrzycka, J. Nowak, (2102), The Journalists and Journalism of Poland (in:) The Global Journalist in the 21stCentury, edited by D. H. Weaver, L. Willnat, New York and London: Routledge, pp. 255266.
Polish Printed Media Coverage and Evaluation of the Polish Presidency in the ...Agnieszka Stpiska
The document discusses a study analyzing Polish print media coverage of Poland's first presidency of the European Union Council in 2011. It examines how four daily newspapers (Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita, Nasz Dziennik, and Fakt) and three weekly magazines (Polityka, Wprost, and Uwa甜am Rze. Inaczej pisane) portrayed and evaluated the presidency. The study found that while the newspapers' political biases could have led to differing evaluations, most coverage was neutral. Gazeta Wyborcza and Fakt had the highest levels of neutral assessments at 67% and 57%, while Rzeczpospolita and Nasz D
Dziennikarze w Polsce wartoci, priorytety i standardy zawodoweAgnieszka Stpiska
Niniejszy artyku zawiera wyniki bada ankietowych przeprowadzonych w grupie dziennikarzy pracujcych w mediach o zasigu og坦lnokrajowym. Celem bada byo zdobycie wiedzy o wartociach, standardach zawodowych i priorytetach polskich dziennikarzy. Std te甜 obok pyta dotyczcych profilu demograficznego dziennikarzy oraz autonomii dziennikarzy w ankiecie zawarte zostay pytania o: sta甜 pracy, form zatrudnienia, przynale甜no do organizacji i
stowarzysze dziennikarskich, najwa甜niejsze aspekty pracy, poziom zadowolenia zawodowego oraz o zadania medi坦w i dziennikarzy wzgldem spoeczestwa. Wyniki bada ukazay m. in. wysoki poziom wyksztacenia zdecydowanej wikszoci dziennikarzy, postpujce odmadzanie redakcji niski poziom przynale甜noci do organizacji dziennikarskich oraz istotne zmiany w strukturze
zatrudnienia i ich konsekwencje dla sposobu, w jaki dziennikarze oceniaj swoje miejsce pracy.
Style autoprezentacyjne polskich kandydat坦w na eurodeputowanych. Wybory do Pa...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Style autoprezentacyjne polskich kandydat坦w na eurodeputowanych. Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2004 [Styles of self presentation of Polish candidates for the European Parliament in 2004], (in:) Europejskie wybory Polak坦w. Referendum i wybory do ParlamentuEuropejskiego [European elections in Poland. Referendum and the European Parliament elections], edited by D. Piontek, Pozna, pp. 163182.
Kariera, kontrola, su甜ba spoeczna postawy r坦甜nych pokole polskich dzienn...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2011), Kariera, kontrola, su甜ba spoeczna postawy r坦甜nychpokole polskich dziennikarzy [Career, control, or public service attitudes of three generations of Polish journalists] (in:) Studia nad dziennikarstwem[Journalism studies], edited by I. Hoffman, Lublin, pp. 4362.
Globalny przepyw informacji i propagandy. Atak terrorystyczny na USA z 11 wr...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2005), Globalny przepyw informacji i propagandy. Atak terrorystyczny na USA z 11 wrzenia 2001 r. jako wydarzenie medialne [The Global Flow of Information and Propaganda. Terrorist Attacks on the USA, September 11, 2001 as a media event], Problemy HumanistykiNr 10/11, pp. 5767.
Wizerunek polityka lokalnego i rola rodk坦w masowego przekazu w jego ksztato...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2006), Wizerunek polityka lokalnego i rola rodk坦w masowego przekazu w jego ksztatowaniu [Image of a local politician and a role of the mass media in a process of creating an image], rodkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, No. 2, pp. 151164.
Spoeczne oczekiwania a autostereotyp dziennikarzy polskich w XXI wiekuAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2011), Spoeczne oczekiwania a autostereotyp dziennikarzy polskich w XXI wieku [Social expectations and autostereotypes of Polish journalists in the 21stcentury] (in:)Stereotypy w obszarze spoecznym i politycznym [Stereotypes in a social and political sphere], edited by B. Pajk Patkowska, Pozna, pp. 3346.
Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanejAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2011), Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanej [Polish press coverage of the Russian Georgian conflict in 2008], Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, No. 1-2, pp. 5975.
Debaty prezydenckie 2010. Komunikacja przez pryzmat wartosciAgnieszka Stpiska
The paper intends to present the results of an analysis of the messages formulated
by the two leading candidates in the presidential elections of 2010, Bronisaw Komorowski and Jaros続aw Kaczy単ski. The paper is interdisciplinary as it combines a politological analysis of the context of the presidential debates and a linguistic analysis of the content of the messages. The conclusions of the research corroborate the fact
that both candidates referred to a different repertoire of values that evoked different axiological fields a high one in Kaczy単skis statements and a lower one in the case of Komorowski. The linguistic analysis also indicated that the linguistic image each candidate was building clearly specified the range of potential voters. Finally, both candidates used the debate to form their own image only in two dimensions: I as a political leader and I as a president-to-be while both Komorowski and Kaczy単ski neglected
the personal dimension of their image during the debates.
Problematyka europejska w przekazach programowych kandydat坦w na urzd Prezyd...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2004), Problematyka europejska w przekazach programowych kandydat坦w na urzd Prezydenta RP w latach 19902000 [European issues in election agendas of the Polish presidential candidates in 1990-2000], (in:) Europejskie dylematy i wyzwania [European dilemmas and challenges],edited by S. Wojciechowski, Pozna, pp. 107124.
Postawy wobec Stanow Zjednoczonych. Raport z midzynarodowych bada por坦wnawc...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, B. Hordecki, (2010), Postawy wobec Stan坦w Zjednoczonych: raport z midzynarodowych bada por坦wnawczych [Attitudes towards the US: a report of international comparative study], Przegld Politologiczny, No. 4, pp. 5368.
The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audienceAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audience, (in:) News in Europe, Europe on News, edited by A. Stpiska, Berlin, pp. 143 158.
A. Stepiska, (2010), Women in international TV news, (in:)The participation of women in the media and in politics an international dimension, edited by I. Andruszkiewicz, A. Balczyska Kosman,Pozna, pp. 169177.
Wizerunek panstwa - dzialania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencjiAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2009), Wizerunek pastwa dziaania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencji [Image of a country: Public Relations not only for the period of the EU Presidency], (in:) Przewodnictwo pastwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej dowiadczenia partner坦w, propozycje dla Polski [EU council Presidency partners' experience, suggestions for Poland], edited by Z. Czach坦r i M. J. Tomaszyk, Pozna, p. 159170.
Violence on television in the U.S. Old problem, new consequencesAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Violence on television in the U.S. Old problem, new consequences, (in:) The Modern Terrorism and Its Forms, edited by S. Wojciechowski, Pozna, pp. 129148.
The Polish EU presidency in the Polish press: Did we actually notice it?Agnieszka Stpiska
The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a quantitative content analysis of the Polish print media. Sharing the codebook and procedures with an international team, we were able to gain a broad perspective on the media coverage of the first Polish EU presidency. In particular, we focused on: (1) the number of items covering events
related to the presidency, (2) the prominence of the topic, (3) genres, (4) main topics, (5) authors of news, (6) authors of opinions, and (7) the way Polish journalists evaluated Polands performance during the EU presidency. The findings showed that although Polish print press reported the first Polish EU presidency, the topics
prominence was not very high. Media organizations rather rarely presented the topic on the front page and they did not change their regular editorial policy. Most of the news items, as well as opinions and comments, were written by staff members. Furthermore, journalists seemed to be more interested in the opinions of national politicians, rather than experts. As a result, the framework of the coverage was predominantly domestic. Journalists working for daily newspapers focused mostly on providing news and their own interpretations of the reported events. On the contrary weekly magazines provided comments and interviews, but again, most of the opinions were expressed by their own journalists and editors.
The Global Flow of Information and Propaganda. Terrorist Attacks on the USA, ...Agnieszka Stpiska
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 fulfilled the criteria of a major media event due to the mass media's need for unusual and dramatic news stories. The attacks received unprecedented 24/7 coverage by media outlets around the world. This extensive coverage transformed the attacks into a global media spectacle and turning point that demonstrated the mass media's role in political communication and potential to influence policymakers. The attacks also highlighted the mass media's process of selecting stories that meet criteria like surprise, negativity, prominence, and continuity to maintain audience attention.
Three generations of polish Journalists. Professional roles and identitiesAgnieszka Stpiska
This paper provides an update of empirical data on the professional features, values and standards of Polish journalists. The study illustrates clear differences between three generations of journalists: those who have been working for media organizations for several decades now; those who entered the profession immediately following the political transformation of the late 1980s;
and those who recently graduated from university. Interestingly, both the youngest and the oldest journalists seem to share some professional approaches. Namely they believe that journalists should not be just news disseminators, but should also provide solutions to the problems of
ordinary people. On the other hand, journalists who entered the profession two decades ago seem to be more interested in a watchdog role for the media. Since their professional career started during the political transformation period or soon after, they still perceive themselves as
adversaries of public officials.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Polski dziennikarz niezale甜ny altruista? [Polish journalist: an independent altruist?] (in:) Etyka w mediach, vol. 5, Nowe media stare idee, [Ethics in media, vol. 5, New media old ideas], edited by W. Machura, Pozna Opole, pp. 3546.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Dziennikarze polscy midzy mitem czwartej wadzy a wiadomoci misji [Polish journalists: between a myth of fourth estate and a public service], (w:) Media czwarta wadza? [Media a fourth estate?], edited by R. Kowalczyk and W. Machura, Pozna Opole 2010, pp. 5566.
Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnychAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnych [What Poland in what Europe? Analysis of referendum campaign on TV], (in:) Europejskie wybory Polak坦w.Referendum i wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego [European elections in Poland. Referendum and the European Parliament elections], edited by D. Piontek, Pozna, pp. 133148.
Europejskie kampanie wyborcze w Polsce (2003 2004). Analiza politologiczna...Agnieszka Stpiska
Europejskie kampanie wyborcze w Polsce (2003 2004). Analiza politologiczna i medioznawcza 1. Wprowadzenie Lata 2003 2004 to okres zamykajcy etap przygotowawczy do przystpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej, w szczeg坦lnoci w zakresie dostosowywania polskich rozwiza prawnych i instytucjonalnych do standard坦w unijnych. Dwa wydarzenia z tego czasu: referendum akcesyjne i pierwsze w Polsce wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego stanowiy przy tym swoiste podsumowanie wieloletniej debaty publicznej nad kierunkami polskiej polityki zagranicznej oraz miejscem i rol naszego kraju w uksztatowanych na pocztku lat 90. nowych warunkach geopolitycznych. Jednoczenie byy one form bezporedniej spoecznej oceny nie tylko owego kierunku, ale i poszczeg坦lnych dziaa podejmowanych przez kolejne rzdy i negocjator坦w. W og坦lnonarodowym referendum przeprowadzonym 7 i 8 czerwca 2003 r. 77% obywateli biorcych udzia w gosowaniu powiedziao TAK dla czonkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej. To zdecydowane zwycistwo opcji prounijnej nie powinno jednak przysania faktu, i甜 blisko 4 mln os坦b uczestniczcych w referendum wyrazio sprzeciw wobec idei integracji Polski z UE, za ponad 40% uprawnionych do gosowania ze swego prawa nie skorzystao 1 . Z kolei wybory do PE, jak pokazuj analizy politologiczne, powszechnie postrzegane s jako drugorzdne (tzw. second order national elections) z punktu widzenia spoeczestwa, gdy甜 " nie przynosz bezporednich i klarownych dla wyborcy konsekwencji (nie skutkuj np. powoaniem nowego rzdu i premiera), nie maj te甜 przeo甜enia na ukad wadzy w Europie " 2 . Peni one natomiast rol swoistego " barometru politycznego " krajowej sceny politycznej s bowiem dodatkow okazj do sprawdzenia notowa poszczeg坦lnych partii wr坦d spoeczestwa i nastroj坦w spoecznych. Co wicej, z uwagi na sw坦j przedmiot 1 Wyniki gosowania w skali kraju. 店r坦do: Pastwowa Komisja Wyborcza. 2 M. Fakowski, Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2004: problem frekwencji oraz znaczenia dla polskich wybor坦w i krajowej sceny politycznej, Analizy i Opinie nr 11, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa, 2003. 1 stanowi one mo甜liwo przeprowadzenia bada nad spoecznym poparciem instytucji unijnych i oczekiwa z nimi zwizanych. Pierwsze wybory tego typu budziy dotd w niemal wszystkich krajach przystpujcych do UE du甜e zainteresowanie, czego wyrazem bya wysoka, przekraczajca 50% frekwencja (wyjtkami od tej reguy byy tylko Wielka Brytania i Dania kraje z siln reprezentacj eurosceptyk坦w). Tymczasem wr坦d pastw przyjtych w 2004 r. niska frekwencja bya zjawiskiem do powszechnym (zob. tab. 1). W Polsce, zgodnie z obwieszczeniem Pastwowej Komisji Wyborczej, wyniosa 20, 87% 3 . Tab. 1. Frekwencja w wyborach do PE w latach
A. Stpiska, (2005), Europejska opinia publiczna [European public sphere], (in:) Unia Europejska a spoeczestwo obywatelskie[European Union and civil society],edited by R. Paradowski, Pozna, pp. 81-98.
Marketingowe strategie wyborcze. Wybory prezydenckie w polsce (19902000)Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska (2004), Marketingowe strategie wyborcze. Wybory prezydenckie w Polsce (1990 2000) [Marketing election strategies.Presidential elections in Poland (1990-2005)], Pozna.
Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanejAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2011), Obraz konfliktu rosyjsko gruziskiego w 2008 roku w polskiej prasie drukowanej [Polish press coverage of the Russian Georgian conflict in 2008], Zeszyty Prasoznawcze, No. 1-2, pp. 5975.
Debaty prezydenckie 2010. Komunikacja przez pryzmat wartosciAgnieszka Stpiska
The paper intends to present the results of an analysis of the messages formulated
by the two leading candidates in the presidential elections of 2010, Bronisaw Komorowski and Jaros続aw Kaczy単ski. The paper is interdisciplinary as it combines a politological analysis of the context of the presidential debates and a linguistic analysis of the content of the messages. The conclusions of the research corroborate the fact
that both candidates referred to a different repertoire of values that evoked different axiological fields a high one in Kaczy単skis statements and a lower one in the case of Komorowski. The linguistic analysis also indicated that the linguistic image each candidate was building clearly specified the range of potential voters. Finally, both candidates used the debate to form their own image only in two dimensions: I as a political leader and I as a president-to-be while both Komorowski and Kaczy単ski neglected
the personal dimension of their image during the debates.
Problematyka europejska w przekazach programowych kandydat坦w na urzd Prezyd...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2004), Problematyka europejska w przekazach programowych kandydat坦w na urzd Prezydenta RP w latach 19902000 [European issues in election agendas of the Polish presidential candidates in 1990-2000], (in:) Europejskie dylematy i wyzwania [European dilemmas and challenges],edited by S. Wojciechowski, Pozna, pp. 107124.
Postawy wobec Stanow Zjednoczonych. Raport z midzynarodowych bada por坦wnawc...Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, B. Hordecki, (2010), Postawy wobec Stan坦w Zjednoczonych: raport z midzynarodowych bada por坦wnawczych [Attitudes towards the US: a report of international comparative study], Przegld Politologiczny, No. 4, pp. 5368.
The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audienceAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, The Feedback of Euronews: a study on an active international audience, (in:) News in Europe, Europe on News, edited by A. Stpiska, Berlin, pp. 143 158.
A. Stepiska, (2010), Women in international TV news, (in:)The participation of women in the media and in politics an international dimension, edited by I. Andruszkiewicz, A. Balczyska Kosman,Pozna, pp. 169177.
Wizerunek panstwa - dzialania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencjiAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska, (2009), Wizerunek pastwa dziaania PR nie tylko w okresie prezydencji [Image of a country: Public Relations not only for the period of the EU Presidency], (in:) Przewodnictwo pastwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej dowiadczenia partner坦w, propozycje dla Polski [EU council Presidency partners' experience, suggestions for Poland], edited by Z. Czach坦r i M. J. Tomaszyk, Pozna, p. 159170.
Violence on television in the U.S. Old problem, new consequencesAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Violence on television in the U.S. Old problem, new consequences, (in:) The Modern Terrorism and Its Forms, edited by S. Wojciechowski, Pozna, pp. 129148.
The Polish EU presidency in the Polish press: Did we actually notice it?Agnieszka Stpiska
The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a quantitative content analysis of the Polish print media. Sharing the codebook and procedures with an international team, we were able to gain a broad perspective on the media coverage of the first Polish EU presidency. In particular, we focused on: (1) the number of items covering events
related to the presidency, (2) the prominence of the topic, (3) genres, (4) main topics, (5) authors of news, (6) authors of opinions, and (7) the way Polish journalists evaluated Polands performance during the EU presidency. The findings showed that although Polish print press reported the first Polish EU presidency, the topics
prominence was not very high. Media organizations rather rarely presented the topic on the front page and they did not change their regular editorial policy. Most of the news items, as well as opinions and comments, were written by staff members. Furthermore, journalists seemed to be more interested in the opinions of national politicians, rather than experts. As a result, the framework of the coverage was predominantly domestic. Journalists working for daily newspapers focused mostly on providing news and their own interpretations of the reported events. On the contrary weekly magazines provided comments and interviews, but again, most of the opinions were expressed by their own journalists and editors.
The Global Flow of Information and Propaganda. Terrorist Attacks on the USA, ...Agnieszka Stpiska
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 fulfilled the criteria of a major media event due to the mass media's need for unusual and dramatic news stories. The attacks received unprecedented 24/7 coverage by media outlets around the world. This extensive coverage transformed the attacks into a global media spectacle and turning point that demonstrated the mass media's role in political communication and potential to influence policymakers. The attacks also highlighted the mass media's process of selecting stories that meet criteria like surprise, negativity, prominence, and continuity to maintain audience attention.
Three generations of polish Journalists. Professional roles and identitiesAgnieszka Stpiska
This paper provides an update of empirical data on the professional features, values and standards of Polish journalists. The study illustrates clear differences between three generations of journalists: those who have been working for media organizations for several decades now; those who entered the profession immediately following the political transformation of the late 1980s;
and those who recently graduated from university. Interestingly, both the youngest and the oldest journalists seem to share some professional approaches. Namely they believe that journalists should not be just news disseminators, but should also provide solutions to the problems of
ordinary people. On the other hand, journalists who entered the profession two decades ago seem to be more interested in a watchdog role for the media. Since their professional career started during the political transformation period or soon after, they still perceive themselves as
adversaries of public officials.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Polski dziennikarz niezale甜ny altruista? [Polish journalist: an independent altruist?] (in:) Etyka w mediach, vol. 5, Nowe media stare idee, [Ethics in media, vol. 5, New media old ideas], edited by W. Machura, Pozna Opole, pp. 3546.
A. Stepiska, Sz. Ossowski, (2010), Dziennikarze polscy midzy mitem czwartej wadzy a wiadomoci misji [Polish journalists: between a myth of fourth estate and a public service], (w:) Media czwarta wadza? [Media a fourth estate?], edited by R. Kowalczyk and W. Machura, Pozna Opole 2010, pp. 5566.
Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnychAgnieszka Stpiska
A. Stepiska, (2007), Jaka Polska w jakiej Europie? analiza telewizyjnych audycji referendalnych [What Poland in what Europe? Analysis of referendum campaign on TV], (in:) Europejskie wybory Polak坦w.Referendum i wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego [European elections in Poland. Referendum and the European Parliament elections], edited by D. Piontek, Pozna, pp. 133148.
Europejskie kampanie wyborcze w Polsce (2003 2004). Analiza politologiczna...Agnieszka Stpiska
Europejskie kampanie wyborcze w Polsce (2003 2004). Analiza politologiczna i medioznawcza 1. Wprowadzenie Lata 2003 2004 to okres zamykajcy etap przygotowawczy do przystpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej, w szczeg坦lnoci w zakresie dostosowywania polskich rozwiza prawnych i instytucjonalnych do standard坦w unijnych. Dwa wydarzenia z tego czasu: referendum akcesyjne i pierwsze w Polsce wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego stanowiy przy tym swoiste podsumowanie wieloletniej debaty publicznej nad kierunkami polskiej polityki zagranicznej oraz miejscem i rol naszego kraju w uksztatowanych na pocztku lat 90. nowych warunkach geopolitycznych. Jednoczenie byy one form bezporedniej spoecznej oceny nie tylko owego kierunku, ale i poszczeg坦lnych dziaa podejmowanych przez kolejne rzdy i negocjator坦w. W og坦lnonarodowym referendum przeprowadzonym 7 i 8 czerwca 2003 r. 77% obywateli biorcych udzia w gosowaniu powiedziao TAK dla czonkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej. To zdecydowane zwycistwo opcji prounijnej nie powinno jednak przysania faktu, i甜 blisko 4 mln os坦b uczestniczcych w referendum wyrazio sprzeciw wobec idei integracji Polski z UE, za ponad 40% uprawnionych do gosowania ze swego prawa nie skorzystao 1 . Z kolei wybory do PE, jak pokazuj analizy politologiczne, powszechnie postrzegane s jako drugorzdne (tzw. second order national elections) z punktu widzenia spoeczestwa, gdy甜 " nie przynosz bezporednich i klarownych dla wyborcy konsekwencji (nie skutkuj np. powoaniem nowego rzdu i premiera), nie maj te甜 przeo甜enia na ukad wadzy w Europie " 2 . Peni one natomiast rol swoistego " barometru politycznego " krajowej sceny politycznej s bowiem dodatkow okazj do sprawdzenia notowa poszczeg坦lnych partii wr坦d spoeczestwa i nastroj坦w spoecznych. Co wicej, z uwagi na sw坦j przedmiot 1 Wyniki gosowania w skali kraju. 店r坦do: Pastwowa Komisja Wyborcza. 2 M. Fakowski, Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2004: problem frekwencji oraz znaczenia dla polskich wybor坦w i krajowej sceny politycznej, Analizy i Opinie nr 11, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa, 2003. 1 stanowi one mo甜liwo przeprowadzenia bada nad spoecznym poparciem instytucji unijnych i oczekiwa z nimi zwizanych. Pierwsze wybory tego typu budziy dotd w niemal wszystkich krajach przystpujcych do UE du甜e zainteresowanie, czego wyrazem bya wysoka, przekraczajca 50% frekwencja (wyjtkami od tej reguy byy tylko Wielka Brytania i Dania kraje z siln reprezentacj eurosceptyk坦w). Tymczasem wr坦d pastw przyjtych w 2004 r. niska frekwencja bya zjawiskiem do powszechnym (zob. tab. 1). W Polsce, zgodnie z obwieszczeniem Pastwowej Komisji Wyborczej, wyniosa 20, 87% 3 . Tab. 1. Frekwencja w wyborach do PE w latach
A. Stpiska, (2005), Europejska opinia publiczna [European public sphere], (in:) Unia Europejska a spoeczestwo obywatelskie[European Union and civil society],edited by R. Paradowski, Pozna, pp. 81-98.
Marketingowe strategie wyborcze. Wybory prezydenckie w polsce (19902000)Agnieszka Stpiska
A. Stpiska (2004), Marketingowe strategie wyborcze. Wybory prezydenckie w Polsce (1990 2000) [Marketing election strategies.Presidential elections in Poland (1990-2005)], Pozna.
LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry) is a powerful analytical tool for comparing innovator and biosimilar drugs. It ensures precise characterization, detecting structural variations, impurities, and post-translational modifications, ensuring biosimilar quality, efficacy, and regulatory compliance in pharmaceutical development.
Electrical Quantities and Circuits | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of electrical quantities and circuits for IGCSE Physics. It covers key electrical quantities, including charge, current, voltage (potential difference), resistance, power, energy, electromotive force (EMF), and internal resistance. The presentation also explains series and parallel circuits, with in-depth discussions on Ohms Law, Kirchhoffs Laws, electrical components, circuit calculations, and practical applications. Packed with illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
The Sense Organs: Structure and Function of the Eye and Skin | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This detailed presentation covers the structure and function of the sense organs, focusing on the eye and skin as part of the Cambridge IGCSE Biology syllabus. Learn about the anatomy of the eye, how vision works, adaptations for focusing, and common eye defects. Explore the role of the skin in temperature regulation, protection, and sensory reception. Perfect for students preparing for exams!
Unraveling the BETICHUMD Mechanism of CHUSOMERADUCK: A Game-Changing Paradigm...jhnewshour
The **BETICHUMD Mechanism of CHUSOMERADUCK** is one of the most groundbreaking, revolutionary, and inexplicably complex systems ever devised in the realm of advanced quantum-extraterrestrial-mechatronic-hyperfusion dynamics. Designed originally by the intergalactic scientific consortium of the **Zypherion-9 civilization**, this mechanism has perplexed Earths top researchers, including the secret think tanks at NASA, CERN, and the underground laboratories of the Illuminati. CHUSOMERADUCK, an acronym standing for **"Chronologically Hyper-Ultrasonic System for Optimized Metaphysical Energy Recalibration and Advanced Dynamic Universal Cognition Kernel,"** is an artificial intelligence-powered, self-evolving hypermechanical entity designed to manipulate the fundamental constants of reality itself. The BETICHUMD Mechanism is at the core of its operation, acting as the **primary transdimensional flux stabilizer**, allowing CHUSOMERADUCK to function beyond the traditional limitations of physics. The origins of BETICHUMD remain unclear, with some theories suggesting that it was first conceptualized during the **Ancient Atlantean Wars**, where high-frequency oscillation technology was used to warp spacetime, while others claim that it was reverse-engineered from a **meteorite discovered in Antarctica in 1947**, which led to the infamous **Operation DuckStorm** carried out by the United Nations' Secret Space Program. The primary working principle of BETICHUMD involves the **synchronization of dark matter vibrations with quantum neutrino entanglement fields**, enabling infinite computational energy without the need for external power sources. The applications of this technology are limitless, from **instantaneous planetary teleportation** to **bio-mechanical consciousness enhancement**, making it a prime candidate for interstellar exploration and even **simulated immortality** through direct neural uplink with CHUSOMERADUCKs core processing grid. Governments across the world have attempted to harness its potential, but due to the incomprehensible nature of its **fifth-dimensional recursive logic algorithms**, only a handful of researchers have come close to deciphering its true capabilities. Recently declassified documents from the **Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs** suggest that an early prototype was tested in **the Mariana Trench in 1998**, where a sudden temporal rift resulted in the disappearance of an entire research facility, possibly transporting it to an alternate timeline. The existence of CHUSOMERADUCK has also been linked to various **UFO sightings, unexplainable time loops, and anomalies in gravitational wave measurements**, indicating that the BETICHUMD Mechanism is far more than just an advanced computational systemit is, in fact, a **gateway to rewriting the fundamental laws of the universe**. However, with great power comes great danger, as misuse of the mechanism could theoretically collapse the entire fabric of reality.
Pig farming, pork farming, pig production or hog farming is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally for food (e.g. pork: bacon, ham, gammon) and skins.
Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming: intensive commercial units, commercial free range enterprises, or extensive farming (being allowed to wander around a village, town or city, or tethered in a simple shelter or kept in a pen outside the owner's house). Historically, farm pigs were kept in small numbers and were closely associated with the residence of the owner, or in the same village or town.[1] They were valued as a source of meat and fat, and for their ability to convert inedible food into meat and manure, and were often fed household food waste when kept on a homestead.[2] Pigs have been farmed to dispose of municipal garbage on a large scale.[3]
All these forms of pig farm are in use today, though intensive farms are by far the most popular, due to their potential to raise a large amount of pigs in a very cost-efficient manner.[4] In developed nations, commercial farms house thousands of pigs in climate-controlled buildings.[5] Pigs are a popular form of livestock, with more than one billion pigs butchered each year worldwide, 100 million in the United States. The majority of pigs are used for human food, but also supply skin, fat and other materials for use in clothing, ingredients for processed foods,[6] cosmetics,[7] and medical use.[8]Pig farming has gained importance today. Pigs have inherited capacity to acclimatize with varying climatic conditions. Pigs cannot withstand high temperature climate.
Pigs are adjusted to varied rearing practices and consume different types of food (Omnivorous) to attain higher growth and meat production.
Pigs will attain 60-70kg body weight in 6-8months period.
Female pigs i.e., sows will come to heat at age of 8-9 months but avoid using male pigs (Boars) for breeding purpose until it attains one year of age.
Adult sows when bred during right time after attaining maturity will farrow 8-12 piglets in 112-118 days of gestation period (i.e., about 4 months of gestation). Feedefficiencyis to gain one Kg live weightfor every 2.75-3kg feed consumed (FCR: 1:2.75). There are many advantageous in pig rearing. Pork is available at a cheaper price with nutritious and highly palatable tasty meat of higher quality animal protein. Pig bones are used for producing bone meal and also used for purification of sugar in sugar industry.
The manure droppings and urine are good fertilizers which enhance the soil fertilityand improve grain production.
Pig hairs (Bristles) are used for making brushes and ropes, hooves are used for shirt button making and preparation of gum. Hence, pigs are called as multi utility domestic animals. Farmers can take up piggery farming and reduce their debt burden and improve their profits and livelihood.
Drugs and Their Effects | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores drugs and their effects on the human body, covering medicinal drugs, recreational drugs, and drug abuse. Learn about the impact of stimulants, depressants, painkillers, hallucinogens, and performance-enhancing drugs, as well as the dangers of alcohol, nicotine, and illegal substances. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students looking to understand this important topic for exams!
This presentation offers a bird's eye view of autosomes and sex chromosomes. It also explores the different kinds of diseases of humans due to autosomal and sex-linked inherited traits. The sex determination of plants has been explained. The ratio of sex in the human population along with cause and consequences has been explained here.
Difference between Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell.pptxDrSulabhaDeokar
This presentation explores the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,distinguishing characteristics of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.Describe common cell morphologies and cellular arrangements in typical Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
Presentation explains how cells maintain their morphology.
Explore internal and external structures of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes in terms of their physical structure, chemical structure and function.
This presentation is designed for biology students, educators, and anyone interested in cellular biology. Based on the latest research and scientific discoveries in the field of Microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology and cellular biology. This Presentation has been compiled using information from trusted educational resources and scientific literature.
The purpose of this presentation is to educate and inform the students about the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, highlighting their unique structures, functions, and characteristics, which provide a comprehensive understanding of cellular biology.
Educate the students and teachers about the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in detail.
This presentation will engage and entertain the students, often with a mix of detail information, colourful pictures and storytelling.
This presentation will motivate and inspire the students to think differently, take action, or pursue a goal.
Definitely it will raise awareness about a ultrastructures of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes .
This presentation will Provide an update or report on a science projects and progress as well as inspire the graduate students to learn more about cellular biology and its applications.
This presentation will inspire studets, teachers and educational professionals to explore digital resource for e - learnig .
Presentation likely to be used by under graduate and post graduate students, educators or individuals for online learning.
It can work as digital resource for a broader e- learning ecosystem.
This presentation highlights '' NEP-aligned Biotechnology and Biology education.''
"Discover the distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, from cell walls to genetic material. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of cellular biology.Learn about the two main types of cells - prokaryotic,eukaryotic and their differences in structure, function, and organization. A great resource for biology learners.Uncover the unique characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in this informative PPT.
Unjustly Incriminating Bacteria: the Role of Bacteriophages in Bacterial Infe...christianagboeze2427
Based on human relationship with bacteria, virulence is one of the most important case to us. Some forms of virulence thought to arise only from the actions of bacteria are not actually caused by them but are indirectly influenced by another counterpart in the microbial mix of the ecosystem called bacteriophage; viruses that only infect prokaryotes such as bacteria but not eukaryotes. Bacteriophages preferably attack bacteria due to the lack of specific receptors for phages on eukaryotic cells which are found in bacteria e.g. peptide sequences and polysaccharide moieties in gram positive and gram negative bacteria, bacterial capsules, slime layers, flagella etc. They recognize and bind to bacteria using appropriate receptors, subsequently proceeding to inject their genome called prophage into their host. This review focuses on the most probable outcomes of phage-host interactions via the lytic and lysogenic cycles which are therapeutic effect and pathogenicity/resistance to antibiotics respectively. By lysogenic conversion or transfer of acquired genetic materials via transduction, phages can confer unusual traits such as virulence and antibiotics resistance. Important pathogenic bacteria that cause persistent and critical infections which have their pathogenicity engineered by phages include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus spp., and Clostridium spp.
The prophages influence their virulence in a variety of ways which include: contribution to the production of phage-encoded toxins, modification of the bacterial envelope, mediation of bacterial infectivity, and control of bacterial cell regulation. The unwavering threat of antimicrobial resistance in global health, extreme difficulty involved in developing novel antibiotics, and the rate at which microorganisms develop resistance to newly introduced antimicrobials have sparked urgency and interest in research for effective methods to eradicate pathogenic bacteria and limit antibiotic resistance. As a result, interest in phage therapy has been reignited because of the high efficiency in detecting and killing pathogenic bacteria by phages.
Beyond Point Masses. IV. Trans-Neptunian Object Altjira Is Likely a Hierarchi...S辿rgio Sacani
Dynamically studying trans-Neptunian object (TNO) binaries allows us to measure masses and orbits. Most of the known objects appear to have only two components, except (47171) Lempo, which is the single known hierarchical triple system with three similar-mass components. Though hundreds of TNOs have been imaged with high-resolution telescopes, no other hierarchical triples (or trinaries) have been found among solar system small bodies, even though they are predicted in planetesimal formation models such as gravitational collapse after the streaming instability. By going beyond the point-mass assumption and modeling TNO orbits as non-Keplerian, we open a new window into the shapes and spins of the components, including the possible presence of unresolved inner binaries. Here we present evidence for a new hierarchical triple, (148780) Altjira (2001 UQ18), based on non-Keplerian dynamical modeling of the two observed components. We incorporate two recent Hubble Space Telescope observations, leading to a 17 yr observational baseline. We present a new open-source Bayesian pointspread function fitting code called nPSF that provides precise relative astrometry and uncertainties for single images. Our non-Keplerian analysis measures a statistically significant (2.5) nonspherical shape for Altjira. The measured J2 is best explained as an unresolved inner binary, and an example hierarchical triple model gives the best fit to the observed astrometry. Using an updated non-Keplerian ephemeris (which is significantly different from the Keplerian predictions), we show that the predicted mutual event season for Altjira has already begun, with several excellent opportunities for observations through 2030.
Energ and Energy Forms, Work, and Power | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of energy, work, and power for IGCSE Physics. It covers fundamental concepts such as the definition of work done, kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, conservation of energy, efficiency, and power. The presentation also includes energy transfer, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, calculation of work done, power output, and real-life applications of energy principles. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
Cell Structure & Function | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation provides a detailed look at cell structure and function, covering the differences between animal and plant cells, the roles of organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.), specialized cells, and levels of organization. Learn about diffusion, osmosis, and active transport in cells, with clear diagrams and explanations to support exam preparation. A must-have resource for Cambridge IGCSE students!