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DIY Gift List Organizer
Whether it's the holiday season or another special occasion, have you ever had trouble
coming up with gift ideas, remembering the gift you've given, or tracking your gifting?
Then this is the app for you!
It's available for free in the Google Play Store but if you wondered how I created it, this
guide walks you through my process.
How I Created This App
By Madeline Clarke, AppSheet
What you need:
A Google account and a blank
Google Sheets spreadsheet
thats all!
Got everything? Lets get started!
 Build an app that helps you plan and list
gifts youve given for special occasions
 Design the app data structure
 Create different UX views and automate
 Deploy the app for personal use
What youll do:
Add the following columns:
1. PersonID: Will contain an auto-generated .
xxxxxdistinct ID for each recipient
2. First Name: Recipients first name
3. Last Name: Recipients last name
4. Email: Recipients preferred email address
Create a new Google Sheet named Recipients
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5. Phone Num: Recipients phone number
6. Address: Recipients street address
7. Birthday: Recipients birthday
8. Image: Upload a picture of the person
9. Potential Gift: A gift idea for this person
Add the following columns:
1. StoreID: Will contain an auto-generated
distinct ID for each store
2. Store Name: Write the name of stores where
you like to shop, in person or online
3. Website: Add the stores website
4. Location: Add the stores location if its a
physical store
5. Notes: Anything about the store that you want
to remember
1 2 3 4 5
Create a new Google Sheet named Store
Add the following columns:
1. GiftID: Will contain an auto-generated distinct
xxxxxID for each gift
2. Recipient: The person youve given this gift to
3. Gift: The name of the gift
4. Date: The date on which youve given the gift
5. Price: How much you spent on the gift
6. Bought Already?: Whether youve purchased
xxxxxthe gift yet
7. Sent/given?: Whether youve given the gift to a
8. Purchase Location: Where you bought it
9. Occasion/Holiday: When you gave this gift
10. Image: Add a picture of the gift
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Create a new Google Sheet named Gift
Add the following columns:
1. GiftIdeaID: Will contain an auto-generated
distinct ID for each gift idea
2. Gift: The name of the gift idea
3. Description: An optional, brief description of the
gift idea
4. Price: The price of the gift
5. StoreID: The ID number of the store where you
can purchase the gift
6. Image: A picture of the gift
7. Potential Recipients: People you might want to
give this to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Create a new Google Sheet named Gift Ideas
Next: Install AppSheet Adds-on
With an AppSheet add-on, building a functional app
takes less than 5 minutes.
To install the add-on:
1. Go to: Add-ons > Get add-ons
2. Search for AppSheet
3. Install AppSheet add-on
4. Go to Add-ons > AppSheet > Launch
5. Press GO
Install an AppSheet add-on
Next: Configure App Definitions
Next: Configure App Definitions
Configure App Definitions
You may access these settings via the side navigation
1. Data
To create a Gift Planning App, you need to configure three main components.
2. UX 3. Behavior
Add Your Tables
Toggle to Data and add your tables in the Tables tab
If you had questions about the process
of adding your data, catch up by seeing
our version of the app here:
Version 1 Gift Planning App
Tip: Make sure each of your tables
allows updates, adds, and deletes.
Checkpoint 1: Tables Added
To save time, automatically fill in the data in the ID
fields using AppSheets column expressions.
To make these changes, go to:
1. Data > Columns
2. Click Show for the table you want
Editing Column Structure
You can start with the Gift table.
[GiftID] is a text type unique label for each gift. Instead of typing
123456 or 1234567, set up this column to generate a random
combination of number and letters:
1. Click Show under Gift
2. Find [GiftID] and click on:
3. Scroll down to the Initial Value field
4. In the text box, write: UNIQUEID()
5. Click OK and Save
6. Repeat this process for RecipientID, GiftIdeaID, and StoreID
*UNIQUEID() is an expression that generates a unique combination of number
and letters
Edit the ID columns
You may have noticed that in the sheets youve created, the Gift table has columns
for recipients, and a store where you can buy the item.
You can use the unique IDs you just added to your column structure to link your
Recipients to your Gift Ideas in the Gift table.
This is because there is a many-to-many relationship between people and gifts. Each
person can receive many gifts and multiple gifts can go to each person.
The next step is to create these references in your column structure. You can learn
more about References Between Tables.
References between tables
1. Select Show under Gift
2. Select the edit icon
3. Select Ref in the Type dropdown
4. Select Gift Ideas in the referenced
table dropdown
Now the Gift table is getting the gift value
from the Gift Idea table!
Adding references to Gift table: Gift Idea
Follow the same steps as the previous slide
to create a reference in the Gift table to the
Recipients table.
Adding references to Gift table: Recipients
For this part, youll follow the same steps you just completed to create additional references.
Gift Ideas Table
1. Make the [Store] column a Ref type, referencing the Store table
2. Make the [Potential Recipient] column a Ref type, referencing the Recipients table
Now your gift ideas correspond with a list of potential recipients and a list of stores where you
can buy them! Yay!
Recipients Table
1. Make the [Potential Gift] column a Ref type, referencing the Gift Ideas table
Adding the rest of your references
The editor automatically generates some columns when you make these
references between tables, but theyre probably named something
meaningless like Related Gift Ideas [ Potential Recipients].
To rename them:
1. Select the edit icon
2. Scroll down to the Display Name
3. Write the expression CONCATENATE(What you want to say
,[Column Name])
4. Example: CONCATENATE(Gifts Ive Given ,[First Name]) will
show up as Gifts Ive Given Anna or Gifts Ive Given Joel
depending on the persons first name
Making computed columns useful
If you had questions about the process of adding references and virtual columns or changing
column names, catch up by seeing our version of the app here:
Version 2 Gift Planning App
Checkpoint 2: Column Structure
Your Apps UX
Now that youve defined your data, its time to make your
app easily usable and visually appealing.
Next: Customize Your User Experience
You may notice that there are multiple views for the
Gift Ideas table.
To edit or delete a view, select it.
1. Toggle to the UX tab
2. Select one of the views for the Gift Ideas table
3. Rename view to Gift Ideas
4. Select the Gallery view button
5. Assign it the position of center
6. You can select a more interesting icon, like a
7. Save your changes
The Gift Ideas View
Follow the same pattern as the Gift Ideas
view to create views for the Recipient and
Store tables. Make the recipient view a deck
view and name it People and make the
view for stores a table.
The People View and Store View
1. Follow the first six steps from the previous
2. Group by Gift Ascending
a. Leave the group aggregate = NONE
b. This will allow you to see the gifts
youve given sorted by gift
3. Save your changes
The Gifts Given View
1. Follow the same steps as on
slides 18-20 to create another
view for the Store table.
2. Make it a Map view this time
and position it in the menu.
Creating a Map View of Stores
1. Go to the UX tab
2. Add a new view as you would normally
3. Name it Add a Gift
4. Choose the Gift table as its source
5. Make it a form view
6. Select ref for its position
7. Create another view just like it
a. This view should be exactly the same,
but named Add a Gift from Gift Idea
Now youre ready to change your apps
Creating ref views to use for actions
If you had questions about the process of adding views, catch up by seeing our version of the app here:
Version 3 Gift Planning App
Checkpoint 3: UX Views Added
Next: Customize your apps behavior
Your apps behavior
Now that your data is defined and youve created views for your gift ideas, gifts,
and people, its time to make everything work together smoothly.
Next up: add some actions!
1. Toggle to the Behavior tab
2. Make sure youre on the Actions section
3. Scroll down to the bottom and select Hide
System Actions. This will make it easier to see
the changes you want to make.
Creating actions to link your views
1. Toggle to Behavior > Actions
2. Add a new action
3. Name the action Gift
4. Select Gift Ideas for the table
5. Make sure the condition is set to true
6. Select Go to another view or app
7. Enter the expression: LINKTOFORM("Add a Gift from
Gift Idea", "Gift", [GiftIdeaID])
8. Make a present icon
9. Select Display Overlay
Now you can choose a gift idea and add a gift!
Creating actions to link your views
1. Create another action and call it Gift!
2. Choose Recipients for the table
3. Use expression for the target: LINKTOFORM("Add a
Gift from Recipient", "Recipient", [PersonID])
4. Make the rest of the action exactly the same as the one
you created on the previous slide.
Now you have an action that will let you add a gift for a
certain person from your list of people.
Creating actions to link your views
You may have noticed that there a lot of icons in
various places in your app. If you dont want them to
be visible, you can hide their display.
On the right, there is an email icon for people that you
may not want to appear.
To fix this:
1. Toggle to Behavior > Actions
2. Select Show System Actions
3. Select Do not display for the action icon youd
like to hide
Hiding system actions (optional)
If you had questions about the process of adding actions, catch up by seeing our version of the app here:
Version 4 Gift Planning App
Checkpoint 4: Actions Added
Next: Deploy Your App
Time to deploy your app!
You just finished the entire app definition for your gift planning app! *give
yourself a pat on the back*
Whats next? Deploy your app!
To deploy your app:
1. Go to Info > Documentation > Turn on
Personal Use Only > Save
2. 2. Security > Require Sign-In > Turn on Require
user authentication > Save
Third Step:
Manage > Deploy >
Deployment Check > Click
Move app to Deployed State
Deploy your personal use app
If you had questions about the process of deploying your app, catch up by seeing our version of the app here:
Version 5 Gift Planning App
Checkpoint 5: App Deployed
Congratulations, App Creator!
Youve just made an app without any coding!
With this gift organization app, giving gifts to your friends
and family will be so much easier.
If you have any questions about your Gift Planning app,
please feel free to reach out to us at any of our channels.
CONCATENATE(Gifts Ive Given ,[First Name])
The CONCATENATE() function takes in two values and puts them together so that they appear to be a single
value. Here, its useful to concatenate so that we can have the column [First Name] or the column [Gift] be
unique to whichever gift or person is being referenced.
The part in quotes is customizable. It doesnt change from person to person, in the example above. The value of
the persons first name is obtained for the second part, so it depends on which person is being referenced.
Therefore, the column name can change dynamically: it can be Gifts Ive Given Ben for Ben and Gifts Ive
Given Heather for Heather.
Expression Breakdown
Back to App Building
LINKTOFORM("Add a Gift from Gift Idea", "Gift", [GiftIdeaID])
The LINKTOFORM() expression used in the actions takes three things. The first is the ref view that was created
in the UX > Views section. The second is the name of the column that will be filled in. The final piece is the ID of
the table that the action is pointing from.
Expression Breakdown
Back to App Building

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Gift planning slideshare

  • 1. DIY Gift List Organizer
  • 2. Whether it's the holiday season or another special occasion, have you ever had trouble coming up with gift ideas, remembering the gift you've given, or tracking your gifting? Then this is the app for you! It's available for free in the Google Play Store but if you wondered how I created it, this guide walks you through my process. How I Created This App By Madeline Clarke, AppSheet
  • 3. What you need: A Google account and a blank Google Sheets spreadsheet thats all! Got everything? Lets get started! & Build an app that helps you plan and list gifts youve given for special occasions Design the app data structure Create different UX views and automate data Deploy the app for personal use What youll do:
  • 4. Add the following columns: 1. PersonID: Will contain an auto-generated . xxxxxdistinct ID for each recipient 2. First Name: Recipients first name 3. Last Name: Recipients last name 4. Email: Recipients preferred email address Create a new Google Sheet named Recipients 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5. Phone Num: Recipients phone number 6. Address: Recipients street address 7. Birthday: Recipients birthday 8. Image: Upload a picture of the person 9. Potential Gift: A gift idea for this person
  • 5. Add the following columns: 1. StoreID: Will contain an auto-generated distinct ID for each store 2. Store Name: Write the name of stores where you like to shop, in person or online 3. Website: Add the stores website 4. Location: Add the stores location if its a physical store 5. Notes: Anything about the store that you want to remember 1 2 3 4 5 Create a new Google Sheet named Store
  • 6. Add the following columns: 1. GiftID: Will contain an auto-generated distinct xxxxxID for each gift 2. Recipient: The person youve given this gift to 3. Gift: The name of the gift 4. Date: The date on which youve given the gift 5. Price: How much you spent on the gift 6. Bought Already?: Whether youve purchased xxxxxthe gift yet 7. Sent/given?: Whether youve given the gift to a xxxxxrecipient 8. Purchase Location: Where you bought it 9. Occasion/Holiday: When you gave this gift 10. Image: Add a picture of the gift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Create a new Google Sheet named Gift
  • 7. Add the following columns: 1. GiftIdeaID: Will contain an auto-generated distinct ID for each gift idea 2. Gift: The name of the gift idea 3. Description: An optional, brief description of the gift idea 4. Price: The price of the gift 5. StoreID: The ID number of the store where you can purchase the gift 6. Image: A picture of the gift 7. Potential Recipients: People you might want to give this to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Create a new Google Sheet named Gift Ideas Next: Install AppSheet Adds-on
  • 8. With an AppSheet add-on, building a functional app takes less than 5 minutes. To install the add-on: 1. Go to: Add-ons > Get add-ons 2. Search for AppSheet 3. Install AppSheet add-on 4. Go to Add-ons > AppSheet > Launch 5. Press GO 2 3 1 Install an AppSheet add-on Next: Configure App Definitions
  • 9. Next: Configure App Definitions Configure App Definitions You may access these settings via the side navigation 1. Data To create a Gift Planning App, you need to configure three main components. 2. UX 3. Behavior
  • 10. Add Your Tables Toggle to Data and add your tables in the Tables tab
  • 11. If you had questions about the process of adding your data, catch up by seeing our version of the app here: Version 1 Gift Planning App Tip: Make sure each of your tables allows updates, adds, and deletes. Checkpoint 1: Tables Added
  • 12. To save time, automatically fill in the data in the ID fields using AppSheets column expressions. To make these changes, go to: 1. Data > Columns 2. Click Show for the table you want 1 2 1 Editing Column Structure
  • 13. You can start with the Gift table. [GiftID] is a text type unique label for each gift. Instead of typing 123456 or 1234567, set up this column to generate a random combination of number and letters: 1. Click Show under Gift 2. Find [GiftID] and click on: 3. Scroll down to the Initial Value field 4. In the text box, write: UNIQUEID() 5. Click OK and Save 6. Repeat this process for RecipientID, GiftIdeaID, and StoreID *UNIQUEID() is an expression that generates a unique combination of number and letters 4 1 2 3 5 4 Edit the ID columns
  • 14. You may have noticed that in the sheets youve created, the Gift table has columns for recipients, and a store where you can buy the item. You can use the unique IDs you just added to your column structure to link your Recipients to your Gift Ideas in the Gift table. This is because there is a many-to-many relationship between people and gifts. Each person can receive many gifts and multiple gifts can go to each person. The next step is to create these references in your column structure. You can learn more about References Between Tables. References between tables
  • 15. 1 2 3 4 5 1. Select Show under Gift 2. Select the edit icon 3. Select Ref in the Type dropdown 4. Select Gift Ideas in the referenced table dropdown Now the Gift table is getting the gift value from the Gift Idea table! Adding references to Gift table: Gift Idea
  • 16. Follow the same steps as the previous slide to create a reference in the Gift table to the Recipients table. Adding references to Gift table: Recipients 1 2 3 4 5
  • 17. For this part, youll follow the same steps you just completed to create additional references. Gift Ideas Table 1. Make the [Store] column a Ref type, referencing the Store table 2. Make the [Potential Recipient] column a Ref type, referencing the Recipients table Now your gift ideas correspond with a list of potential recipients and a list of stores where you can buy them! Yay! Recipients Table 1. Make the [Potential Gift] column a Ref type, referencing the Gift Ideas table Adding the rest of your references
  • 18. The editor automatically generates some columns when you make these references between tables, but theyre probably named something meaningless like Related Gift Ideas [ Potential Recipients]. To rename them: 1. Select the edit icon 2. Scroll down to the Display Name 3. Write the expression CONCATENATE(What you want to say ,[Column Name]) 4. Example: CONCATENATE(Gifts Ive Given ,[First Name]) will show up as Gifts Ive Given Anna or Gifts Ive Given Joel depending on the persons first name Making computed columns useful
  • 19. If you had questions about the process of adding references and virtual columns or changing column names, catch up by seeing our version of the app here: Version 2 Gift Planning App Checkpoint 2: Column Structure
  • 20. Your Apps UX Now that youve defined your data, its time to make your app easily usable and visually appealing. Next: Customize Your User Experience
  • 21. You may notice that there are multiple views for the Gift Ideas table. To edit or delete a view, select it. 1. Toggle to the UX tab 2. Select one of the views for the Gift Ideas table 3. Rename view to Gift Ideas 4. Select the Gallery view button 5. Assign it the position of center 6. You can select a more interesting icon, like a lightbulb 7. Save your changes 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Gift Ideas View
  • 22. Follow the same pattern as the Gift Ideas view to create views for the Recipient and Store tables. Make the recipient view a deck view and name it People and make the view for stores a table. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The People View and Store View
  • 23. 1. Follow the first six steps from the previous slides. 2. Group by Gift Ascending a. Leave the group aggregate = NONE b. This will allow you to see the gifts youve given sorted by gift 3. Save your changes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Gifts Given View
  • 24. 1 1. Follow the same steps as on slides 18-20 to create another view for the Store table. 2. Make it a Map view this time and position it in the menu. Creating a Map View of Stores
  • 25. 1. Go to the UX tab 2. Add a new view as you would normally 3. Name it Add a Gift 4. Choose the Gift table as its source 5. Make it a form view 6. Select ref for its position 7. Create another view just like it a. This view should be exactly the same, but named Add a Gift from Gift Idea Now youre ready to change your apps behavior! 1 2 3 6 4 5 Creating ref views to use for actions
  • 26. If you had questions about the process of adding views, catch up by seeing our version of the app here: Version 3 Gift Planning App Checkpoint 3: UX Views Added
  • 27. Next: Customize your apps behavior Your apps behavior Now that your data is defined and youve created views for your gift ideas, gifts, and people, its time to make everything work together smoothly. Next up: add some actions!
  • 28. 1. Toggle to the Behavior tab 2. Make sure youre on the Actions section 3. Scroll down to the bottom and select Hide System Actions. This will make it easier to see the changes you want to make. 1 2 3 Creating actions to link your views
  • 29. 1. Toggle to Behavior > Actions 2. Add a new action 3. Name the action Gift 4. Select Gift Ideas for the table 5. Make sure the condition is set to true 6. Select Go to another view or app 7. Enter the expression: LINKTOFORM("Add a Gift from Gift Idea", "Gift", [GiftIdeaID]) 8. Make a present icon 9. Select Display Overlay Now you can choose a gift idea and add a gift! 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 8 9 Creating actions to link your views
  • 30. 1. Create another action and call it Gift! 2. Choose Recipients for the table 3. Use expression for the target: LINKTOFORM("Add a Gift from Recipient", "Recipient", [PersonID]) 4. Make the rest of the action exactly the same as the one you created on the previous slide. Now you have an action that will let you add a gift for a certain person from your list of people. Creating actions to link your views
  • 31. You may have noticed that there a lot of icons in various places in your app. If you dont want them to be visible, you can hide their display. On the right, there is an email icon for people that you may not want to appear. To fix this: 1. Toggle to Behavior > Actions 2. Select Show System Actions 3. Select Do not display for the action icon youd like to hide Hiding system actions (optional)
  • 32. If you had questions about the process of adding actions, catch up by seeing our version of the app here: Version 4 Gift Planning App Checkpoint 4: Actions Added
  • 33. Next: Deploy Your App Time to deploy your app! You just finished the entire app definition for your gift planning app! *give yourself a pat on the back* Whats next? Deploy your app!
  • 34. To deploy your app: 1. Go to Info > Documentation > Turn on Personal Use Only > Save 2. 2. Security > Require Sign-In > Turn on Require user authentication > Save Third Step: Manage > Deploy > Deployment Check > Click Move app to Deployed State 3 2 1 3 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 Deploy your personal use app
  • 35. If you had questions about the process of deploying your app, catch up by seeing our version of the app here: Version 5 Gift Planning App Checkpoint 5: App Deployed
  • 36. Congratulations, App Creator! Youve just made an app without any coding! With this gift organization app, giving gifts to your friends and family will be so much easier.
  • 37. If you have any questions about your Gift Planning app, please feel free to reach out to us at any of our channels. Enjoy.
  • 38. CONCATENATE(Gifts Ive Given ,[First Name]) The CONCATENATE() function takes in two values and puts them together so that they appear to be a single value. Here, its useful to concatenate so that we can have the column [First Name] or the column [Gift] be unique to whichever gift or person is being referenced. The part in quotes is customizable. It doesnt change from person to person, in the example above. The value of the persons first name is obtained for the second part, so it depends on which person is being referenced. Therefore, the column name can change dynamically: it can be Gifts Ive Given Ben for Ben and Gifts Ive Given Heather for Heather. Expression Breakdown Back to App Building
  • 39. LINKTOFORM("Add a Gift from Gift Idea", "Gift", [GiftIdeaID]) The LINKTOFORM() expression used in the actions takes three things. The first is the ref view that was created in the UX > Views section. The second is the name of the column that will be filled in. The final piece is the ID of the table that the action is pointing from. Expression Breakdown Back to App Building