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813 Truman Rd
Stoughton, WI 53589
1-608-695-7350 (cell) ~ alisonlange93@gmail.com
 HTML & CSS For Web; Leadership Essentials; Situational Leadership; Introduction to Accounting
 Non-Credit Summer Courses for academic and personal enrichment
CARTHAGE COLLEGE - Kenosha, WI	 	 	 	 	 	 	 Class of 2015
 B.A. in History, Magna Cum Laude with All College Honors and Honors in the Major
 Exemplary Honors Thesis on Ottoman Harems
 Presented independent research at International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference in Rome, Italy 2015
 Honorable Mention Research & Creativity Award for Vietnam War research in 2013
 Two Abstracts Accepted to NCUR 2014 Conference; Abstract Accepted for Wisconsin Regional History
Conference 2014; Abstract Accepted for SHUR Conference 2014
 Member and peer-elected Treasurer of Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Fraternity; member of Phi Alpha
Theta History Honor Society; musician in the Wind Orchestra Tour to Japan in 2014; organized Relay for
Life team; Deans List
SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL & AFRICAN STUDIES - London, UK Senior Year Abroad 2014-2015
 Lived and studied with both British and other international students
 Researched and completed Carthage College Honors thesis on Late Ottoman Harems while abroad
 Completed course work in Middle Eastern and African history
 Independent travel in Poland, Scotland, Norway, Wales and Ireland
ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - Madison, WI		 	 	 	 Class of 2011
 Top four of graduating class; ORUEF Christian Honor Student; Jill Rau Volunteer Award; John Phillip Sousa
Senior Band Award; East Side Businessmens Club Volunteer Award
LEGISLATIVE EXPERIENCE________________________________________________________________
Intern for Representative Kathleen Bernier - Part Time
 Trained in the Legislative computer systems, including Forward and SharePoint
 Responded to both phone and in-person inquiries
 Assisted staffer Dan Posca in Representative Krug's with recording of constituent surveys
 Updated and reorganized of鍖ce 鍖ling cabinets to maintain ease of use
 Prepared and sent out Saw You In the News congratulations to constituents
WORK EXPERIENCE_________________________________________________________________________
STOUGHTON CINEMA CAF - Stoughton, WI 	 	 	 	 	 2007 - Present
Manager, Head Projectionist, Digital Marketing Director - Full Time
 Trains new employees; leads and directs the front-counter employees; supervises daily tasks and ensures the
proper cinema procedures and food regulations are maintained; oversees and executes proper opening and
closing procedures
 Responds to phone, online and in-person inquiries and complaints, and solves problems while maintaining
customer satisfaction whenever possible
 Assists owner in weekly payroll, monthly bank statements, statistical analysis, con鍖dential bookwork and of鍖ce
work; maintains long-term tracking of consumer trends and payroll; assists in year-end business taxes
 Undertakes needed research for the company, from technical and mechanical information to consumer trends,
including time sensitive emergency research used in major business decisions
 Manages, maintains, and wrote a simpli鍖ed manual for digital projection technology and trains all new
projectionists; troubleshoots and 鍖xes issues with digital projectors
of1 2
 Promotes special events on social media; prepares behind-the-scene bookwork for special events and movie
 Designed, created and manages new company website and all social media accounts
 Handles, stores and catalogs over 3,000 movie posters; created and maintains two separate 鍖ling systems for the
posters, one for past movies going into storage, and another for upcoming features
 Compiled a detailed chronological list of upcoming 鍖lms by using data from numerous sources, which is used
to plan future business actions, possible movies to book, and keep track of which posters need to be ordered
KENOSHA HISTORY CENTER - Kenosha, WI	 	 	 	 September 2013 - December 2013
Paid Intern - Part Time
 Cataloged, cleaned and cared for paper documents and some artifacts in the archives
 Discovered incoming documents were infested with bookworms and properly cleaned them
 Designed and constructed an exhibit about Fraternal Groups in Kenosha for the museum
 Researched, wrote and printed descriptions for the artifacts in the exhibit to educate the public
 Assisted in setting up and tearing down Kenosha History Center Chili Cook-Off
Student Worker & Tutor - Part Time
 Tutored students in history courses and came up with ways to make the topic easier to understand
 Scanned and organized History Department slides on Google database
Student Of鍖ce Worker - Part Time
 Edited, compiled and organized Honors Award Convocation booklet as part of team of student workers
 Organized and worked with con鍖dential materials for scholarship competition
 Fielded inquiries from professors and students regarding the honors program and tracked student honors 鍖les
 Promoted and explained Honors Program to prospective or interested students
CARTHAGE COLLEGE PEP BAND - Kenosha, WI	 	 	 September 2011 - May 2013
Clarinetist & Senior Night Student Coordinator - Part Time
 Edited and compiled information from seniors for Senior Appreciation Night
 Implemented senior recognition digital presentation on sports stadium scoreboard
CURRENT VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE_____________________________________________________
OVERTURE CENTER FOR THE ARTS - Madison, WI	 	 	 September 2016 - Current
Overture Center Volunteer Usher - Two to Three Times a Month
 Greets and directs patrons to their correct seats, restrooms and lobby
 Scan tickets and ensure patrons are at the correct door for the correct performance
 Enforce food, drink, bag and camera policies while maintaining customer satisfaction
 Helps clean Overture Hall after performances
COMPUTER AND LANGUAGE SKILLS_________________________________________________________
Computers: Excel, Microsoft Of鍖ce Programs, TextWrangler, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, Forward, SharePoint, Wix,
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Mac and PC general competency
Website Coding: Elementary HTML, Elementary CSS
Languages: Minimum Professional Pro鍖ciency in Spanish, Learning German, Learning American Sign Language,
Learning Polish
Museums, novels, movies, swimming, photography, horses, kayaking, traveling, singing, broadway musicals, unpaid
volunteer at Madison Overture Center for the Arts
of2 2

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  • 1. ALISON ANNE LANGE 813 Truman Rd Stoughton, WI 53589 1-608-695-7350 (cell) ~ alisonlange93@gmail.com EDUCATION________________________________________________________________________________ MADISON AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE - Madison, WI Summer 2016 HTML & CSS For Web; Leadership Essentials; Situational Leadership; Introduction to Accounting Non-Credit Summer Courses for academic and personal enrichment CARTHAGE COLLEGE - Kenosha, WI Class of 2015 B.A. in History, Magna Cum Laude with All College Honors and Honors in the Major Exemplary Honors Thesis on Ottoman Harems Presented independent research at International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference in Rome, Italy 2015 Honorable Mention Research & Creativity Award for Vietnam War research in 2013 Two Abstracts Accepted to NCUR 2014 Conference; Abstract Accepted for Wisconsin Regional History Conference 2014; Abstract Accepted for SHUR Conference 2014 Member and peer-elected Treasurer of Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Fraternity; member of Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society; musician in the Wind Orchestra Tour to Japan in 2014; organized Relay for Life team; Deans List SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL & AFRICAN STUDIES - London, UK Senior Year Abroad 2014-2015 Lived and studied with both British and other international students Researched and completed Carthage College Honors thesis on Late Ottoman Harems while abroad Completed course work in Middle Eastern and African history Independent travel in Poland, Scotland, Norway, Wales and Ireland ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - Madison, WI Class of 2011 Top four of graduating class; ORUEF Christian Honor Student; Jill Rau Volunteer Award; John Phillip Sousa Senior Band Award; East Side Businessmens Club Volunteer Award LEGISLATIVE EXPERIENCE________________________________________________________________ OFFICE OF WISCONSIN STATE REPRESENTATIVE - Madison, WI June 2013 - August 2013 Intern for Representative Kathleen Bernier - Part Time Trained in the Legislative computer systems, including Forward and SharePoint Responded to both phone and in-person inquiries Assisted staffer Dan Posca in Representative Krug's with recording of constituent surveys Updated and reorganized of鍖ce 鍖ling cabinets to maintain ease of use Prepared and sent out Saw You In the News congratulations to constituents WORK EXPERIENCE_________________________________________________________________________ STOUGHTON CINEMA CAF - Stoughton, WI 2007 - Present Manager, Head Projectionist, Digital Marketing Director - Full Time Trains new employees; leads and directs the front-counter employees; supervises daily tasks and ensures the proper cinema procedures and food regulations are maintained; oversees and executes proper opening and closing procedures Responds to phone, online and in-person inquiries and complaints, and solves problems while maintaining customer satisfaction whenever possible Assists owner in weekly payroll, monthly bank statements, statistical analysis, con鍖dential bookwork and of鍖ce work; maintains long-term tracking of consumer trends and payroll; assists in year-end business taxes Undertakes needed research for the company, from technical and mechanical information to consumer trends, including time sensitive emergency research used in major business decisions Manages, maintains, and wrote a simpli鍖ed manual for digital projection technology and trains all new projectionists; troubleshoots and 鍖xes issues with digital projectors of1 2
  • 2. Promotes special events on social media; prepares behind-the-scene bookwork for special events and movie premieres Designed, created and manages new company website and all social media accounts Handles, stores and catalogs over 3,000 movie posters; created and maintains two separate 鍖ling systems for the posters, one for past movies going into storage, and another for upcoming features Compiled a detailed chronological list of upcoming 鍖lms by using data from numerous sources, which is used to plan future business actions, possible movies to book, and keep track of which posters need to be ordered KENOSHA HISTORY CENTER - Kenosha, WI September 2013 - December 2013 Paid Intern - Part Time Cataloged, cleaned and cared for paper documents and some artifacts in the archives Discovered incoming documents were infested with bookworms and properly cleaned them Designed and constructed an exhibit about Fraternal Groups in Kenosha for the museum Researched, wrote and printed descriptions for the artifacts in the exhibit to educate the public Assisted in setting up and tearing down Kenosha History Center Chili Cook-Off CARTHAGE COLLEGE HISTORY DEPARTMENT - Kenosha, WI Fall 2013 Student Worker & Tutor - Part Time Tutored students in history courses and came up with ways to make the topic easier to understand Scanned and organized History Department slides on Google database CARTHAGE COLLEGE INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES OFFICE - Kenosha, WI 2012 - 2013 Student Of鍖ce Worker - Part Time Edited, compiled and organized Honors Award Convocation booklet as part of team of student workers Organized and worked with con鍖dential materials for scholarship competition Fielded inquiries from professors and students regarding the honors program and tracked student honors 鍖les Promoted and explained Honors Program to prospective or interested students CARTHAGE COLLEGE PEP BAND - Kenosha, WI September 2011 - May 2013 Clarinetist & Senior Night Student Coordinator - Part Time Edited and compiled information from seniors for Senior Appreciation Night Implemented senior recognition digital presentation on sports stadium scoreboard CURRENT VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE_____________________________________________________ OVERTURE CENTER FOR THE ARTS - Madison, WI September 2016 - Current Overture Center Volunteer Usher - Two to Three Times a Month Greets and directs patrons to their correct seats, restrooms and lobby Scan tickets and ensure patrons are at the correct door for the correct performance Enforce food, drink, bag and camera policies while maintaining customer satisfaction Helps clean Overture Hall after performances COMPUTER AND LANGUAGE SKILLS_________________________________________________________ Computers: Excel, Microsoft Of鍖ce Programs, TextWrangler, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, Forward, SharePoint, Wix, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Mac and PC general competency Website Coding: Elementary HTML, Elementary CSS Languages: Minimum Professional Pro鍖ciency in Spanish, Learning German, Learning American Sign Language, Learning Polish INTERESTS__________________________________________________________________________________ Museums, novels, movies, swimming, photography, horses, kayaking, traveling, singing, broadway musicals, unpaid volunteer at Madison Overture Center for the Arts of2 2