Сегодня мы все часто используем слова agile, scrum, continues development. Большинство рассматривает их просто, как какие-то способы по-новому создавать продукт. На самом деле за последние годы мы прошли фундаментальное изменение подхода к разработке продуктов, создания команд, и общения, как внутри группы, так и вне. Основа таких изменений лежит в управлении и создании команды. В своем докладе Женя расскажет, как современные изменения затронули management проектов и команд и что еще нас ждет впереди.
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Женя Розинский: Управление или лидерство. Уход от командования и контроля
How many of you had an employee easy to manage
How many of you had an employee hard to manage
How many of you hade a genius employee – was he or she easy to manage?
How many of you are managers (meaning have people that you manage)
How many of you consider yourself leaders (meaning you influence other people)
Haw many of you work for outsourcing companies
How many of you work for product companies
Despite the name of the lecture it’s not about Management nor Leadership. We have 40 minutes and in that time I can’t even begin to cover it. Also I am sure many of you know enough about the subject. On top of it there are plenty of books and material already published. I have a separate full class where I get in details about Management, Leadership, and what it takes to build a team, но как говориться песня эта не о том.
Outsourcing vs Product companies – they are different
Product companies setup their own process and do what’s right for them
Outsourcing companies do what their customers tell them.
In product you can lead, you can make a difference, you can bring changes
Even outsourcing companies have a lot of options in choosing their path. Leadership is about trust. Leadership is about working with RIGHT people.
in outsource you follow what your customer wants, but wait....you can still change. you can be a partner. Clients are looking for help. they don't need coders, they don't need doers. they want partners
We hear a lot of self controlling teams with agile, but it’s not about a process. it’s about attitude. it’s about people. it’s about executives.
Ticketmaster story. Switching to agile didn't provide results. Agile turned into 2 weeks waterfall. Mentally hasn't changed. Product owner didn't become owners. Refused open communications. Refused video for conferences.
Story about legal company where people punch in and out
Zappos gets rid of all managers goes flat
Google used not have managers.
Facebook has a very flat Org
- Flat organizations is nothing new - Sun Microsystems - Member of technical staff
- Company in NY making salaries public
Teams are distributed
Do you think a manager a Google tells their people what they need to do.
No more Human Resources – it’s talent management, human engineering, relationship managers.
It’s not about how many
Oil, Resourses
Gas from one barrel is the same as from another.
how many of you think you are responsible for loosing a key player
how many of you think you are responsible for saving a key player
Hire people that are right people, not those that have skills
Story about ping-pong at Provectus
Team for superbawl. do you want someone who runs fast of someone who plays a team
Talk about silly things like air flow, coffee, etc.
You are spoiled brats
How many of you ready to pick up trash and take it out
Ho many you bought coffee or pizza for your team, what about your own money