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Organization / Workplace
Belleville, Michigan
Calibration Specialist
My BlogRoll
Andy Naselli - Thoughts on Theology
C.J.'s View from the cheap seats - C.J. Mahaney
Challies Dot Com - Tim Challies
Leadership for Servants - David Murray
Fighting for the Faith - Chris Rosebrough
From My Heart to Yours - Tim Jordan
Fundamentally Reformed - Bob Hayton
Glory & Grace - Dave Doran
Desiring God - John Piper et al.
In the Nick of Time - Kevin Bauder
Justin Taylor - TCG
My Two Cents - Chris Anderson
Steven Furtick
Pensees - Bob Bixby
Perry Noble
Pure Church - Thabiti Anyabwile
Pyromaniacs - Phil Johnson et al.
Redeemer Blogs - Tim Keller
Reformation21 - Carl Trueman et al.
Users following Andrew VanHouten