The International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) is the largest international forum that addresses the technical, legal, ethical, and managerial issues relevant to repositories of biological and environmental specimens. ISBER is a professional society of individuals and organizations who share an interest in promoting consistent, high quality standards, ethical principles and innovation in biospecimen banking by uniting the global biobanking community. ISBER invites all sub-components of government, academia, the private sector, and manufacturers to become active participants of the society.
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About ISBER, the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories
3. Who is ISBER?
ISBER Members represented
in over 40 countries
Members include:
Biobank professionals
Academic researchers and scientists
Industry vendors and suppliers
4. Six biobank categories
Animal specimen
Human specimen
Microorganism culture
Environmental repository
Museum repository
Plant/seed repository
Who is ISBER?
5. Dissemination of information on repository
management issues
Education and sharing of information within
the society and community
A voice for repositories to influence regulations
Development of best practice guidelines
Provision of centralized information resources
for existing repositories
Bring members together to work on "hot topics
Goals of the Society
6. The leading global forum that addresses key
challenges relevant to biological and
environmental repositories.
7. Standardization
Best Practices for Repositories
Communicates most effective practices for the management of specimen
collections and repositories.
Standard PREanalytical Code (SPREC)
Track and assign explicit preanalytic variations in collection, preparation
and storage of specimens.
Self Assessment Tool (SAT) for repositories
Evaluate adherence to ISBER Best Practices for repositories
ISBER Proficiency Testing (PT) Program
Assess the accuracy of quality control assays and characterization of
ISBER Working Groups and Committees (eg. Science Policy Committee)
ISBER Resources
8. Communicates the most effective practices
for the management of specimen collections
and repositories
Effective practices for the management of
specimen collections and repositories
Reflects the collective experience of its
members and has received broad input from
other repository professionals
ISBER Best Practices
9. Evaluate your repository
based on the ISBER Best
158 questions
Helps specimen collection
centers strengthen their
practices through the
identification of areas in
need of improvement
Self-Assessment Tool (SAT)
10. Developed by the ISBER Biospecimen Science
Working Group
Manage and track pre-analytical variations impacting
biospecimen integrity
Comprises 7 elements for both fluid and solid samples
Defines the sample and primary container type, periods of
cold and warm ischemia, and subsequent handling steps
Standard PREanalytical Code
11. Allows biorepositories to:
Assess the accuracy of their quality control assays and
their characterization of biospecimens
Compare results with those obtained in other laboratories
around the world
Identify testing problems that may be related to individual
staff performance or calibration of instrumentation used in
biospecimen quality control
Provides an External Quality Assessment (EQA)
tool and guidance to biorepositories and
laboratories testing biospecimens
Proficiency Testing (PT) Program
12. ISBER Membership Categories
Where do you fit?
Individual Membership
Organizational Membership
Small (<11 employees )
Medium (11-50 employees)
Large (>50 employees)
13. ISBER Committees
Science Policy
Education and Training
Marketing and
Special Interest Groups
ISBER Working Groups
Biospecimen Science
Rare Diseases
Rights to and Control of
Human Tissue Samples
International Repository
Areas of Involvement
Learn more about us at
Editor's Notes
ISBER AffiliationsEuropean, Middle-Eastern and African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking (ESBB)Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC)Forum for International Biobanking Organizations (FIBO)ISBER PartnershipsCryogenic Society of AmericaGenetic Alliance BioBank