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Despite the recent UK recession, the continuing legislative and political drive
in todays risk society is that regulatory public protection frameworks such as
MAPPA are the key apparatus to protecting the public. The Scottish
Government now aims to take the next step by expanding MAPPA to include
violent offenders, but at what cost? This study sought to interview both
responsible authorities and duty to cooperate agencies to critically examine
and develop an understanding of the challenges faced within the forthcoming
MAPPA expansion. A case study design was utilised to aid analysis of
MAPPA within one local authority. The study was interpretative, using
qualitative, semi-structured elite interview methodology.
Indications are that despite the financial crisis, agencies and partnership
leaders are experiencing insurmountable pressure to manage the MAPPA
expansion. As resources dwindle and demand rises, this study reinforces the
need for effective partnership working and innovative leadership to meet
challenges. Suggestions contained in this study are derived from current
literature and thinking which question the restrictive nature of policy and
propose a change of philosophy is required. In looking ahead, the use of
alternative community partnership models could not only strengthen the
reintegration of 'high risk offenders', but also alleviate the impact upon
MAPPA to sustain operations while enhancing community safety.
Keywords: policy, public protection, MAPPA, partnerships, leadership.

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  • 1. Abstract Despite the recent UK recession, the continuing legislative and political drive in todays risk society is that regulatory public protection frameworks such as MAPPA are the key apparatus to protecting the public. The Scottish Government now aims to take the next step by expanding MAPPA to include violent offenders, but at what cost? This study sought to interview both responsible authorities and duty to cooperate agencies to critically examine and develop an understanding of the challenges faced within the forthcoming MAPPA expansion. A case study design was utilised to aid analysis of MAPPA within one local authority. The study was interpretative, using qualitative, semi-structured elite interview methodology. Indications are that despite the financial crisis, agencies and partnership leaders are experiencing insurmountable pressure to manage the MAPPA expansion. As resources dwindle and demand rises, this study reinforces the need for effective partnership working and innovative leadership to meet challenges. Suggestions contained in this study are derived from current literature and thinking which question the restrictive nature of policy and propose a change of philosophy is required. In looking ahead, the use of alternative community partnership models could not only strengthen the reintegration of 'high risk offenders', but also alleviate the impact upon MAPPA to sustain operations while enhancing community safety. Keywords: policy, public protection, MAPPA, partnerships, leadership.