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Seven ways to ensure your insurance program doesnt kill you(Canadian)Ann Rosenfield, CFRE(developed with Ruth DSouza)(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
7 Ways to SuccessAre you thinking of starting an insurance program but not sure where to begin?Is your insurance program running you (instead of the other way around)?油  Do you have tough questions about an insurance policy and not sure who to ask?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
We are under the cone of silence(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Starting an insurance programGetting off on the right foot(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #1Set the ground rulesRecommended rulesMinimum amountPaid off within a given, short, periodDonor agreementManaging communications(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #2Get helpEnsure you have reliable, unbiased, adviceCanadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP)- $290+tax(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
CAGPPlanforgifts.com(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
CAGPA Charitable Guide to Planning Giving WebsiteDeWayne Osbourn(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
CAGPPlanned Giving for Canadians(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #3Not so fast with the charity partnerThree hard questionsDoes the fundraiser know what theyre talking about?Does the charity has access to appropriate infrastructure?Does the charity have the infrastructure to manage a 30 year relationship?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #3Not so fast with the professional advisor Three hard questionsHow does the advisor get paid?What is in it for them to volunteer?Do you have the expertise to ensure the donor and charities interest are protected?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Running your programDont let your program run you(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #4How to growHow will you market?Who will you target?Consortium AdsFree Wills MonthFree Wills Program(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Free Wills MonthCould be adapted to Life Insurance(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Free Wills ProgramCould be adapted to life insurance(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #4How to growHow will you market?Consortium AdsFree Wills MonthFree Wills ProgramMail/PhoneCollective Forum(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Collective ForumThis approach has also been tried in Ottawa with good results(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #5Who will you target?Under 70 years oldStrong data>= $100 single donation< $5,000 single donation3 or more giftsMulti-affiliated(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #5Who will you target?Over 70 years oldWeak dataEvent participantsIn memory/In celebration donorsLottery/raffle ticket purchasersAuction donor/buyerGift in kind donor(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #6Stewardship(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Way #7Dont be afraid to say No, thank you.Decline an offerCash in a policy on premium offset(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
RecapAre you thinking of starting an insurance program but not sure where to begin?油Set the ground rulesGet help - CAGPNot so fast with the charity partner/professional advisorsIs your insurance program running you (instead of the other way around)?油 Do you have tough questions about an insurance policy and not sure who to ask?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
RecapAre you thinking of starting an insurance program but not sure where to begin?油Is your insurance program running you (instead of the other way around)?油How to grow - Marketing Who will you target?StewardshipDont be afraid to say No, thank youDo you have tough questions about an insurance policy and not sure who to ask?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
Thank you!arosenfield@woodgreen.org(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
More resources(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE

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Seven Ways To Ensure Your Insurance Program Doesnt Kill You Linked In Sept 2011

  • 1. Seven ways to ensure your insurance program doesnt kill you(Canadian)Ann Rosenfield, CFRE(developed with Ruth DSouza)(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 2. 7 Ways to SuccessAre you thinking of starting an insurance program but not sure where to begin?Is your insurance program running you (instead of the other way around)?油 Do you have tough questions about an insurance policy and not sure who to ask?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 3. We are under the cone of silence(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 4. Starting an insurance programGetting off on the right foot(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 5. Way #1Set the ground rulesRecommended rulesMinimum amountPaid off within a given, short, periodDonor agreementManaging communications(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 6. Way #2Get helpEnsure you have reliable, unbiased, adviceCanadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP)- $290+tax(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 7. CAGPPlanforgifts.com(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 8. CAGPA Charitable Guide to Planning Giving WebsiteDeWayne Osbourn(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 9. CAGPPlanned Giving for Canadians(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 10. Way #3Not so fast with the charity partnerThree hard questionsDoes the fundraiser know what theyre talking about?Does the charity has access to appropriate infrastructure?Does the charity have the infrastructure to manage a 30 year relationship?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 11. Way #3Not so fast with the professional advisor Three hard questionsHow does the advisor get paid?What is in it for them to volunteer?Do you have the expertise to ensure the donor and charities interest are protected?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 12. Running your programDont let your program run you(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 13. Way #4How to growHow will you market?Who will you target?Consortium AdsFree Wills MonthFree Wills Program(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 14. Free Wills MonthCould be adapted to Life Insurance(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 15. Free Wills ProgramCould be adapted to life insurance(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 16. Way #4How to growHow will you market?Consortium AdsFree Wills MonthFree Wills ProgramMail/PhoneCollective Forum(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 17. Collective ForumThis approach has also been tried in Ottawa with good results(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 18. Way #5Who will you target?Under 70 years oldStrong data>= $100 single donation< $5,000 single donation3 or more giftsMulti-affiliated(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 19. Way #5Who will you target?Over 70 years oldWeak dataEvent participantsIn memory/In celebration donorsLottery/raffle ticket purchasersAuction donor/buyerGift in kind donor(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 20. Way #6Stewardship(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 21. Way #7Dont be afraid to say No, thank you.Decline an offerCash in a policy on premium offset(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 22. RecapAre you thinking of starting an insurance program but not sure where to begin?油Set the ground rulesGet help - CAGPNot so fast with the charity partner/professional advisorsIs your insurance program running you (instead of the other way around)?油 Do you have tough questions about an insurance policy and not sure who to ask?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 23. RecapAre you thinking of starting an insurance program but not sure where to begin?油Is your insurance program running you (instead of the other way around)?油How to grow - Marketing Who will you target?StewardshipDont be afraid to say No, thank youDo you have tough questions about an insurance policy and not sure who to ask?(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 24. Thank you!arosenfield@woodgreen.org(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE
  • 25. More resources(c) 2011 Ruth D'Souza and Ann Rosenfield, CFRE

Editor's Notes

  • #9: Advise what he charges an hour