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Data Warning Log In Screen Log In Process: Loading Screen - or - Error Messages
Learn More Webpage Flows - Opens In Safari - Managed By SiriusXMServer-Side Messaging - Optional / Forced Upgrade & Content Update
This is presented at app-launch.
Continuewill continue the
loading process. Dont Show
Againcontinues & de-persists the
message, andExitwill force-
close the app.
User must log in prior to entering
the app. SelectingLearn More
will open safari and present the
below webpages that are hosted
and managed by SiriusXM.
Once the user has successfully
logged in, the credentials are
stored such that this step is
skipped on subsequent log ins.
Stored credentials are erased at
log out or authentication errors.
At App Version Updates, we have
the ability to institute an Optional
Update Message to the existing
app. Which will contain a server-
side settable message /Link-URL.
Update Later will simply continue.
At App Version Updates, we have
the ability to institute a Forced-
Update Message to the existing
app. Which will contain a server-
side settable message /Link-URL
Content Update messaging is
displayed anytime a content
update is made. This message is
presented to the user the next
time they try to stream or access
the app.
Loading Screen is presented at
each app-launch authentication.
If it is the first authentication, the
initial content download message
is presented.
SelectingTry Againdismisses the
pop up allowing the user to
re-input their credentials. Exit
will force-close the app.
SelectingSubscription Options
clears stored credentials (allowing
the user to re-input their creden-
tials on subsequent log in), and
opens a safari conversion page.
Exitwill force-close the app.
The phone number calls SiriusXM
Listener Care, TheMobile Support
Pageclears stored credentials (so
the user can re-input upon next
log in) and opens a safari support
page.Exitwill force-close app.
Now Playing - Art Now Playing - Text Playback controls - Start Now, Skip Back Segment, Pause/Resume, Skip Forward Segment, Go To Live
Fixed-Duration Content (On Demand / Downloaded)
The existing Home Screen is
modified with playback controls
and a timeline bar. Tapping the
Album Art image will cause it to
flip over revealing Bio. If no Art
available, display default image.
On The Air - presents the Artist Bio
if available, otherwise it presents
the Channel Description. Tap the
back arrow to flip back to Art View.
SelectingStart Nowpresents a
selectable list of Shows starting
within the 5 Hour Cloud-Buffer.
Selecting that item will tune to
that location, and the pause-point
will update to reflect that.
For Fixed-Duration Content (On Demand / Downloaded) the Play/Pause Point moves
forward through the buffer while playing and the indicated times change one second
per second. While paused, the opposite is true: the Play/Pause Point remains fixed as do
the indicated times.
Skipping back by segment will
move the pause-point back one
segment in the 5 hour cloud-
buffer. If restrictions are present,
an error message may be
displayed upon max skips.
Pausing will stop audio at that
point which can be resumed again
from that point later in the future.
The visual indication should
always reflect the pause-points
reasonable location in time.
Skipping forward by segment will
move the pause-point forward
one segment in the 5 hour
cloud-buffer. If restrictions are
present, an error message may be
displayed upon max skips.
SelectingGo To Livewill always
re-tune the current channel at Live
and the play/pause-point will
move all the way to the right and
the time text on the right will read
Live-Relative Content (Live / Start Now)
For Live-Relative Content (Live / Start Now) the Play/Pause Point does NOT move
forward through the buffer while playing and the indicated times remain fixed
(because time is both passing and playing at a rate of one second per second). While
paused, the opposite is true: the Play/Pause Point moves backwards at a rate of one
second per second as do the indicated times.
Start Now - Alternate
The Start Now Pop-Up Menu also
displays over the browsing tray if
the Tray is raised.
Skip Error Message
The above message will be
displayed if a user attempts to
exceed the maximum allowed
skips on skip-restricted content.
Various Examples Of The Action Menu In Different States
Now Playing (Live-Relative)
Buy From iTunesonly presented
if music content is playing.
Now Playing (Fixed-Duration)
Buy From iTunesonly presented
if music content is playing. Mark
As Played/Newonly displayed if a
Favorite or Downloaded.Down-
loadonly presented if rights exist.
Look Around / Favorite Channel
Buy From iTunesonly presented
if music content is playing.
Show Finder (AOD)
If music content, the Download
Option will not be presented.
Show Finder (Now)
Nowis defined as any show
starting in the 5 hour buffer.
Show Finder (EPG) Favorite Show (Sample)
It is the same as the Show Finder
Menus, +Mark as Played / New
If music content, the Download
Option will not be presented.
Downloaded Show
Action Menu - (SquaresReplaces TheiButton)
The new Action Menu icon
replaces theibutton in the
existing app. And can be selected
on the now playing item or on a
browsing tray item.
Selecting the Action Menu Icon
will present apop upmenu of
options associated with that
content. Many of these options
are state depended such as Add
Favorite / Remove Favorite.
Action Menu - Sub Menus (Other Info, Buy Song From iTunes, Previous & Future Shows, Whats Hot On This Channel)
The text section of the Action
Menu can be swiped from side to
side to reveal Channel Descrip-
tion, Show Description, & Episode
Description. The default presented
is dependent on the content.
SelectingBuy Song From iTunes
will present the sub menu option
to eitherBuy NoworTag To
Shopping Cart. Note:Buy Song
From iTunesshould only be
presented for music content.
SelectingPrevious & Future
Showsdisplays Shows starting in
the 5 hour buffer as well as future
shows on that channel. Selecting
future shows will set alerts for the
upcoming show while selecting
the other items will tune them.
SelectingWhats Hotwill present
a list of shows that Programming
has indicated asHotfor that
channel. Selecting an item will
open that Show in ShowFinder.
Existing Menus (With New Options) Added SectionsNew Menus - Note that either the Episode Description is the default for these as opposed to the Channel Description.
Many of the options are binary
and state dependent. Below are a
list of the binary oposites:
- Glowing Heart / Empty Heart
- Add Show To Favorites / Remove
Show From Favorites
- Set Show Alert / Remove Show
- Mark As Played / Mark As New
if partially consumed, show both.
Some options dont have a binary
ie: Tag To Cart, Download Episode.
In these cases, a confirmation
message should be presented that
indicates that indicated action has
been taken.This song has been
added to your shopping cart.or
This episode was added to your
Download Queue to be down-
loaded to your device.
Navigation Tabs Favorites (Channels & Shows) Defaults
Shown when no Favorite Channels
are present.
Home (Now Playing) Categories All Channels Favorites (Channels Toggle) Favorites (Shows Toggle) Show Finder Downloads Settings
Shown when no Favorite Shows
are present.
Shown when there is noPrevi-
ously Played Channelto display.
Now Playing Default
When The App is First Launched, a
helpful message will be displayed
over the navigation buttons.
First-Run Nav-Messaging
(The Favorites Tab has two sections that can be toggled between)
The bottom Navigation Row can be slid
from side to side to reveal the Home &
Settings options.
Selecting one of the Navigation buttons
will cause the icon to light up and the
appropriate tray to lift up (covering the
home screen).
Selecting the lit icon again will cause the
tray to lower again.
The default images to the left will be shown
if there is no content in the associated tab.
Basic Tuning Of A Channel
User selects a category. it will turn
blue to indicate that it was
selected and then will link to that
categorys location in the channel
Ifjump to homeis enabled in the
settings menu (enabled by
default) the tray will be auto
lowered to reveal the home
screen. If it is not enabled, the tray
will remain up.
User selects a channel. It will turn
blue to indicate that is was
selected (and a loading pinwheel
will be presented in the now
playing window.
Basic Tuning Of A Show
User selects an On Demand Show
from their Favorite Shows tab. It
will turn blue to indicate that it
was selected and will link to the
list of episodes for that show.
Ifjump to homeis enabled in the
settings menu (enabled by
default) the tray will be auto
lowered to reveal the home
screen. If it is not enabled, the tray
will remain up.
User selects an On Demand
Episode from the list. it will turn
blue to indicate that it was
selected (and a loading pinwheel
will be presented in the now
playing window.
Startup (No Stored Credentials)
User Launches the app, and Logs
In using existing credentials
User is presented with a loading
When the app finishes loading,
the user is deposited into the
categories tab with the Default
Select A Channeltext showing.
Startup (With Stored Credentials)
User launches the app and is
immediately presented the
loading screen (since the log in
credentials are already stored.
When the app finishes loading,
the user is deposited into the app
with the home screen presented,
the audio will begin to autoplay at
live (per settings).
Show Finder Structure
This list is centered on the Now
Playing Item (if any). On Demand
episodes (if any) are presented
above it going back in time as you
go up the list, and upcoming
shows (if any) are presented below
- going forward in time as you go
down the list.. Selecting a now
playing or On Demand episode
will cause that item to play;
selecting an upcoming show will
set a show alert for that item.
Selecting the action button will
present the appropriate pop up as
indicated to the right.
After selecting which shows to
present, an alphabetical list of
shows fitting the criteria is
presented. The right rail is used as
a navigational aid to quickly
navigate the list. Each Show will
have a list of episodes under it.
User is presented with 4 ways to
organize content: Featured,
Channel, Category, All. Selecting
Featured or All will present an
alphabetical list of shows that fit
that criteria. Selecting Channel or
Category, will first present a
screen where the user can select
which channel or category before
being presented with an apha-
betical list of shows fitting that
The entire contents of Show Finder can be filtered at any time to show Only On
Demand content, Only Future-Airing Content, or All available content.
If the filter is enabled, only available items (and items containing those items) will
be visible in the UI. ie: if there are no On Demand episodes of a given show, that
show is removed from the UI. If there are no On Demand Shows in a given
category or channel, that category or channel will be removed from the UI.
Favorite ShowsFavorite Channels
Favorite Channels is a list of
channels the user has indicated as
a Favorite. Favorite channels are
added to this list in the order
added from top to bottom.
Edit Mode
SelectingEditputs the list into
Edit modewhere the user can
re-organize the favorites by
dragging them up and down
using the right icons. or raise a
delete button by tapping the left
icons. SelectDonewhen finished
SelectingEditputs the list into
Edit modewhere the user can
re-organize the favorites by
dragging them up and down
using the right icons. or raise a
delete button by tapping the left
icons. SelectDonewhen finished
This list is centered on the Now
Playing Item (if any). On Demand
episodes (if any) are presented
above it going back in time as you
go up the list, and upcoming
shows (if any) are presented below
- going forward in time as you go
down the list.. Selecting a now
playing or On Demand episode
will cause that item to play;
selecting an upcoming show will
set a show alert for that item.
Selecting the action button will
present the appropriate pop up as
indicated to the right.
Episode Level isnt editable but
the Show Level Is. Removing A
Show is aunfavoriteaction
similar to removing a favorite
Favorite Shows is a list of shows
the user has indicated as a
Favorite. Favorite shows are
added to this list in the order
added from top to bottom.
Edit Mode
Blue Consuption Icons
Episodes in Favorites track their
consumption by showing a blue
dot next to the episode that is
either fully blue (new), half blue
(partially consumed), or empty
(fully consumed). Blue dots are
also added to Shows containing
partial or uncosumed episodes.
Red Badge Icons
When new episodes of a favorite
show become available in the On
Demand catalogue, red counters
are added to the Favorites
Navigation button and theShows
Toggleindicating how many new
episodes there are. These coun-
ters are removed once the user
views the Favorite Shows tab.
My DownloadsDownload Queue
The Download Queue is a list of
episodes by Show Name that the
user has selected for download.
Items are added to this list in
order, from top to bottom, with
the top item downloading first.
Edit Download Priority
SelectingEditputs the list into
Edit modewhere the user can
re-organize the queues priority by
dragging them up and down
using the right icons. or raise a
delete button by tapping the left
icons. SelectDonewhen finished
SelectingEditputs the list into
Edit modewhere the user can
re-organize the shows by
dragging them up and down
using the right icons. or raise a
delete button by tapping the left
icons. SelectDonewhen finished
My Downloads is a list of shows
the user has successfully down-
loaded to the device. Items are
added to this list after being
downloaded from the queue in
that order from top to bottom.
The final item in this list is the link
to the Download Queue.
Each show contains a list of
downloaded episodes. These
episodes are presented here in
chronological order with the most
recent episode at the top.
Edit Shows
SelectingEditputs the list into
Edit modewhere the user can
re-organize the episodes by
dragging them up and down
using the right icons. or raise a
delete button by tapping the left
icons. SelectDonewhen finished
Edit Episodes
Download An Episode
Some content can be downloaded
by the user by selecting the action
button and then selecting
Download This Episode.
Users can manage or individually
delete episodes via the action
menu for the given item.
Offline Mode
In Offline Mode, all actions under
the Download Tab work as they do
today. The Home and Settings
tabs also function as they do
today. but all other options are
covered. Attempting to select
them will result in the Offline
Mode Message.
Users can still select episodes in
their download tab to play and
the pause points and consump-
tion indicators will still update.
All options in the downloads
action menu still function as
intended, as do all the options in
the Now Playing action menu -
with the exception of Buy from
iTunes which wont appear.
Attempting to raise a tab that is
not available in offline mode, or
trying to perform any other action
not available while offline will
result in the above message.
Offline Mode Message
When to enter offline mode:
- When the app is launched in AirPlane Mode or (without a connection).
- When the app is returned to the foreground in AirPlane Mode (or without a connection) from a dormant state (ie: not playing audio)
- When the app transitions between online and offline environments while playing streamed content, the app will attempt to reconnect and will continue
playing until itruns out of chunksat which point a notification is presented and the app enters Offline Mode.
- When the app transitions between Online and Offline environments while playing cached content, the app will continue playing but will switch modes
(without displaying a notification message) according to 15 second filtering to remove false positives and negatives.

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iPhone User Interface Document

  • 1. Data Warning Log In Screen Log In Process: Loading Screen - or - Error Messages Learn More Webpage Flows - Opens In Safari - Managed By SiriusXMServer-Side Messaging - Optional / Forced Upgrade & Content Update This is presented at app-launch. Continuewill continue the loading process. Dont Show Againcontinues & de-persists the message, andExitwill force- close the app. User must log in prior to entering the app. SelectingLearn More will open safari and present the below webpages that are hosted and managed by SiriusXM. Once the user has successfully logged in, the credentials are stored such that this step is skipped on subsequent log ins. Stored credentials are erased at log out or authentication errors. At App Version Updates, we have the ability to institute an Optional Update Message to the existing app. Which will contain a server- side settable message /Link-URL. Update Later will simply continue. At App Version Updates, we have the ability to institute a Forced- Update Message to the existing app. Which will contain a server- side settable message /Link-URL Content Update messaging is displayed anytime a content update is made. This message is presented to the user the next time they try to stream or access the app. Loading Screen is presented at each app-launch authentication. If it is the first authentication, the initial content download message is presented. SelectingTry Againdismisses the pop up allowing the user to re-input their credentials. Exit will force-close the app. SelectingSubscription Options clears stored credentials (allowing the user to re-input their creden- tials on subsequent log in), and opens a safari conversion page. Exitwill force-close the app. The phone number calls SiriusXM Listener Care, TheMobile Support Pageclears stored credentials (so the user can re-input upon next log in) and opens a safari support page.Exitwill force-close app.
  • 2. Now Playing - Art Now Playing - Text Playback controls - Start Now, Skip Back Segment, Pause/Resume, Skip Forward Segment, Go To Live Fixed-Duration Content (On Demand / Downloaded) The existing Home Screen is modified with playback controls and a timeline bar. Tapping the Album Art image will cause it to flip over revealing Bio. If no Art available, display default image. On The Air - presents the Artist Bio if available, otherwise it presents the Channel Description. Tap the back arrow to flip back to Art View. SelectingStart Nowpresents a selectable list of Shows starting within the 5 Hour Cloud-Buffer. Selecting that item will tune to that location, and the pause-point will update to reflect that. For Fixed-Duration Content (On Demand / Downloaded) the Play/Pause Point moves forward through the buffer while playing and the indicated times change one second per second. While paused, the opposite is true: the Play/Pause Point remains fixed as do the indicated times. Skipping back by segment will move the pause-point back one segment in the 5 hour cloud- buffer. If restrictions are present, an error message may be displayed upon max skips. Pausing will stop audio at that point which can be resumed again from that point later in the future. The visual indication should always reflect the pause-points reasonable location in time. Skipping forward by segment will move the pause-point forward one segment in the 5 hour cloud-buffer. If restrictions are present, an error message may be displayed upon max skips. SelectingGo To Livewill always re-tune the current channel at Live and the play/pause-point will move all the way to the right and the time text on the right will read Live Live-Relative Content (Live / Start Now) For Live-Relative Content (Live / Start Now) the Play/Pause Point does NOT move forward through the buffer while playing and the indicated times remain fixed (because time is both passing and playing at a rate of one second per second). While paused, the opposite is true: the Play/Pause Point moves backwards at a rate of one second per second as do the indicated times. Start Now - Alternate The Start Now Pop-Up Menu also displays over the browsing tray if the Tray is raised. Skip Error Message The above message will be displayed if a user attempts to exceed the maximum allowed skips on skip-restricted content.
  • 3. Various Examples Of The Action Menu In Different States Now Playing (Live-Relative) Buy From iTunesonly presented if music content is playing. Now Playing (Fixed-Duration) Buy From iTunesonly presented if music content is playing. Mark As Played/Newonly displayed if a Favorite or Downloaded.Down- loadonly presented if rights exist. Look Around / Favorite Channel Buy From iTunesonly presented if music content is playing. Show Finder (AOD) If music content, the Download Option will not be presented. Show Finder (Now) Nowis defined as any show starting in the 5 hour buffer. Show Finder (EPG) Favorite Show (Sample) It is the same as the Show Finder Menus, +Mark as Played / New If music content, the Download Option will not be presented. Downloaded Show Action Menu - (SquaresReplaces TheiButton) The new Action Menu icon replaces theibutton in the existing app. And can be selected on the now playing item or on a browsing tray item. Selecting the Action Menu Icon will present apop upmenu of options associated with that content. Many of these options are state depended such as Add Favorite / Remove Favorite. Action Menu - Sub Menus (Other Info, Buy Song From iTunes, Previous & Future Shows, Whats Hot On This Channel) The text section of the Action Menu can be swiped from side to side to reveal Channel Descrip- tion, Show Description, & Episode Description. The default presented is dependent on the content. SelectingBuy Song From iTunes will present the sub menu option to eitherBuy NoworTag To Shopping Cart. Note:Buy Song From iTunesshould only be presented for music content. SelectingPrevious & Future Showsdisplays Shows starting in the 5 hour buffer as well as future shows on that channel. Selecting future shows will set alerts for the upcoming show while selecting the other items will tune them. SelectingWhats Hotwill present a list of shows that Programming has indicated asHotfor that channel. Selecting an item will open that Show in ShowFinder. Existing Menus (With New Options) Added SectionsNew Menus - Note that either the Episode Description is the default for these as opposed to the Channel Description. Many of the options are binary and state dependent. Below are a list of the binary oposites: - Glowing Heart / Empty Heart - Add Show To Favorites / Remove Show From Favorites - Set Show Alert / Remove Show Alert - Mark As Played / Mark As New if partially consumed, show both. Some options dont have a binary ie: Tag To Cart, Download Episode. In these cases, a confirmation message should be presented that indicates that indicated action has been taken.This song has been added to your shopping cart.or This episode was added to your Download Queue to be down- loaded to your device.
  • 4. Navigation Tabs Favorites (Channels & Shows) Defaults Shown when no Favorite Channels are present. Home (Now Playing) Categories All Channels Favorites (Channels Toggle) Favorites (Shows Toggle) Show Finder Downloads Settings Shown when no Favorite Shows are present. Shown when there is noPrevi- ously Played Channelto display. Now Playing Default When The App is First Launched, a helpful message will be displayed over the navigation buttons. First-Run Nav-Messaging (The Favorites Tab has two sections that can be toggled between) The bottom Navigation Row can be slid from side to side to reveal the Home & Settings options. Selecting one of the Navigation buttons will cause the icon to light up and the appropriate tray to lift up (covering the home screen). Selecting the lit icon again will cause the tray to lower again. The default images to the left will be shown if there is no content in the associated tab.
  • 5. Basic Tuning Of A Channel User selects a category. it will turn blue to indicate that it was selected and then will link to that categorys location in the channel tab. Ifjump to homeis enabled in the settings menu (enabled by default) the tray will be auto lowered to reveal the home screen. If it is not enabled, the tray will remain up. User selects a channel. It will turn blue to indicate that is was selected (and a loading pinwheel will be presented in the now playing window. Basic Tuning Of A Show User selects an On Demand Show from their Favorite Shows tab. It will turn blue to indicate that it was selected and will link to the list of episodes for that show. Ifjump to homeis enabled in the settings menu (enabled by default) the tray will be auto lowered to reveal the home screen. If it is not enabled, the tray will remain up. User selects an On Demand Episode from the list. it will turn blue to indicate that it was selected (and a loading pinwheel will be presented in the now playing window. Startup (No Stored Credentials) User Launches the app, and Logs In using existing credentials User is presented with a loading screen. When the app finishes loading, the user is deposited into the categories tab with the Default Select A Channeltext showing. Startup (With Stored Credentials) User launches the app and is immediately presented the loading screen (since the log in credentials are already stored. When the app finishes loading, the user is deposited into the app with the home screen presented, the audio will begin to autoplay at live (per settings).
  • 6. Show Finder Structure This list is centered on the Now Playing Item (if any). On Demand episodes (if any) are presented above it going back in time as you go up the list, and upcoming shows (if any) are presented below - going forward in time as you go down the list.. Selecting a now playing or On Demand episode will cause that item to play; selecting an upcoming show will set a show alert for that item. Selecting the action button will present the appropriate pop up as indicated to the right. After selecting which shows to present, an alphabetical list of shows fitting the criteria is presented. The right rail is used as a navigational aid to quickly navigate the list. Each Show will have a list of episodes under it. User is presented with 4 ways to organize content: Featured, Channel, Category, All. Selecting Featured or All will present an alphabetical list of shows that fit that criteria. Selecting Channel or Category, will first present a screen where the user can select which channel or category before being presented with an apha- betical list of shows fitting that criteria. The entire contents of Show Finder can be filtered at any time to show Only On Demand content, Only Future-Airing Content, or All available content. If the filter is enabled, only available items (and items containing those items) will be visible in the UI. ie: if there are no On Demand episodes of a given show, that show is removed from the UI. If there are no On Demand Shows in a given category or channel, that category or channel will be removed from the UI.
  • 7. Favorite ShowsFavorite Channels Favorite Channels is a list of channels the user has indicated as a Favorite. Favorite channels are added to this list in the order added from top to bottom. Edit Mode SelectingEditputs the list into Edit modewhere the user can re-organize the favorites by dragging them up and down using the right icons. or raise a delete button by tapping the left icons. SelectDonewhen finished SelectingEditputs the list into Edit modewhere the user can re-organize the favorites by dragging them up and down using the right icons. or raise a delete button by tapping the left icons. SelectDonewhen finished This list is centered on the Now Playing Item (if any). On Demand episodes (if any) are presented above it going back in time as you go up the list, and upcoming shows (if any) are presented below - going forward in time as you go down the list.. Selecting a now playing or On Demand episode will cause that item to play; selecting an upcoming show will set a show alert for that item. Selecting the action button will present the appropriate pop up as indicated to the right. Episode Level isnt editable but the Show Level Is. Removing A Show is aunfavoriteaction similar to removing a favorite channel. Favorite Shows is a list of shows the user has indicated as a Favorite. Favorite shows are added to this list in the order added from top to bottom. Edit Mode Blue Consuption Icons Episodes in Favorites track their consumption by showing a blue dot next to the episode that is either fully blue (new), half blue (partially consumed), or empty (fully consumed). Blue dots are also added to Shows containing partial or uncosumed episodes. Red Badge Icons When new episodes of a favorite show become available in the On Demand catalogue, red counters are added to the Favorites Navigation button and theShows Toggleindicating how many new episodes there are. These coun- ters are removed once the user views the Favorite Shows tab.
  • 8. My DownloadsDownload Queue The Download Queue is a list of episodes by Show Name that the user has selected for download. Items are added to this list in order, from top to bottom, with the top item downloading first. Edit Download Priority SelectingEditputs the list into Edit modewhere the user can re-organize the queues priority by dragging them up and down using the right icons. or raise a delete button by tapping the left icons. SelectDonewhen finished SelectingEditputs the list into Edit modewhere the user can re-organize the shows by dragging them up and down using the right icons. or raise a delete button by tapping the left icons. SelectDonewhen finished My Downloads is a list of shows the user has successfully down- loaded to the device. Items are added to this list after being downloaded from the queue in that order from top to bottom. The final item in this list is the link to the Download Queue. Each show contains a list of downloaded episodes. These episodes are presented here in chronological order with the most recent episode at the top. Edit Shows SelectingEditputs the list into Edit modewhere the user can re-organize the episodes by dragging them up and down using the right icons. or raise a delete button by tapping the left icons. SelectDonewhen finished Edit Episodes Download An Episode Some content can be downloaded by the user by selecting the action button and then selecting Download This Episode. Users can manage or individually delete episodes via the action menu for the given item.
  • 9. Offline Mode In Offline Mode, all actions under the Download Tab work as they do today. The Home and Settings tabs also function as they do today. but all other options are covered. Attempting to select them will result in the Offline Mode Message. Users can still select episodes in their download tab to play and the pause points and consump- tion indicators will still update. All options in the downloads action menu still function as intended, as do all the options in the Now Playing action menu - with the exception of Buy from iTunes which wont appear. Attempting to raise a tab that is not available in offline mode, or trying to perform any other action not available while offline will result in the above message. Offline Mode Message When to enter offline mode: - When the app is launched in AirPlane Mode or (without a connection). - When the app is returned to the foreground in AirPlane Mode (or without a connection) from a dormant state (ie: not playing audio) - When the app transitions between online and offline environments while playing streamed content, the app will attempt to reconnect and will continue playing until itruns out of chunksat which point a notification is presented and the app enters Offline Mode. - When the app transitions between Online and Offline environments while playing cached content, the app will continue playing but will switch modes (without displaying a notification message) according to 15 second filtering to remove false positives and negatives.