Web analytics and online marketing specialist with a solid technical background.
⦿ web analytics strategy, tracking implementation, reporting set-up and consulting
⦿ PPC, SEO, usability
⦿ knowledge of web hosting & VPS technologies, interfaces and their support
⦿ project management and documentation, brand development, online marketing strategies, fundraising, non-profits
⦿ proficiency in major CMSs
⦿ HW and SW computer support; Win, Unix, MacOS, small networks
Some of the clients I have worked for recently:
SPP, Darex, Microsoft, Pietro Filipi, Eset, Eventadvisor.com, Pixelcut.com, Preferuj.sk, Autoporadca.sk, Medirex Group, Long Bong, Studio.sk, HackTrophy, Pygmalios
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