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Improving Childrens
Mental Health in Racine
Its All Connected
Because were all
Healthy children develop into healthy, contributing
adults who keep Racine strong and growing. Mental
health is a critical component of child wellbeing
yet thousands of children in Racine develop mental
health problems that go undetected and untreated.
The consequences are real and measurable: Without
appropriate services, our children may face school
failure, juvenile justice involvement, hospitalization,
and even death.
Its time to work together to increase access to high-
quality mental health support and interventionto
help children lead healthier, more productive lives,
and to help Racine thrive.
ChallengeChildren across Racine
need better access to
mental health services.
An estimated 7,000 children face
mental health disorders.
More than 10 percent show serious
behavior problems before age 5.
An estimated 80 percent of children
do not receive the treatment they need.
The Racine Collaborative for Childrens Mental
Health, convened through The Johnson Foundation at
Wingspread, unites more than 80 community leaders
to improve care access and coordination.
Connect to bring hope
Reduce juvenile justice
involvement due to mental
health issues
Decrease school suspensions
and expulsions
Increase high school
graduation rates for students
with mental health issues
Improve childrens social and
emotional health
Here are our goals:
The lines are long.
The walls are high.
?	 Insurance issues and high service costs
?	 Transportation difficulties
?	 Overburdened caregivers
?	 Language barriers
?	 Unclear starting points
?	 Social stigma
?	 Workforce and service shortages
Children and families seeking care
face staggering barriers:
Connect children to care
Heres how well increase
the likelihood of detection
and treatment:
24/7 phone line to connect families
to the right service
In-school mental health services
Screening for early detection
Education for teachers and parents
Community-wide anti-stigma
The system is
and confusing.
Services to improve childrens mental health in
Racine dont coordinate efforts. Its hard to know
whats available. Families and children must
often navigate on their own.
Connect providers,
referrers and families
Heres how well
bring the parts together:
Care organizers to help families
develop and follow a plan
Childrens Mental Health
Network to link providers
and referrers
Lunch-and-learn sessions to
educate pediatricians and
nurse practitioners
The problems roots
are deep and complex.
Risk factors such as early childhood trauma,
low birth weight, and prenatal damage from
alcohol, drugs or tobacco cant be removed
overnight. Racine faces additional challenges,
such as high rates of child poverty.
Connect with us
Get informed. Download Top of Mind,
a clear summary of our research and Racines
challenges, at www.johnsonfdn.org
Learn more about the collaborative,
tell your story, or find out about mental
health resources in our community at
Heres how you can help our
collaborative speak up for
Racines children:
If you or someone you know needs help now, start here:
Racine County Crisis Services Line: 262-638-6741
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in Racine:
262-637-0582 or www.namiracine.org
Summer 2014
?	 Launch 24/7 phone line
?	 Launch care organizers
Fall 2014
?	 Promote 24/7 phone line
and care organizers
?	 Launch community-wide
anti-stigma campaign
?	 Pilot mental health
literacy program
?	 Expand hospital
lunch-and-learn sessions
?	 Assess desire for and
design provider network
Taking Action
?	 Implement provider network
?	 Pilot school-based
mental health services
?	 Pilot screening tool
?	 Continue and refine
programs and solutions
Lets all work together to improve Racine
childrens mental health and wellbeing.
Heres our plan for the next year.
Mission: The Racine Collaborative for Childrens Mental
Health educates, advocates and mobilizes community leaders
and professional resources to deliver quality, coordinated and
comprehensive support services so that all children might lead
healthy and vibrant lives.
Vision: We envision a community that recognizes and
provides for the mental health needs of all children and
maintains a supportive and coordinated system of care dedicated
to relieving unnecessary suffering and optimizing opportunities
for children to enjoy fulfilling and productive lives.
Catholic Charities of the
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
CESA 5 (Cooperative Educational
Service Agency)
Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin
Community Services
City of Racine Police Department
Family Service of Racine
Granite Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc.
Juvenile Aftercare Ministries (JAM)
Kane Communications Group
LGBT Center of Southeastern
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin
Martin & Rosanne Poe Psychologists
Medical Support Services, Inc.
NAMI Racine County
Next Generation Now
Portis Marriage
and Child Therapy Clinic
Professional Services Group, Inc.
Racine Community Foundation, Inc.
Racine County Circuit Court
Racine County Human Services
Racine County University of
Wisconsin  Extension
Racine Kenosha Community Action
Agency (RKCAA)
Racine Unified School District
Rondi J. Rork, Ph.D., Licensed
SAFE Haven of Racine
St. Ritas Catholic Grade School
The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread
Therapy House
United Way of Racine County
University of Pennsylvania
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare 
All Saints
Wisconsin Department of
Health Services
Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma
Elimination (WISE)/Rogers InHealth
Wisconsin State Public Defenders Office
Word of Life Christian Worship Center
? 2014
Published by
The Johnson Foundation
at Wingspread
Design: Modern Media
Writer: Mary Jo Thome
Printed on recycled paper

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Racine Mental Health Brochure_FINAL

  • 2. Its All Connected Because were all Healthy children develop into healthy, contributing adults who keep Racine strong and growing. Mental health is a critical component of child wellbeing yet thousands of children in Racine develop mental health problems that go undetected and untreated. The consequences are real and measurable: Without appropriate services, our children may face school failure, juvenile justice involvement, hospitalization, and even death. Its time to work together to increase access to high- quality mental health support and interventionto help children lead healthier, more productive lives, and to help Racine thrive.
  • 4. ChallengeChildren across Racine need better access to mental health services.
  • 5. An estimated 7,000 children face mental health disorders. More than 10 percent show serious behavior problems before age 5. An estimated 80 percent of children do not receive the treatment they need.
  • 6. The Racine Collaborative for Childrens Mental Health, convened through The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread, unites more than 80 community leaders to improve care access and coordination. Connect to bring hope Solution
  • 7. Reduce juvenile justice involvement due to mental health issues Decrease school suspensions and expulsions Increase high school graduation rates for students with mental health issues Improve childrens social and emotional health Here are our goals:
  • 8. The lines are long. The walls are high. Challenge
  • 9. ? Insurance issues and high service costs ? Transportation difficulties ? Overburdened caregivers ? Language barriers ? Unclear starting points ? Social stigma ? Workforce and service shortages Children and families seeking care face staggering barriers:
  • 10. Connect children to care Solution
  • 11. Heres how well increase the likelihood of detection and treatment: 24/7 phone line to connect families to the right service In-school mental health services Screening for early detection Education for teachers and parents Community-wide anti-stigma campaign
  • 12. The system is fragmented and confusing. Challenge
  • 13. Services to improve childrens mental health in Racine dont coordinate efforts. Its hard to know whats available. Families and children must often navigate on their own.
  • 14. Connect providers, referrers and families Solution
  • 15. Heres how well bring the parts together: Care organizers to help families develop and follow a plan Childrens Mental Health Network to link providers and referrers Lunch-and-learn sessions to educate pediatricians and nurse practitioners
  • 16. The problems roots are deep and complex. Challenge
  • 17. Risk factors such as early childhood trauma, low birth weight, and prenatal damage from alcohol, drugs or tobacco cant be removed overnight. Racine faces additional challenges, such as high rates of child poverty.
  • 19. Get informed. Download Top of Mind, a clear summary of our research and Racines challenges, at www.johnsonfdn.org Learn more about the collaborative, tell your story, or find out about mental health resources in our community at www.HealthyRacineKids.org Heres how you can help our collaborative speak up for Racines children: If you or someone you know needs help now, start here: Racine County Crisis Services Line: 262-638-6741 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in Racine: 262-637-0582 or www.namiracine.org
  • 20. Summer 2014 ? Launch 24/7 phone line ? Launch care organizers Fall 2014 ? Promote 24/7 phone line and care organizers ? Launch community-wide anti-stigma campaign ? Pilot mental health literacy program ? Expand hospital lunch-and-learn sessions ? Assess desire for and design provider network Taking Action
  • 21. 2015 ? Implement provider network ? Pilot school-based mental health services ? Pilot screening tool ? Continue and refine programs and solutions Lets all work together to improve Racine childrens mental health and wellbeing. Heres our plan for the next year.
  • 22. Mission: The Racine Collaborative for Childrens Mental Health educates, advocates and mobilizes community leaders and professional resources to deliver quality, coordinated and comprehensive support services so that all children might lead healthy and vibrant lives. Vision: We envision a community that recognizes and provides for the mental health needs of all children and maintains a supportive and coordinated system of care dedicated to relieving unnecessary suffering and optimizing opportunities for children to enjoy fulfilling and productive lives.
  • 23. Partners: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee CESA 5 (Cooperative Educational Service Agency) Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services City of Racine Police Department Family Service of Racine Granite Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc. Juvenile Aftercare Ministries (JAM) Kane Communications Group LGBT Center of Southeastern Wisconsin Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin Martin & Rosanne Poe Psychologists Medical Support Services, Inc. NAMI Racine County Next Generation Now Portis Marriage and Child Therapy Clinic Professional Services Group, Inc. Racine Community Foundation, Inc. Racine County Circuit Court Racine County Human Services Department Racine County University of Wisconsin Extension Racine Kenosha Community Action Agency (RKCAA) Racine Unified School District Rondi J. Rork, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist SAFE Haven of Racine St. Ritas Catholic Grade School The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread Therapy House United Way of Racine County University of Pennsylvania Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare All Saints Wisconsin Department of Health Services Wisconsin Initiative for Stigma Elimination (WISE)/Rogers InHealth Wisconsin State Public Defenders Office Word of Life Christian Worship Center
  • 24. www.HealthyRacineKids.org ? 2014 Published by The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread Design: Modern Media Writer: Mary Jo Thome Printed on recycled paper