This document discusses research methodologies, including the definition, purpose, and types of research. It defines research as a systematic, scientific inquiry for new knowledge. The main types of research discussed are qualitative vs. quantitative research, basic vs. applied research, longitudinal vs. cross-sectional research, and philosophical, historical, survey, experimental, and case study research. The document also covers the motivations for conducting research.
2. Arti Penelitian
Tujuan Penelitian
Motivasi Penelitian
Tipe-tipe penelitian
3. a search for knowledge
a scientific and systematic search for
pertinent information on a specific topic
a careful investigation or inquiry specially
through search for new facts in any branch of
an original contribution to the existing stock
of knowledge making for its advancement
the search for knowledge through objective
and systematic method of finding solution to
a problem
4. Untuk menguatkan kedekatan dengan sebuah
phenomena atau untuk mendapatkan wawasan
baru kedalam objek yang akan diteliti
Dalam kajian atau riset yang diformulasikan
Untuk gambaran karakteristik yang tepat dari
sebuah objek, situasi atau grup
Penelitian deskriptif
Untuk menentukan tingkat kejadian dari suatu
Penelitian diagnosis
Untuk menguji hipotesis dari hubungan antar
Penelitian hipotesis-pengujian
5. Keinginan untuk mendapatkan tingkat penelitian
yang memberikan manfaat
Keinginan untuk menghadapi tantangan dalam
menyelesaikan masalah yang belum punya solusi
Fokus pada masalah-masalah praktis melalui penelitian
Keinginan untuk mendapatkan nilai
intelektualitas dengan melakukan beberapa
kegiatan kreatif
Keinginan untuk memberi layanan ke publik
Keinginan untuk mendapatkan suatu
penghargaan secara intelektual
6. Penelitian yang diarahkan untuk solusi dari suatu
Penelitian membutuhkan keahlian
Penelitian difokuskan pengembangan secara umum,
prinsipil atau teori untuk membantu prediksi kejadian
ke depan
Penelitian berdasarkan pengalaman observasi atau
bukti empiris
Penelitian dikarakterisasi dengan prosedur
perancangan secara hati-hati untuk analisis
penerapan yang jelas
Penelitian yang menjawab masalah yang belum
Dan lain-lain
7. On the basis of nature of information: On the
basis of nature of information we can classify the
research into two types;
Qualitative Research: When information is in the form of
qualitative data.
Quantitative Research: When information is in the form
of quantitative data.
On the basis of utility of content or nature of
subject matter of research: On the basis of these
criteria we can categorize the research into two
Basic/ Fundamental /pure or Theoretical Research: Its
utility is universal.
Experimental or Applied Research: Its utility is limited.
8. On the basis of approach of research: We may
classify research into two different categories.
Longitudinal Research: Examples of this category are
historical, Case study and Genetic research.
Cross-Sectional Research: Examples of this category are
Experimental and Survey Research.
On the basis of method of research : On the
basis of research method we may classify a
research into five different categories.
Philosophical Research: It is purely qualitative in nature
and we are focusing on the vision of others on the
content of research.
Historical Research: It is both qualitative as well as
quantitative in nature and deals with past events.
9. On the basis of method of research : On the
basis of research method we may classify a
research into five different categories.
Survey Research: It deals with present events and is
quantitative in nature. It may further be sub-
divided into; discretional, correlational and
exploratory type of research.
Experimental Research: This is purely quantitative
in nature and deals with future events.
Case-Study Research: It deals with unusual events.
It may be qualitative as well as quantitative in
nature depending upon the content.