My Mother at Sixty-six by Kamala Das describes the feeling of fear of loss or separation from a parent (mother).It also describes the contrast between old and young age.
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My Mother at Sixty six by Kamala Das (class 12)
2. About the Poet
KAMALA DAS (1934-2009)
Known for her poetry, novels and
short stories
Penname Madhavikkutty
Earlier known as Kamala Surayya
After her Marriage to Madhav Das at
the age of 15, changed her name to
Kamala Das
Known for her sensitive but bold and
frank expression
Her works are known for their
originality, versatility and indigenous
flavor of the soil.
3. Introduction-
Through the lyrical idiom, this poem , the poet Kamala Das, expresses the feelings
and the bond that binds a mother and her daughter. With love and attachment
for mother, comes the fear of losing her due to old age. At the same time, she
contrasts between young and old age.
4. Driving from my parents
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her
and realised with
After visiting her parents, the poet is
going to Cochin airport on Friday
morning to catch a flight back home.
Poets mother is with her during the car
journey, to see her off at the airport. Poet looks
at her mother.
Poet finds her mother sleeping
(dozing) with her mouth open.
Poetic Device- SIMILE
Poet observes her mothers face is
pale/dull/ashen/pallid; and appears to be
lifeless like a corpse (dead body).
She feels the pain
realizing that her
mother is ageing.
5. and realized with
that she was as old
as she looked
but soon put that
thought away
and looked out
Poet realizes that her
mother is ageing. This
brings a painful thought
of losing her..
After seeing her mother
dozing (sleeping) off with
her mouth open, she
realises that her mother
is old and ageing fast.
She realizes that her
mother, who is as old and
weak as she appears to
be, will not live long. Poet is upset and sad after
realising the thought of her
mother not living for long. She
wants to remove her sad thought
of losing her mother. To distract
herself she looks outside from the
window of her speeding car.
6. After realizing that the mother is not going to
live long, the poet is sad.
To distract herself from that sad thought she
looks outside and finds the total contrast.
The images of young energetic trees and
happy children are opposite to old (almost
lifeless) mother and the sadness the poet is
7. And looked out at
Young Trees
the merry children
out of their homes,
Poet looks outside and
sees the trees running.
Poetic Device-
Through this image, the poet
wants to convey the higher
energy level, activeness,
agility and vitality of youth in
contrast to old age.
Children represent
CHILDHOOD, the beginning
(growth) stage of life in
contrast to OLD AGE (decay)
thats the last stage.
Children outside are happy
while the poet is sad.
She sees another image
of happy (merry) children
running out of their
8. but after the airports
security check,
standing a few yards
I looked again at her,
wan, pale
as a late winters moon
After reaching the airport, while
standing at the security check, the
poet looks back at her mother again.
She sees the weak ,pale and dull
(lusterless) face of her mother.
She compares her mothers pale and
dull appearance with winters moon.
Poetic Device- SIMILE
Late winters moon
This symbol defines the last stage
(decaying stage).
As winter is the last stage of seasonal
cycle, old age is the last stage of
human life.
Later parts of both stages reflect
paleness, dullness and weakness.
9. and felt that old
familiar ache,
my childhoods fear,
but all I said was,
see you soon, Amma,
all I did was smile and
smile and smile.....
Looking at mothers dull, pale
face brings back the pain
(ache) that she has been
familiar with (pain already
known to her)
This pain is due the fear since
her childhood- the fear of
losing her mother or being
separated from her mother.
The poet hides her pain and
simply says See you soon,
These four words are her parting
words to her mother before
catching flight.
While saying parting words,
the poet has smile on her face.
Poetic Device- REPETITION
(smile is used three times)
With her smile, the poet hides
her pain and hopes to meet
her mother next time.
10. Key Points
Poet going to airport, travelling by car, is accompanied by her
Mother sleeping with her mouth open, has pale and ashen face
Poet feels scared thinking that mother may die soon
Wants to distract herself thus looks outside
Sees complete contrast outside- trees sprinting and merry children
11. Key Points
Reaches airport, looks at mother again - who appears pale, dull like
late winter's moon
Again realises, with pain, the familiar and very old ( since childhood)
fear of loss, fear of separation from mother
Putting up a brave front, SMILES- hides her fear, doesn't want to
upset her mother and hopes to see her again
Says to mother- SEE YOU SOON, AMMA.