The document discusses the importance of the Quran according to several hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It states that the Quran is the word of God revealed to guide mankind to truth. It also shares hadiths emphasizing the merits of reading, teaching, and memorizing the Quran including receiving continuous rewards and interceding for its readers on the Day of Judgment.
Antimatter is composed of antiparticles that have the same mass but opposite charge as normal matter particles. For example, a positron is the antiparticle of the electron. When antimatter comes into contact with normal matter, they annihilate each other and release a large amount of energy. While antimatter holds promise for medical imaging technologies like PET scans, it remains extremely difficult and costly to produce and contain due to the high energies and precision required.
This document provides an overview of the sciences related to the Qur'an, including its revelation, collection, abrogating and abrogated verses, clear and unclear verses, writing, and translation. It discusses how the Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad over 23 years, first in Makkah and later in Madinah. It describes the process of collecting the Qur'an during the times of Abu Bakr and Uthman to compile it into its final written form. The document also explains concepts like Makki and Madani verses based on where they were revealed, and abrogating verses that replaced previous rulings. In 3 sentences: This document discusses the various sciences related to studying the
Quran: Compilation, Transmission & PreservationSabeel Ahmed
The document discusses the preservation of the Quran and compares it to other religious scriptures. It notes that Prophet Muhammad could not read or write, so revelations were dictated to scribes. The entire Quran was written down during the Prophet's lifetime, unlike other religious texts. This allowed for verification and correction of errors, ensuring no changes to the text over time. Comparisons of ancient manuscripts show no changes in chapters, verses or words from current copies.
Parity is an Ethereum client written in Rust that acts as a full node on the Ethereum network. It keeps the blockchain synchronized, manages secret keys and signing, and has features like state trie pruning, auto-upgrading, light clients, multi-chain support, and pluggable consensus algorithms. Parity also includes tools like a wallet, contract deployment, transaction tracing, and node management. It aims to provide a secure, high-performance Ethereum client.
Polkadot is a protocol that allows independent blockchains to interoperate by connecting them through a central relay chain. It provides pooled security, trust-free transactions between connected chains, and is entirely general to support free-form messages with the
This document provides an editors preface and table of contents for a book containing 40 hadith about the Quran. The hadith discuss topics such as the superiority of the Quran, its role as proof for or against believers, virtues of reciting and studying it, warnings about misusing or misinterpreting it, and the relationship between the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran. The collection aims to highlight important hadith about the Quran through numbering 40 hadith within the larger compilation.
This document provides guidance on performing salah correctly according to the Sunnah. It outlines the proper method for various aspects of salah, including how to stand and position the feet and hands, how to perform ruku and sajdah, etiquette for when standing and sitting between sajdahs, and warnings against common mistakes. The overall aim is to help synchronize the form of salah with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad in order to gain greater rewards and blessings from correctly following the Sunnah.
Kalamullah.Com is an Islamic website that provides resources to learn about Islam including books, audio lectures and courses. The site aims to convey authentic Islamic teachings using modern media and technology. It hosts free downloadable content covering topics such as Quran recitation, fiqh, hadith, tafseer and Islamic history to help educate people about Islamic beliefs and practices.
Salvation through of repentance (an islamic view)Just Helping
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illness.
This document lists sayings attributed to Muhammad and other religious authorities about what is considered "best" in various aspects of Islamic faith and practice. It provides over 70 brief definitions of what constitutes the best behaviors, deeds, prayers, fasts, marriages, leaders, provisions, and more according to Islamic teachings. The sayings emphasize qualities like bringing benefit to others, fulfilling rights and responsibilities, easy adherence to religious obligations, and avoiding harm.
The Prophet would wake up at night, especially during the latter part of the night or at cockcrow. He encouraged Muslims to wake up at night for prayer, which brings one closer to Allah and makes up for sins. When going to sleep, the Prophet would place his hand under his cheek and say "O Allah, in your name I die and live." Upon waking, he would praise Allah for restoring life after death.
Ali came to the Prophet complaining that he had forgotten passages from the Quran. The Prophet taught Ali a prayer ritual to perform on Friday nights to strengthen his memory. The ritual involved reciting specific passages over four prayer cycles. The Prophet told Ali to do this for 3-7 nights and his memory would improve. Sure enough, when Ali returned only 5-7 nights later, he reported that he could now recall 40 passages from the Quran without error, showing the prayer ritual had greatly strengthened his memory as the Prophet had promised.
This document provides an introduction to Islamic finance. It discusses how Islamic banks have developed financing models that comply with Shariah law by avoiding interest. It outlines several common financing structures used by Islamic banks, including musharakah, mudarabah, murabahah, ijarah, salam and istisna. It also discusses Islamic investment funds and evaluates the overall performance of Islamic banks in structuring financial services in an interest-free manner according to Islamic principles.
The document discusses key beliefs and commonalities between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. It notes they all believe in monotheism, accept prophets like Abraham and Jesus, and share practices like fasting, purification before prayer, and not consuming pork or alcohol. The document also references prophecies about Muhammad in the Old Testament, Hindu scriptures, and the Gospel of Barnabas. It provides statistics on world religions and the growth of Islam.
Honey and cinnamon have many potential health benefits according to traditional medicines and recent studies. When taken regularly, honey and cinnamon can help treat arthritis, hair loss, bladder infections, toothaches, cholesterol, colds, infertility, upset stomach, heart disease, immune function, indigestion, influenza, longevity, pimples, skin infections, weight loss, cancer, fatigue, bad breath, and hearing loss. The document provides detailed instructions for how honey and cinnamon can be administered to treat each of these conditions.
The document provides biographical details about Umar, who later became the second caliph. It describes Umar's life before accepting Islam, including that he was from an influential tribe in Mecca, was educated, participated in wrestling competitions, and became a successful trader. It notes that Umar was initially a bitter enemy of Islam and persecuted Muslims. The summary ends by stating that despite opposing Islam, Umar did not object to Muslims migrating from Mecca for safety when persecution increased.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mercy for mankindJust Helping
This document provides information about the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It discusses how he transformed barbaric Arab tribes into a powerful, civilized nation through his message of monotheism, morality, equality and peace. It highlights how he established rights for women and slaves centuries before other societies. It also notes how he practiced exemplary forgiveness, uniting all of humanity under the principle of universal brotherhood. The document aims to correct misconceptions about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and convey his true message of mercy, justice and compassion for all mankind.
Salvation through of repentance (an islamic view)Just Helping
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. It states that regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help alleviate symptoms of mental illness.
This document lists sayings attributed to Muhammad and other religious authorities about what is considered "best" in various aspects of Islamic faith and practice. It provides over 70 brief definitions of what constitutes the best behaviors, deeds, prayers, fasts, marriages, leaders, provisions, and more according to Islamic teachings. The sayings emphasize qualities like bringing benefit to others, fulfilling rights and responsibilities, easy adherence to religious obligations, and avoiding harm.
The Prophet would wake up at night, especially during the latter part of the night or at cockcrow. He encouraged Muslims to wake up at night for prayer, which brings one closer to Allah and makes up for sins. When going to sleep, the Prophet would place his hand under his cheek and say "O Allah, in your name I die and live." Upon waking, he would praise Allah for restoring life after death.
Ali came to the Prophet complaining that he had forgotten passages from the Quran. The Prophet taught Ali a prayer ritual to perform on Friday nights to strengthen his memory. The ritual involved reciting specific passages over four prayer cycles. The Prophet told Ali to do this for 3-7 nights and his memory would improve. Sure enough, when Ali returned only 5-7 nights later, he reported that he could now recall 40 passages from the Quran without error, showing the prayer ritual had greatly strengthened his memory as the Prophet had promised.
This document provides an introduction to Islamic finance. It discusses how Islamic banks have developed financing models that comply with Shariah law by avoiding interest. It outlines several common financing structures used by Islamic banks, including musharakah, mudarabah, murabahah, ijarah, salam and istisna. It also discusses Islamic investment funds and evaluates the overall performance of Islamic banks in structuring financial services in an interest-free manner according to Islamic principles.
The document discusses key beliefs and commonalities between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. It notes they all believe in monotheism, accept prophets like Abraham and Jesus, and share practices like fasting, purification before prayer, and not consuming pork or alcohol. The document also references prophecies about Muhammad in the Old Testament, Hindu scriptures, and the Gospel of Barnabas. It provides statistics on world religions and the growth of Islam.
Honey and cinnamon have many potential health benefits according to traditional medicines and recent studies. When taken regularly, honey and cinnamon can help treat arthritis, hair loss, bladder infections, toothaches, cholesterol, colds, infertility, upset stomach, heart disease, immune function, indigestion, influenza, longevity, pimples, skin infections, weight loss, cancer, fatigue, bad breath, and hearing loss. The document provides detailed instructions for how honey and cinnamon can be administered to treat each of these conditions.
The document provides biographical details about Umar, who later became the second caliph. It describes Umar's life before accepting Islam, including that he was from an influential tribe in Mecca, was educated, participated in wrestling competitions, and became a successful trader. It notes that Umar was initially a bitter enemy of Islam and persecuted Muslims. The summary ends by stating that despite opposing Islam, Umar did not object to Muslims migrating from Mecca for safety when persecution increased.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mercy for mankindJust Helping
This document provides information about the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It discusses how he transformed barbaric Arab tribes into a powerful, civilized nation through his message of monotheism, morality, equality and peace. It highlights how he established rights for women and slaves centuries before other societies. It also notes how he practiced exemplary forgiveness, uniting all of humanity under the principle of universal brotherhood. The document aims to correct misconceptions about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and convey his true message of mercy, justice and compassion for all mankind.