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Week 7 Learning Objectives
 7.1 Describe some of the changes in the new media
 7.2 Outline the major marketing communication options
 7.3 Describe some of the key tactical issues in evaluating
different communication options
 7.4 Identify the choice criteria in developing an integrated
marketing communication program
Assignment Two
MARK323: Brand Management
Weighting: 35%
Points: 100
Word Limit: 2000 賊 10% (excludes tables, images, and references)
1. Written document (due on 8 May, 5pm)  70% (seven campaigns/programmes  approx 300 words each)
2. Presentation (during tutorials)  30%
 Objectives (3 to 12 months)
 Description of the programme
 Short description and importance
 Action steps
 Measurement/effectiveness and justification
 How you would know you are successful
 Why this would appeal to the target market
 Justification based on relevant theories, frameworks, journal articles
1.Post-purchase brand strategy
For the same brand you have developed in the first assignment, provide
three recommendations to design the following programmes:
 a) a creative after-marketing customer service programme (10%);
 b) an innovative loyalty programme (10%); and
 c) an engaging customer community programme (10%).
1.2 Pricing strategy (10%)
Develop and discuss a potential pricing strategy for the brand.
1.3 Communication strategy (10%)
Develop and discuss a potential brand amplifying strategy (publicity, public
relations, word-of-mouth) for the brand.
2.1 Social media marketing (10%)
Select a social media platform (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) and develop a
strategy of brand marketing using this channel.
2.2 Content marketing (10%)
Develop a creative brand story (about 7-10 sentences) to be used in digital channels.
 Prepare and deliver a short presentation about your brand
 approx. 5 mins
 ppt slides and images (Assignment 1)
 The indicative content of the presentation:
- Brand features and elements (Assignment 1; Week 4 lecture materials)
- Brand symbols and meaningfulness (Assignment 1)
- Creative promotional campaign based on brand story (the creators values, inspiration, rationale, trigger
event etc.)
Kellogg's Nutrigrain: Story of Ali Day
 Protagonist (hero)
Marketing Communications
Means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and
remind consumers
Can contribute to brand equity by:
 Creating awareness of the brand
 Linking points-of-parity and points-of-difference
associations to the brand in consumers memory
 Eliciting positive brand judgments or feelings
 Facilitating a stronger consumer-brand connection and
brand resonance
The New Media Environment
 Has changed dramatically in recent years
 Traditional advertising media seem to be losing their grip
 Digital revolution has changed the way consumers learn and talk about brands
 Changing media landscape has forced marketers to re-evaluate how they should best communicate with
 Challenges in Designing Brand-Building Communications
 Role of Multiple Communications (multiverse)
Challenges in Designing Brand-Building Communications
 Marketing communications programs
 Should be efficient and effective
 Require careful planning and creativity
 Persuasion steps (AIDA Model):
1. Exposure
2. Attention
3. Comprehension
4. Yielding
5. Intention
6. Behavior
 The ideal ad campaign:
 The right consumer is exposed to the right message at the right
place and at the right time
 The creative strategy but does not distract from the intended
 The ad properly reflects the consumers level of understanding
 The ideal ad functions
 The ad correctly positions the brand in terms of desirable and
deliverable PODs and POPs
 The ad motivates consumers
 The ad creates strong brand associations
Simple Test for Marketing Communication Effectiveness
1. Current brand knowledge of the target market?
Have you created a detailed mental map?
2. Desired brand knowledge?
Have you defined optimal points-of-parity and points-of-difference and a brand mantra?
3. How does the communication option help the brand get from current to desired knowledge with
Have you clarified the specific effects on knowledge engendered by communications?
 Snapple, a beverage brand that
offers flavoured teas and juice
drinks, has announced the launch of
the Snapple fAIct Generator, an AI-
powered tool that makes it easy to
create facts about any topic (Keurig
Dr Pepper (KDP).
 The generator can be accessed by
scanning the QR on the bottle.
 You cant hum while plugging your
 Astronauts in space cannot cry.
Holbrooks value typology
New media Illustration: Nikeland
Should Nike invest more on
Nikeland-type initiatives?
Nikes Goals and Stance
 TIME HORIZON: Here and Now vs. Bet on the Future
 RISK APPETITE: Taking cautious steps vs. making high risk
Is the Timing Right for Nike?
 Seen as a digital-forward brand and the leading
creator of virtual sneakers
 Nike is protecting its brand and trademarks in
this new digital era from others using its
brands in an unlicensed way
 Engaging with existing creator communities
instead of building its own metaverse
 Virtual shoes dont suffer from supply chain
issues plaguing the physical world
 The metaverse is still evolving; uncertain if it will attract
enough people
 Unclear if people will spend money in the metaverse the way
they do in the real world
 Resource and staffing issues; not enough virtual material
designers to create virtual products
 Nikes less-risky strategy of focusing on the Web2 community
suffers from stranding risk
Nikeland on Roblox
 Build and capture a community
of younger audiences
 Create an ecommerce storefront
 Present product offerings
 Create an engaging gaming
experience for visitors
 A fertile ground for testing new
product concepts
 Users frequently complained
that the site was glitchy
 Risk of brand damage due to
poor user experience
 Games need constant product
updates and integrations
 Unclear if it can lead to revenue
outcomes or capture a loyal
Four Major Marketing Communication Options
Events and
 Advertising characteristics
 Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor
 Powerful means of creating strong, favorable, and unique brand associations and eliciting positive judgments
 Specific effects are difficult to quantify and predict
 Advertising channels
 Direct Response
5M Model
Prospect theory
Kahneman & Tversky:
 people are not rational  they use
 Gain frame  what you will gain by
making a decision (benefits)
 Loss frame  what you will lose by
making a decision (costs, fear)
 If the outcome is certain, use gain frame
 If the outcome is uncertain, use loss
Transfer Model
Russell Belk Commodification as a Part of Marketization
 Commoditization is a normal business process that treats interchangeable goods as
commodities (no branding).
 commodity markets in farm produce, livestock, iron, copper, and other such fungible goods.
 Opposite of branding
 Commodification is the process of making what were previously seen as non-market
goods into marketed goods that can be priced, branded, promoted, and sold in a
 the commodification of people (e.g., slavery, human trafficking, surrogate motherhood), love,
sex, religion, body parts, art, music, education, rides, childcare, eldercare, health care, the
internet, police, soldiers, museums, parks, beaches, prisons
 formerly free, public, shared, or intimate interpersonal objects and services.
Investors awarded Scale AI a $7.3
billion valuation in 2021, making
Wang the latest Silicon Valley insta-
His fortune was built with a vast
outsourced workforce that performs
a rudimentary task crucial to AI:
labeling the data used to train it.
 Russell Belk
as a Part of
Commodification is opposed by
singularization, which removes
something from the commodity
realm entirely and makes it a
unique singular possession
which is not for sale.
 It takes less than three seconds to have a gut reaction.
 According to Dan Hill (Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Success)
 Emotions process sensory input in only one-fifth the time our conscious, cognitive brain takes to
assimilate that same input.
 Emotions, rather than cognitive thinking, have a more profound impact on our actions;
 Emotions create lasting, instinctual impressions; and actually predispose us to follow the same course of
action in the future.
Colour of Emotions
 Consumer Promotions
 Trade Promotions
 Permit manufacturers to charge different prices to groups of consumers
 Convey a sense of urgency to consumers
 Can build brand equity through actual product experience
 Encourage the trade to maintain full stocks and support the manufacturers merchandising
 Decreased brand loyalty and increased brand switching
 Decreased quality perceptions and increased price sensitivity
 Increase the importance of price as a factor in consumer decisions
 May subsidise buyers who would have bought the brand anyway
Online Marketing Communication
 Interactive, online marketing communications
 Primary advantage of marketing on the Web
 Low cost
 Level of detail
 Degree of customisation
Events and Experiences
 Focus on engaging the consumers senses and imagination
 Event marketing:
 Public sponsorship of events or activities related to sports, art, entertainment, or social causes
 Range from extravagant sponsorship events to a simple local in-store product demonstration
Worm Charming
Cheese rolling competition
Brand Amplifiers
 Efforts made to engage consumers and the public via word-of-mouth and public relations and publicity
 Amplify the effects created by other marketing activities through:
 Public relations
 the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding and excellent communications
between an organisation and its publics.
 media relations, investor relations, government relations, community relations, sponsorship, marketing communications,
employee communications, digital and change communications
 Publicity is putting your business in front of the public and media outlets so you can showcase your products, services and
company news.
 a publicity stunt is a planned event designed to attract the public's attention to the event's organizers or their cause
 Encouraging consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications. WOM marketing includes buzz, viral, blog,
emotional, and social media marketing.
Ace Rentals Publicity Stunt
Tui Billboards: Yeah right campaign
Theory of Guilt (feelings of tension)
 Burke: three sources of guilt:
 The Negative: the negative arises through the language; we can say no to
some things; we develop judgements, commands, prohibitions; we develop
moral (right vs wrong) assumptions
 Principle of hierarchy: we create imagined social pyramids and hierarchies
(social ratings, social orderings). In hierarchies, everyones guilty: guilty for
being up, guilty for not being higher up, guilty for being down.
 Principle of perfection: we imagine (through language) a state of perfection.
Guilt arises due to failure to attain this state of perfection. We are rotten with
perfection, i.e. we waste a lot of time striving for an unattainable or imagined
Developing Integrated Marketing Communication Program
 Criteria for IMC Programs
 Using IMC Choice Criteria
 IMC choice criteria can provide guidance for designing integrated marketing communication
 Evaluating communication options
 Establishing priorities and trade-offs
IMC Audience Communication Option Overlap
General Marketing Communication Guidelines: The Keller Bs
1. Be analytical: Use frameworks of consumer behavior and managerial decision making to
develop well-reasoned communication programs.
2. Be curious: Better understand customers by using all forms of research, and always be
thinking of how you can create added value for consumers.
3. Be single-minded: Focus your message on well-defined target markets (less can be more).
4. Be integrative: Reinforce your message through consistency and cuing across all
communication options and media.
5. Be creative: State your message in a unique fashion; use alternative promotions and media
to create favorable, strong, and unique brand associations.
6. Be observant: Keep track of competition, customers, channel members, and employees
through monitoring and tracking studies.
7. Be patient: Take a long-term view of communication effectiveness to build and manage
brand equity.
8. Be realistic: Understand the complexities involved in marketing communications.

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  • 1. Week 7 Learning Objectives 7.1 Describe some of the changes in the new media environment 7.2 Outline the major marketing communication options 7.3 Describe some of the key tactical issues in evaluating different communication options 7.4 Identify the choice criteria in developing an integrated marketing communication program
  • 2. Assignment Two MARK323: Brand Management Weighting: 35% Points: 100 Word Limit: 2000 賊 10% (excludes tables, images, and references) TWO COMPONENTS 1. Written document (due on 8 May, 5pm) 70% (seven campaigns/programmes approx 300 words each) 2. Presentation (during tutorials) 30%
  • 3. Programme/strategy/campaign Objectives (3 to 12 months) Description of the programme Short description and importance Action steps Costs/resources Measurement/effectiveness and justification How you would know you are successful Why this would appeal to the target market Justification based on relevant theories, frameworks, journal articles
  • 4. 1.Post-purchase brand strategy For the same brand you have developed in the first assignment, provide three recommendations to design the following programmes: a) a creative after-marketing customer service programme (10%); b) an innovative loyalty programme (10%); and c) an engaging customer community programme (10%).
  • 5. 1.2 Pricing strategy (10%) Develop and discuss a potential pricing strategy for the brand. 1.3 Communication strategy (10%) Develop and discuss a potential brand amplifying strategy (publicity, public relations, word-of-mouth) for the brand.
  • 6. 2.1 Social media marketing (10%) Select a social media platform (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) and develop a strategy of brand marketing using this channel. 2.2 Content marketing (10%) Develop a creative brand story (about 7-10 sentences) to be used in digital channels.
  • 7. Presentation Prepare and deliver a short presentation about your brand approx. 5 mins ppt slides and images (Assignment 1) The indicative content of the presentation: - Brand features and elements (Assignment 1; Week 4 lecture materials) - Brand symbols and meaningfulness (Assignment 1) - Creative promotional campaign based on brand story (the creators values, inspiration, rationale, trigger event etc.)
  • 9. Storytelling: Protagonist (hero) Crisis Win/lose
  • 10. Marketing Communications Means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers Can contribute to brand equity by: Creating awareness of the brand Linking points-of-parity and points-of-difference associations to the brand in consumers memory Eliciting positive brand judgments or feelings Facilitating a stronger consumer-brand connection and brand resonance
  • 11. The New Media Environment Has changed dramatically in recent years Traditional advertising media seem to be losing their grip Digital revolution has changed the way consumers learn and talk about brands Changing media landscape has forced marketers to re-evaluate how they should best communicate with consumers Challenges in Designing Brand-Building Communications Role of Multiple Communications (multiverse)
  • 12. Challenges in Designing Brand-Building Communications Marketing communications programs Should be efficient and effective Require careful planning and creativity Persuasion steps (AIDA Model): 1. Exposure 2. Attention 3. Comprehension 4. Yielding 5. Intention 6. Behavior The ideal ad campaign: The right consumer is exposed to the right message at the right place and at the right time The creative strategy but does not distract from the intended message The ad properly reflects the consumers level of understanding The ideal ad functions The ad correctly positions the brand in terms of desirable and deliverable PODs and POPs The ad motivates consumers The ad creates strong brand associations
  • 13. Simple Test for Marketing Communication Effectiveness 1. Current brand knowledge of the target market? Have you created a detailed mental map? 2. Desired brand knowledge? Have you defined optimal points-of-parity and points-of-difference and a brand mantra? 3. How does the communication option help the brand get from current to desired knowledge with consumers? Have you clarified the specific effects on knowledge engendered by communications?
  • 14. Snapple, a beverage brand that offers flavoured teas and juice drinks, has announced the launch of the Snapple fAIct Generator, an AI- powered tool that makes it easy to create facts about any topic (Keurig Dr Pepper (KDP). The generator can be accessed by scanning the QR on the bottle. You cant hum while plugging your nose Astronauts in space cannot cry.
  • 16. New media Illustration: Nikeland 16 Should Nike invest more on Nikeland-type initiatives?
  • 17. Nikes Goals and Stance TIME HORIZON: Here and Now vs. Bet on the Future RISK APPETITE: Taking cautious steps vs. making high risk moves
  • 18. Is the Timing Right for Nike? PROS Seen as a digital-forward brand and the leading creator of virtual sneakers Nike is protecting its brand and trademarks in this new digital era from others using its brands in an unlicensed way Engaging with existing creator communities instead of building its own metaverse Virtual shoes dont suffer from supply chain issues plaguing the physical world CONS The metaverse is still evolving; uncertain if it will attract enough people Unclear if people will spend money in the metaverse the way they do in the real world Resource and staffing issues; not enough virtual material designers to create virtual products Nikes less-risky strategy of focusing on the Web2 community suffers from stranding risk
  • 19. Nikeland on Roblox PROS Build and capture a community of younger audiences Create an ecommerce storefront Present product offerings Create an engaging gaming experience for visitors A fertile ground for testing new product concepts CONS Users frequently complained that the site was glitchy Risk of brand damage due to poor user experience Games need constant product updates and integrations Unclear if it can lead to revenue outcomes or capture a loyal audience
  • 20. Four Major Marketing Communication Options Advertising and Promotion Interactive Marketing Events and Experiences Mobile Marketing
  • 21. Advertising Advertising characteristics Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor Powerful means of creating strong, favorable, and unique brand associations and eliciting positive judgments Specific effects are difficult to quantify and predict Advertising channels Digital Television Radio Print Direct Response Place
  • 23. Prospect theory Kahneman & Tversky: people are not rational they use heuristics Gain frame what you will gain by making a decision (benefits) Loss frame what you will lose by making a decision (costs, fear) Suggestions: If the outcome is certain, use gain frame If the outcome is uncertain, use loss frame
  • 25. Russell Belk Commodification as a Part of Marketization Commoditization is a normal business process that treats interchangeable goods as commodities (no branding). commodity markets in farm produce, livestock, iron, copper, and other such fungible goods. Opposite of branding Commodification is the process of making what were previously seen as non-market goods into marketed goods that can be priced, branded, promoted, and sold in a marketplace the commodification of people (e.g., slavery, human trafficking, surrogate motherhood), love, sex, religion, body parts, art, music, education, rides, childcare, eldercare, health care, the internet, police, soldiers, museums, parks, beaches, prisons formerly free, public, shared, or intimate interpersonal objects and services.
  • 26. Investors awarded Scale AI a $7.3 billion valuation in 2021, making Wang the latest Silicon Valley insta- billionaire. His fortune was built with a vast outsourced workforce that performs a rudimentary task crucial to AI: labeling the data used to train it.
  • 27. Russell Belk Commodification as a Part of Marketization Commodification is opposed by singularization, which removes something from the commodity realm entirely and makes it a unique singular possession which is not for sale.
  • 28. Emotions It takes less than three seconds to have a gut reaction. According to Dan Hill (Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Success) Emotions process sensory input in only one-fifth the time our conscious, cognitive brain takes to assimilate that same input. Emotions, rather than cognitive thinking, have a more profound impact on our actions; Emotions create lasting, instinctual impressions; and actually predispose us to follow the same course of action in the future.
  • 30. Promotion Consumer Promotions Trade Promotions Advantages Permit manufacturers to charge different prices to groups of consumers Convey a sense of urgency to consumers Can build brand equity through actual product experience Encourage the trade to maintain full stocks and support the manufacturers merchandising efforts Disadvantages Decreased brand loyalty and increased brand switching Decreased quality perceptions and increased price sensitivity Increase the importance of price as a factor in consumer decisions May subsidise buyers who would have bought the brand anyway
  • 32. Online Marketing Communication Interactive, online marketing communications Primary advantage of marketing on the Web Low cost Level of detail Degree of customisation
  • 33. Events and Experiences Focus on engaging the consumers senses and imagination Event marketing: Public sponsorship of events or activities related to sports, art, entertainment, or social causes Range from extravagant sponsorship events to a simple local in-store product demonstration Worm Charming Cheese rolling competition
  • 36. Brand Amplifiers Efforts made to engage consumers and the public via word-of-mouth and public relations and publicity Amplify the effects created by other marketing activities through: Public relations the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding and excellent communications between an organisation and its publics. media relations, investor relations, government relations, community relations, sponsorship, marketing communications, employee communications, digital and change communications Publicity Publicity is putting your business in front of the public and media outlets so you can showcase your products, services and company news. a publicity stunt is a planned event designed to attract the public's attention to the event's organizers or their cause Word-of-mouth Encouraging consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications. WOM marketing includes buzz, viral, blog, emotional, and social media marketing.
  • 39. Tui Billboards: Yeah right campaign
  • 40. Theory of Guilt (feelings of tension) Burke: three sources of guilt: The Negative: the negative arises through the language; we can say no to some things; we develop judgements, commands, prohibitions; we develop moral (right vs wrong) assumptions Principle of hierarchy: we create imagined social pyramids and hierarchies (social ratings, social orderings). In hierarchies, everyones guilty: guilty for being up, guilty for not being higher up, guilty for being down. Principle of perfection: we imagine (through language) a state of perfection. Guilt arises due to failure to attain this state of perfection. We are rotten with perfection, i.e. we waste a lot of time striving for an unattainable or imagined perfection.
  • 41. Developing Integrated Marketing Communication Program Criteria for IMC Programs Coverage Contribution Commonality Complementarity Conformability Cost Using IMC Choice Criteria IMC choice criteria can provide guidance for designing integrated marketing communication programs Evaluating communication options Establishing priorities and trade-offs
  • 42. IMC Audience Communication Option Overlap
  • 43. General Marketing Communication Guidelines: The Keller Bs 1. Be analytical: Use frameworks of consumer behavior and managerial decision making to develop well-reasoned communication programs. 2. Be curious: Better understand customers by using all forms of research, and always be thinking of how you can create added value for consumers. 3. Be single-minded: Focus your message on well-defined target markets (less can be more). 4. Be integrative: Reinforce your message through consistency and cuing across all communication options and media. 5. Be creative: State your message in a unique fashion; use alternative promotions and media to create favorable, strong, and unique brand associations. 6. Be observant: Keep track of competition, customers, channel members, and employees through monitoring and tracking studies. 7. Be patient: Take a long-term view of communication effectiveness to build and manage brand equity. 8. Be realistic: Understand the complexities involved in marketing communications.

Editor's Notes

  • #21: There are four vital ingredients to the best brand-building communication programs: (1) advertising and promotion, (2) interactive marketing, (3) events and experiences, and (4) mobile marketing.
  • #31: Promotion Short-term incentives to encourage trial or usage of a product or service. Designed to change the behavior of the: Trade so that they carry the brand and actively support it. Consumers so that they buy a brand for the first time, buy more of the brand, or buy the brand earlier or more often. Consumer promotions Designed to change the choices, quantity, or timing of consumers product purchases. Type of consumer promotions: Customer franchise building promotions such as samples, demonstrations, and educational material. Noncustomer franchise building promotions such as price-off packs, premiums, sweepstakes, and refund offers. Customer franchise-building promotions can affect brand loyalty. Marketers evaluate sales promotions by their ability to contribute to brand equity and generate sales. Trade promotions Financial incentives given to channel members to facilitate the sale of a product through slotting allowances, point-of-purchase displays, contests and dealer incentives, training programs, trade shows, and cooperative advertising. Designed either to secure shelf space and distribution for a new brand, or to achieve more prominence on the shelf and in the store.
  • #34: Rationale for sponsorship To identify with a particular target market or lifestyle To increase awareness of the company or product name To create or reinforce consumer perceptions of key brand image associations To enhance corporate image dimensions To create experiences and evoke feelings To express commitment to the community or on social issues To entertain key clients or reward key employees To permit merchandising or promotional opportunities Guidelines Choosing sponsorship opportunities Sponsor ship events: Must meet the marketing objectives and communication strategy defined for the brand. Must have: Sufficient awareness. Possess the desired image. Be capable of creating the desired effects with the target market. Should closely match the ideal target market in terms of the audience attending the event. Should be unique but not encumbered with many sponsors. Designing sponsorship programs Sponsor should strategically identify itself at an event through banners, signs, and programs. Measuring sponsorship activities Supply-side methodFocuses on potential exposure to the brand by assessing the extent of media coverage. Demand-side methodFocuses on reported exposure from consumers.
  • #37: Public relations and publicity Publicity Nonpersonal communications such as press releases, media interviews, press conferences, films, and tapes Public relations Includes annual reports, fund-raising and membership drives, lobbying, special event management, and public affairs feature articles, newsletters, photographs, films, and tapes Word-of-mouth Critical aspect of brand building Consumers share likes, dislikes, and experiences with each other Assures greater degree of credibility and relevance Buzz marketing Various techniques marketers apply to get people notice and talk about the brand
  • #42: Develop an integrated marketing communication program (IMC) by choosing the best set of marketing communication options and managing the relationships between them. Integrated marketing communications is regarded as a process of strategically managing stakeholders, content, channels, and results of brand communication programs. Our main theme is that marketers should mix and match communication options to build brand equitythat is, choose a variety of different communication options that share common meaning and content but also offer different, complementary advantages so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.