This document discusses using customer data for retention and upselling in SaaS companies. It notes that customer retention costs much less than new customer acquisition, and most SaaS revenue comes from existing customers. It emphasizes the importance of understanding customers, their usage, needs and renewal likelihood in order to take targeted actions to improve retention and identify upselling opportunities. The document provides steps to build an organizational health system using customer data to turn it into actionable insights and influence renewal rates and upselling.
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Retention and upsale in using customer data
1. Copyright 息 Panaya LTD.
Retention and upsale
in using customer data
Ariel Utnik
VP Customer Success
2. Facts you must know about the SaaS business
New customer acquisition costs much more
(X6) than existing customer retention
Majority of revenue in SaaS companies
comes from existing customers (70-90%)
4. Based on that, are you sure you are doing
enough for your customers?
Do you understand What is the customer status?
Do you understand How they are using your solution?
Do you understand why they bought your solution?
Can you predict what will be your renewal rate?
Do you know what action you can take to impact the to
be churn customers?
Can you do it in a systematic way?
5. The data opportunity & challenge
Support case
Support Survey
Product Usage
Billing data
6. Can you point out the relevant data and
events for action?
7. Can we predict the outcome and
influence it in advance?
What is the right action
to convert the customer
to success?
8. Turning data into actionable knowledge while calculating, analyzing and
predicting individual customers towards increasing renewal rate.
9. How is upsale connected to retention?
Customer Success Manager is the trusted advisor and shouldnt sell products or
But he
Aware of the implementation phase and when is a good time to approach the
Can identify changes in usage that can be an opportunity (license utilization
Mostly aware of customer organizational challenges and what new offering
can address them
Using implementation of best practices and new methodologies he can drive a
demand of additional products and services
10. Dos and Dont
Understand your customers and build successful and churn profiles
When building customer profiles, less is more
Review and update their profiles they are not static
Compare your install base to those profiles and identify the gaps
Take action !! Do it as close as possible to the event
Engagement can be calculated only across time, data snapshots without
trends are misleading
Your health system should be dynamic and evolving
11. Seven steps to build your own organizational health
system and start turning data into actionable knowledge
1.Map your customer organizational data sources
2.Build your successful and churn customer profiles
3.Build your health system
4.Build playbooks
5.Prepare actionable reports
6.Predict expected churn
7.Tune & improve the system
12. Its Critical for your
business success
Its a journey, it continues
to evolve and never ends
Are YOU ready?