Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Manila, Philippines
Freelancer Networker, Online worker, Writer, Volunteer Worker
24 October 1969
Your date of conception was on or about 31 January 1969 which was a Friday.
You were born on a Friday
under the astrological sign Scorpio.
Your Life path number is 5.
Your fortune cookie reads:
You will be fortunate in everything you put your hands to.
Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 3 & 9.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 8.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 4, 6, 11 & 22.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2440518.5.
The golden number for 1969 is 13.
The epact numbe
Users following Alvin Labios