The user selects an app from the screen and can then choose between 3 page options: Kits, trophies, and rules. From the rules page, the user can select a different sub-page to learn about a specific rule. The app could include videos to help explain rules. A help button provides instructions on using the app. The product name needs to be memorable so users can find and download it. Navigation buttons will likely include the logo and may be in the form of pictures or text.
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Scenirio mapping apps for good d.j.z.k.
1. The use will select the
app from the screen.
Here the user can select a
page from 3 options. Kits,
trophies and rules.
From the rules page the user
can select a different page
for a certain rule the user
wants to know.
We could have
something special to
help explain the rules
for example a video
showing the rule.
From the help button the
user can find out how to
use the app.
Will our product
name be memorable
for people to
find/download the
It will most likely be a
picture of our logo.
These could be picture
buttons or buttons with