Karen is a mother of three children who works part-time and struggles to keep up with household chores. She brainstormed developing an iPhone app called "Household" to track and assign chores to family members. The app would allow Karen to monitor chores remotely and alert family if chores are not completed. Feedback suggested adding features like syncing between devices, taking photos of completed chores, and automating chore assignments. Additional potential features include individual login accounts, automatic reminders tied to allowances, and integrating payments. The process taught the importance of learning design and coding skills.
2. The brainstorming I started all this with the soundbite of the "practical" aspects of the family life. ? So i looked around, and wondered: what were the potential hot buttons in the family?
5. My POV: Karen is a mother of three kids, and kept her part time job.? She runs around all day, only to come home to find her children having left the laundry to fold, the dog to walk, and the dishes to clear away, even though they had initially offered to help. Karen is looking for a way to incentivize the household chores.
9. What this app accomplishes: keeps track of chores-- helps organize the entire household involves the entire family Karen can, from a distance, alert her family members chores haven't been done yet
10. some of the feedback I've collected: similar bridging of reality & virtual space my mom would have love something like this need a better indicator for adding chores to map
11. Some necessary features I wasn't able to include: way to sync w/ different family members actually taking photographs automating the chore activation
12. Some other potential features: Ppl have log-in account, which would include preferences, assigned chores, etc. with this assigned chore would come automatic nagging tie more explicitly to allowance: put in $ signs again, tie to a page that shows allowance
13. other prototypes Medalert: ? culturalmaps.org/medalert.html Family Connections: culturalmaps.org/familyconnections.html
14. Take aways: have NOT had ANY exposure to coding, to designing web-related documents, to adobe dreamweaver... etc, therefore: especially appreciated learning about the PROCESS of design challenged myself-- which is a must learned to be more systematic